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Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 10:51 am
by gbru2505
Here's the scuffs from when I came down on the frost. Luckily I was moving slowly. I've used very fine grade sandpaper before. Would it do the trick on the front end? I've had some success taking scratches out of an acrylic rooltop bath in the past. I've no idea what to do about the rear scrape. There's actually a fixing visible through the 'crack'.

Incidentally posting another pick of heat damage from the tall Givi. Must have happened with an unlikely bout of hot weather a month or so ago. The pic isn't very clear, but the plastic has discoloured and there are slight undulations. I guess if I lived in the states or med, my bike would just be a blob of melted plastic by now!

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:11 pm
by gn2
Replacing the damaged panels is the best option.
Or leave as is.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:15 pm
by Mel46
I must say that I have not seen a panel melt on a PCX. I have taken my bike out in 100°F temps and the only thing that got really hot was the seat. I have a 2013 model with the tall Givi windscreen. Maybe Honda decided to make their panels a little thinner? It is interesting that any panel on their bike melts, especially since the bikes are built in SE Asia, which gets very hot in the summer months.

As far as the scuffs go, try working on the back ones first. They will be the least obvious. Start with the somewhat course sandpaper to knock off the rough edges. Then work your way down to fine and super fine sandpaper. Keep in mind that the paint thickness on the parts is not much, so you can find out how much effort will give you the results you want by working slowly. Good luck. If it does not work, at least those particular panels are inexpensive and easy to install. The front one?? Not so easy.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:31 pm
by Eiron
I guess it depends on how much it would bother you to see the scars every time you ride? If you use a light touch you might get the front scrapes acceptable, but the footpeg area is going to be more difficult to make pretty again.

Regarding the Givi, is it the bike plastic or the windscreen that's deforming? If it's the bike plastic, I wonder if it was parked at the right angle to generate some magnifying effect from the sun shining thru the windscreen?

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 4:27 pm
by gbru2505
The bike plastics. The warning that comes with the tall Givi is not to face the bike away from the sun, with the inside of the screen causing a concave reflection concentrated back onto the plastics. It was unusually hot in early March - with the sun low in the sky in the UK even at midday. I only noticed it a couple of weeks ago but don't really know when it happened for sure. I'll try to get a better picture of the distorted bodywork. I really don't know what else could have caused it. Others might have a better explanation.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 5:21 pm
by homie
I HAVE heard of melts! They're always around the windscreen. It takes just the right angle to searing sun to considerate the heat under OR near the edge of a windscreen. Something to think about when parking on a hot summer day. That's too bad but very interesting post... thanks for the reminder.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:39 pm
by gn2

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 6:40 am
by Mel46
Wow gn2, I am really surprised to read about a building doing that. I have seen buildings with reflective glass everywhere, many of them built way back in the '70s. Does this mean those buildings are just as dangerous as that "Walkie-Talkie" building?

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 7:29 am
by GeorgeSK
Check the curves on that building. While is looks awesomely cool, it also looks like a parabolic collector, and probably has a focal point that wasn't thought out very well.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 1:50 pm
by easyrider
Worried about the sun ?.The ground winds from that same bldg will give you a whirlwind ride.Great girl watching spot too.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 1:20 pm
by Eiron
gbru2505 wrote:The bike plastics. The warning that comes with the tall Givi is not to face the bike away from the sun, with the inside of the screen causing a concave reflection concentrated back onto the plastics.
Wow! I don't remember my Honda tall windscreen having the same warning. I'll have to find the install instructions and look for that! Thanks!!

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 1:23 pm
by Eiron
I'm surprised that there was only £946 damage (for the listed parts) to a Jaguar!!

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:58 am
by gbru2505
Here's a clearer pic of the distortion. Didn't think this would be possible during an English springtime.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 7:02 pm
by Old Grinner
Here's a clearer pic of the distortion. Didn't think this would be possible during an English springtime.
Hot damn!

Thank you for sharing this info . . ..

Sorry that it happened to you but FWIW you may have saved that aggravation from happening to countless others who paid heed to your warning! ;)

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 3:27 pm
by gbru2505
Yes. The tall Givi. Parking is tight on the street so I pop the bike out from the front garden onto the road as we use the car at weekends so we have parking when we get home. I used to take the cover off and leave it off if the weather was dry just to make it easy to wheel out, but I'll be keeping the cover on in sunny weather from now on. I need to have a think about parking it in the shade at work now too. I suppose owners in hot countries are more cautious, or just don't use tall screens. They seem popular in Italy though.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 4:53 pm
by you you
gbru2505 wrote:Here's a clearer pic of the distortion. Didn't think this would be possible during an English springtime.

It’s rain damage then.

Re: Scuffs and a melt!

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 7:05 am
by gbru2505
Ha, ha. Or freeze-thaw action.

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