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Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:33 am
by cnikonpete
I had reason to check my paint code,(don't ask),it appears that Honda UK bikes have a different shade of the same colour from say Asian supplied bikes. Mine is R369P, theirs is R326C.

I can't understand the logic in this,as I think the bikes are made,but not necessarily assembled,in the same country.

It seems to be totally non cost effective,besides making parts only available in the intended market at a higher cost,than the manufacturing country ie Thailand.

I think I have found the logic in this all by myself :(

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:11 pm
by Marshallscottw1
Honda designs and dictates their specs for all of their products. Honda factories are everywhere. Paint code varies from country to county so im sure theres an agreement or stipulation set for all of the Honda dealerships in the world.

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:01 am
by Mel46
Of course, as most PCX owners know, you can purchase a complete set of plastics in any shade of color you want for less than $300, and change your bike from one color to another. :-)

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2019 11:54 am
by cnikonpete
Not quite true Mel,the actual paint colour is different in Europe to that available from the Asian market,the older model plastics are available at the price you have quoted,but if you want a panel or two for the newest model,and you want the colour to match,you have no choice but to pay the exhorbitant European price.

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 9:45 am
by Mel46
Sometimes, because of tariffs, taxes, and just plain profiteering it is cheaper to change the color of the bike than to buy replacement panels.

...and that is why you change your bike's color all together.

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 11:09 am
by cnikonpete
Mine is the latest model,so don't think the replacement panels are available at the prices you are talking about,so changing the colour would be about the same price as half a brand new bike. Anyway how is your war with the medics going?

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:24 am
by Mel46
My next "battle" is coming up next week. I don't expect to win this, but that is ok if they will at least listen to me, as a patient. My wife says that we have a personality conflict, which I don't normally have with anyone. The problem is not with my doctor.

I have been using this same doctor for over 20 years now, and I have always been open to suggestions concerning lowering my dose. However, now that his practice was either bought out or they merged, it has been a constant battle. It seems that they sent a PA to oversee everything, and my problem is with her. She runs the practice like boot camp, with no consideration for the patients. Whatever she discusses with the doctor is unknown to me, so all I get from her is, "Take this prescription or leave it. That is all you are getting."
...and I have the problem??
I am hoping to be able to speak directly to the doctor this coming week, but in the past she accompanied him (like an overseer) in every "interview". Shortly after my visit with the doctor I have an appointment with a psychologist because I am "resisting". It is beginning to remind me of communism. If you don't cooperate you will be "retrained". My wife agrees with the PA. I need to be retrained for my own good, otherwise I will be labelled a troublemaker...and maybe I will be sent to Siberia??

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:05 pm
by cnikonpete
Mel,be reassured that the PA you are talking about is cloned in many countries, some doctor’s receptionists in this country have been on the same personality removal course. Luckily they are few and far between,don’t you have some sort of ex service associations that could do some of the fighting?

Re: Mysterious Honda paint code reasoning

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 8:59 am
by Mel46
Not that I am aware of. You have to wonder how many vets feel alone in their battle.

I guess I will just be the nice patient and not complain. My wife says I am acting like I am doing this alone. Uhhh... I don't think she has the pain, even though she sees what I am going through. Some how I think they are different.