Buddy 170i

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Buddy 170i

Post by Duggle »

My wife and I went and bought a Genuine Buddy 170i on Saturday. I don't know what happened, guess she saw how much fun I've been having and decided to change her stance on "bikes are dangerous". Started saying things last week like "it would be fun to go for a ride and have a picnic" and that sort of thing.

Anyway, my PCX seems to be slightly too tall for her so I was looking at smaller choices. Also as my opposite (and a typical woman) she prefers form over function and wanted a traditional style scooter. Went to ScooterWest to check out the Buddys and the Kymco Like 200i. The Like had a stance that was a little wide at the floorboards so she didn't like that as much. She actually loved the Genuine Stella the most but since it was a shifter with a clutch it was out. She fell in love with the two-tone Buddys which was good because they are 170cc vs the single colored 125cc models. Decided she liked the mocha the best but could have taken any of the 170 models. Anyway, she just loves it because it's so cute, unlike my PCX which looks too much like a sport bike to her.

She was very nervous on her first ride Saturday, part of that was because the registration had fallen out of the car and we couldn't find it, turned into a big frustrating fiasco. We finally found it but we were kind of tense, I don't think that helped. Went for a longer ride around the neighborhood yesterday (about 4 or 5 miles) and had a lot of fun, she did not realize how much fun it would be and now has all these ideas about fun rides up the coast and all that (lol). For the first 100 miles I think we'll just stick to riding around Point Loma because of Genuine's engine break-in recommendations.



You can see I got my top box for the PCX... Sweet! Also, I rode the Buddy home for her when we bought it. My first impression is that it is not as nice as the Honda but I will never tell her that and risk spoiling the enjoyment for her. Performance wise, they are both very equal so it should be perfect for us riding together.

For the interested, this is what they say for engine break-in. I have definitely not been quite as restrained on the PCX.

Engine Break-In
0-620 mile
Proper engine break-in is critical to the longevity of the scooter’s engine. Every part of the engine should
be broken-in to obtain the proper clearances.
Please follow the proper break-in procedure:
1. 0-95 mile
Avoid applying more than ½ throttle. Cool down the engine 5-10 minutes per hour of riding.
Avoid cruising at a constant speed.
2. 95-310 mile
Avoid applying more than ½ throttle for extended periods of time.
Note: Change gear (2 stroke & 4 stroke engine)& engine (4 stroke engine) oil after 190 mile.
3. 310-620 mile
Avoid applying more than ¾ throttle.
4. Over 620 mile
Avoid applying full throttle for extended periods of time.
Note: Please contact your Genuine Scooter dealer if any problems take place during the break-in
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Re: Buddy 170i

Post by JoshM »

If I were of smaller stature, I'd love the Buddy 170. I like the UK (blue/white) version. However, being 6'1" and 240#... a Buddy isn't for me.

I'm glad your wife is interested in riding around with you. My wife says she prefers to ride 2-up... but I'm sure once I buy my next bike she'll use the PCX for commuting to work.
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