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Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 12:01 pm
by BristolRoversfc
Just joined the forum and very excited about getting my 2018 grey pcx in about 10 days time.
Im 60 years old and decided to sell the wifes car(she can use mine)so ive ordered one from a dealer about 200 miles away.
Doing my CBT tomorrow as im going into hospital on Monday for a full knee replacement.
The dealer is going to deliver it about 8 days after my I can sit there and admire it until I feel fit(and safe enough)to go out on my first ride.
Its a "67"plate (Jan.2018),in grey with only 638 miles.
Its fitted with a tall screen and large topbox.
Hope to post some pics when I get it(leg permitting)
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:13 pm
by WhiteNoise
Cheers to you Bristol and to your soon-to-be PCX!! :P
It Sure Is Exciting, Nothing Compares! (well, almost). Every bike I've bought brings the same excitement to me...I mean, I lose sleep over it. Crazy me!! So yeah, I know about excitement! :P

About Knees....
Your knee. I bet the times up. Nobody makes that decision from the giddy up that I know of.
My sis has been putting off her surgery - she's bone on bone. Big Ouch! What's she doing? She read and heard about CBD Oil and now she's on it. And the Dang stuff is working for her. I wish it weren't. Why? I'm afraid she'll fall. That thought Scares me.

I have a few friends that have been through knee replacements (one and both), they've had very good/great results. So be strong "young man" you will be glad you did it. You may then say...."now Why didn't I do that Sooner!" :roll: Yep, heard that a lot from those same friends.

Your Plan...
PERFECT! I Love It! Great timing! In fact Sounds like I planned it myself! Operation first with A Pressie waiting home for Me!
I'm soooo with ya on that! 8)

BTW Member Limey just had his second knee done. I will say no more on this, not my place.
He may drop in and say a few words himself ;)

Good Luck Get'er Done! Please keep us posted on Everything Scoot and Knee related!

Lastly This...
We ask that you add your location to your profile. I have easy instructions to get that done below my post. Makes helping one another easier in the long run. ThanX! ;)

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:50 pm
by BristolRoversfc
Thank you Modsquad.
Nervous about the op.and excited about the bike..ha ha.
My consultant said 5 years ago that although(in his opinion)I was ready for a knee replacement,he felt that I was too young,so for the last 5 years,ive had a metal plate inserted under my kneecap to help keep the joint reasonably straight until now.
His reasons were that the knee replacement could only last approx.15-20 years(depending on the individual) and then have to carry out another knee operation.
Anyway,lets get it over and done with and hopefully start enjoying life once more(reasonably free from pain).
Will definitely post again to report progress.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:24 pm
by JohnL
I'm 77 and had my titanium knee for about 5 years, after putting up with pain for over 3 years. Best thing that ever happened. Only drawback is I can't kneel down, that's no biggie. It took about a year to get used to the clunking sound it occasionally makes, but my specialist was right I don't even notice it now.

Go for it. :D :D :D

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:48 pm
by RikudoPCX
Hey BristolRoversfc, I hope the surgery goes well for you on Monday and wish you a speedy recovery so that you can ride your PCX as soon as possible. Your consultant is wise in delaying the operation as they do last 15-20 years and hopefully after living a long life, going for another operation when you are 80 would be very difficult on your body if at all possible. Thus, it is suffering some pain now in order to save yourself some later I'm afraid.

In terms of the CBD oil White Noise mentioned, I hear it is doing wonders for people with all sorts of pain. Just make sure to buy from a reputable shop or provider with lab reports as to what is in the mixture.

I look forward to you posting updates and good luck!

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:10 am
by Brendan
Good Luck with your surgery on Monday, from what I have seen it works wonders. I am also a newbie here and also got into scooters when I was a young 65 years old. Enjoy the ride, cheers.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:48 am
by Old Grinner
When you get your PCX don't forget to send the pics!

Take some extra time to rest after the surgery if needed . . .. It can give you the opportunity to read up on the owner's manual. :D

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:23 am
by WhiteNoise
8) CBT is Today!!!
Do tell us how it went

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:55 pm
by BristolRoversfc
Thanks for all the encouraging replies. through the CBT today with no real problems.
I was paired up with a 16 year old uoung lady who had never ridden a bike on the road before....she was fantastic.
Our instructor took his time to explain everything to us and gave us time to ask any questions.He was brilliant.
I was a bit nervous before hand but I need not have worried.
About 9 days until the bike arrives...woo hoo

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:14 pm
by you you
BristolRoversfc wrote:Thanks for all the encouraging replies. through the CBT today with no real problems.
I was paired up with a 16 year old uoung lady who had never ridden a bike on the road before....she was fantastic.
Our instructor took his time to explain everything to us and gave us time to ask any questions.He was brilliant.
I was a bit nervous before hand but I need not have worried.
About 9 days until the bike arrives...woo hoo

Excellent stuff. Nice timing for the bike and the weather.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 4:22 pm
by Limey
BristolRoversfc wrote:Hi.
Just joined the forum and very excited about getting my 2018 grey pcx in about 10 days time.
Im 60 years old and decided to sell the wifes car(she can use mine)so ive ordered one from a dealer about 200 miles away.
Doing my CBT tomorrow as im going into hospital on Monday for a full knee replacement.
The dealer is going to deliver it about 8 days after my I can sit there and admire it until I feel fit(and safe enough)to go out on my first ride.
Its a "67"plate (Jan.2018),in grey with only 638 miles.
Its fitted with a tall screen and large topbox.
Hope to post some pics when I get it(leg permitting)
Hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Welcome aboard! Although having lived in the States for the last 30 years (29 in Denver, Colorado and now that I have retired, in Florida for the last year), I am from Bristol and am also a Rovers fan! In fact, back when they were still at Eastville I ran the construction project to update the north stand. I remember one winter I had to drive a JCB around the dog track to clear snow, so that racing could go ahead the next day. Attended many games in my younger days - back in the old Smash and Grab days (Warboys and Bannister!). Sad day for me when the Rovers moved from Eastville to Bath. Now they are up at the memorial Ground, so that actually is closer to where I was born and bred - Filton.

Have fun with your PCX - My wife and I each have one and just love 'em! Hope your knee op goes OK - I am eight weeks out from my second knee replacement. :(

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 1:15 am
by BristolRoversfc
Hi Limey.
"Smash&Grab"....those were the days eh?
Ive been living in Lockleaze for the past 35 years(originally from Patchway,)so up until about 3 months ago,ive been able to walk to the home games at "The Mem".
Good luck with your recovery and I will post updates(probably middle of next week when the drugs have worn off a little)lol

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:55 pm
by Limey
BristolRoversfc wrote:Hi Limey.
"Smash&Grab"....those were the days eh?
Ive been living in Lockleaze for the past 35 years(originally from Patchway,)so up until about 3 months ago,ive been able to walk to the home games at "The Mem".
Good luck with your recovery and I will post updates(probably middle of next week when the drugs have worn off a little)lol
Know Lockleaze and Patchway well! I have one piece of advice for you - do all the physiotherapy you can! It is tough to start, but worth every effort. If you don't do it you'll regret it. All the best for Monday - my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Southmead or Frenchay Hospital? - or somewhere better?? :)

Think good thoughts about getting on the PCX when you are done! :)

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 1:13 am
by BristolRoversfc
Hi Limey.
Thanks for the advice re:exercise.I believe its also a case of ice ice ice as well.ha ha.
In Patchway,I lived in Blakeney Rd. and now living a stones throw from the Venture playground.Parents used to live at the top of Nutfield Grove in sheltered accomodation and had two aunties who lived in Fourth Avenue.
Not sure if you knew, but The Fellowship pub was turned into a Tescos a few years ago.
My father in law used to go in their a lot as he was an avid pigeon fancier and used to race them He also used to run a small disco in thete from time to time..
Lockleaze school at the back of our house is all but gone,making way for a new housing development.
Will post again later this week.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 4:56 pm
by Limey
BristolRoversfc wrote:Hi Limey.
Thanks for the advice re:exercise.I believe its also a case of ice ice ice as well.ha ha.
In Patchway,I lived in Blakeney Rd. and now living a stones throw from the Venture playground.Parents used to live at the top of Nutfield Grove in sheltered accomodation and had two aunties who lived in Fourth Avenue.
Not sure if you knew, but The Fellowship pub was turned into a Tescos a few years ago.
My father in law used to go in their a lot as he was an avid pigeon fancier and used to race them He also used to run a small disco in thete from time to time..
Lockleaze school at the back of our house is all but gone,making way for a new housing development.
Will post again later this week.
Wow - small world. When I was at school my grandad had a grocer's shop and made order deliveries to Patchway on Saturdays. I used to go with him and remember the Blakeney Road area well! Bummer about the Fellowship.

Ice, Ice, Ice!!!!

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 2:11 pm
by BristolRoversfc
Came out of Southmead hospital today(Weds) afternoon.
To say its sore and painful is an underestimate.ha ha
Going to start with the ice tomorrow and gentle exercises to start with .
Although I am in quite a bit of pain and discomfort
I feel lucky as I know there are a lot of people a lot worse off than me.
Bike arrives next Tuesday or Wednesday so have something to look forward to.

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:32 am
by Limey
Glad it went well. Exercise and ice!!!

I was in Southmead once - tried to cut my thumb off with a saw when I was working at the Bristol Rovers ground! Severed artery and tendon, but they fixed me right up!

Don't think you'll be riding your PCX next Tuesday or Wednesday!! LOL

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:41 pm
by JohnL
BristolRoversfc wrote:Came out of Southmead hospital today(Weds) afternoon.
To say its sore and painful is an underestimate.ha ha
Going to start with the ice tomorrow and gentle exercises to start with .
Although I am in quite a bit of pain and discomfort
I feel lucky as I know there are a lot of people a lot worse off than me.
Bike arrives next Tuesday or Wednesday so have something to look forward to.
Exercise as much as possible to get the movement in your knee. Painkillers are a great help in working through the pain, but it's important to get the maximum range of movement as soon as possible. I was lucky having two weeks of rehab in the hospital, and those nurses made sure I suffered the maximum amount of pain to get the best results.

Would I get the other one done if needed? You bet I would.

Good luck. :) :) :)

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:36 am
by Neil955i
Hope the recuperation goes well for you and that you get to swing a leg over the PCX soon! You’ll love it, I know I do [THUMBS UP SIGN]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Excited new PCX 125 owner

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:21 pm
by BristolRoversfc
5 days now since operation and now bruises are starting to come out along with quite a few screams of pain from
I know its going to take a long time and I feel that it wouldnt be so bad if it wasn't so dam swollen.
Both the hospital and my G.P. agree that Paracetamol and Codeine are the best combination for me.I did ask about Ibufrofen,but consultant said in many cases,Ibufrofen can hinder the recovery of the wound.So its just ice pack which I use about 4-5 times a day(10 minutes per various areas,wrapped in a thin towel.)
One thing I am glad about is,I have dissolvable stitches.
Anyway.....onwards and upwards as they say....hopefully,bike should be here sometime next week.
Ive got the helmet,gloves,just ordered a cover and ground anchor,and when im able to ride it,will look to buy a second hand motorcycle jacket with armour from our local Gumtree where I can go and try it on before buying.