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Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 11:49 am
by Oldie
Actually having a lot of fun rebuilding my CB250 (see top pic) so I've gone and bought a little "project" - a blue 1999 Honda CG125. Parts are far cheaper and more plentiful for these models as they made so many of them so I'll probably splash out on this one. Should keep me busy until the weather improves :D



Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:25 pm
by you you
Looks interesting.

Do some pic updates as it progresses?

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:28 pm
by Oldie
Yeah, I always like to document the work although it's a complete pain with modern phones with fingerprint protection. Usually have to take pics once the rubber gloves are off and I miss some stuff that might be important on re-assembly.

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 4:16 pm
by you you
Oldie wrote:Yeah, I always like to document the work although it's a complete pain with modern phones with fingerprint protection. Usually have to take pics once the rubber gloves are off and I miss some stuff that might be important on re-assembly.

Use face recognition or the passcode or pattern? :lol:

I'm rebuilding a KE175 slowly....

Learned a new trick for cleaning rust from inside a petrol tank before sealing. Old dog, new tricks.

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:40 am
by Old Grinner
Actually having a lot of fun rebuilding my CB250 (see top pic) so I've gone and bought a little "project" - a blue 1999 Honda CG125. Parts are far cheaper and more plentiful for these models as they made so many of them so I'll probably splash out on this one. Should keep me busy until the weather improves :D
Impressive photo . . . looks more like a laboratory with R & D going on. :D

When I get into unfamiliar territory I take pictures every step on the way into the project so if I get disoriented on reassembly I have a step by step photo trail to refer to. It helps to avoid confusion and wasted time. :?

The Service Manuals are what they are so by using a "trail marker" method and the manual I find it reduces the risk of ending up with extra parts/pieces when everything is put back together. o_O

I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to working on top ends or transmissions so I figure as long as I keep the valves in spec, change the engine/final drive oil and keep things lubed, clean/replace filters, make any and all scheduled adjustments, replace fork oil, chains, belts, hoses, bulbs, cables, or brake pads as needed, check areas like the steering head bearing for tightness, etc. . . it goes a long way to keeping the machines going a long way and out of the shop.

I try to keep a good supply of paper towels and Windex on standby when the camera is needed. I find using nitrile or latex gloves helps keep the hands clean . . . but not necessarily dry. That said if the job is not too obnoxious I prefer not to use them. :geek:

Good luck with your retro rebuild! 8)

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:48 am
by Old Grinner
Learned a new trick for cleaning rust from inside a petrol tank before sealing. Old dog, new tricks.
And you do what?

It can't be using "Naval Jelly" can it? With a rinse of course and dry time . . ..

It must be tough getting an inside view of the upper underside of the tank so I presume you pour in some additive that you can slosh around in there and let it work on the rust (petcock removed/not removed?).

Either way hope it works out . . .. :geek:

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:08 pm
by Oldie
Back on the road again 8)


Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:19 pm
by WhiteNoise
WOW that looks FABULOUS, and it's my choice COLOR COMBO from BACK THEN!!
Teal/gold/chrome Oh My!!
I can see me! Badda bling!
Good Job Oldie! I Tip My Hat To You! Ride it with Love. Lotsa Love 8)

Re: Blood, sweat & tears

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:25 pm
by NADman
True beauty!