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Some people just don't care

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:15 am
by Mel46
So, my wife and I went out to eat recently. We got there early so there were plenty of parking spaces.

I am considered handicapped, despite my appearance. In fact, there are days when it hurts to even ride in a car. In any case, our car has a handicap license plate.

After we finished eating we came out to our car and found this. Note that the parking space on the far right is empty.
Make your own parking space-really__.jpg
Make your own parking space-really__.jpg (139.63 KiB) Viewed 926 times

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:16 pm
by easyrider
Unfortunately too many folks are abusing that handicap sticker. So many times I see people parking up front and literally jumping out of the drivers seat with a cigarette dangling from their lips and briskly walking to the store or whatever. I don't consider that disabled but it is quite the norm these days and affects the real people who are seriously disabled. People abuse everything.. but I do happen to like cunts .. just not assholes.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:17 pm
by gn2
Mel46 wrote:After we finished eating we came out to our car and found this. Note that the parking space on the far right is empty.
Can't see that there's any problem there whatsoever, the blue car isn't blocked in at all and the driver's side door is easily accessible.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:15 am
by Lafree
Hi, it's obvious the white car is no parked in a recognised parking bay also it is not possible to open the. Blue cars door fully, I have designed a tyre valve dust cap to solve this problem drill a mm hole in the centre of the cap and fit a river with the head inside the cap then drill 2 2mm hole either side of centre so when you screws the cap on it lets the tyre down problem solved the won't do t again. Lafree.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 9:51 am
by Mel46
:P Lafree, that sounds like a great idea. My only problem would be bending down to put it on. Some days I can, and some days I can't. Oh, and it's bad karma.

As for the parking picture, our car is the blue one, and I was the passenger. My wife had to back out into the traffic area in order for me to be able to get into the car. I felt like keying that person's car but for one thing. Here in Georgia if you see a Nissan Altima then more than likely it belongs to a 'minority', and they really have an attitude here. One that says, "I can do whatever the hell I want to and if you complain I will yell DISCRIMINATION, M@%&er Fu#$er!".

It's like some kind of magic bullet, and everyone is afraid of offending them, but they aren't afraid of offending anyone else. They will step out in front of traffic and give oncoming drivers the finger.

No matter who it is, I was always taught to be kind and courteous, but that must be old school stuff that no longer applies.

You You, I had never heard of that website you pointed me to until now, but I love it! Arse Holes are everywhere! And here I thought my area was unique. :lol:

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:13 am
by gbru2505
I'd send a picture of the offence, with geo-location, to whoever runs parking control. We have a mfree mobile app that allows us to report damage and vandalism, fly-tipping, parking problems or anti-social behaviour. I've noticed repairs in gthe playgrounds we take our son when I point out dangerous damage. They probably couldn't act on it, but might be able to alert parking control to check that spot for regular abuse/laziness.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:47 am
by Mel46
I don't think we have anything like a parking Control office around here. If we did they would be busy all the time. I can't count the number of times one of the busy housewives has parked their "living room" sized Suvs in the Fire Lane because they were "too busy" to park more than a few feet from the store. I almost wish there was a fire there so the fire trucks could just push her Suv out of the way with their fire trucks. ...and then a cop would give her a ticket for blocking a Fire Lane, and have her car towed to police impound.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:57 am
by chicaboo
Hey Mel,

Today I saw worse than that - a guy had parked his utility truck in the middle of two occupied disabled car spaces over the line - essentially blocking their driver's and passenger side doors accordingly. As I was trying to even comprehend how or why he did such a thing, he got in his ute and drove off, robbing me of any further potential samarative responsibility. There went my fun for the day... If I was quick on the camera phone I probably could have contributed to doubleyou's favourite website posted above.


Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 1:54 pm
by Mel46
I have seen so so many people abusing the Handicap parking, from blocking cars in to parking in that space because it was closer to the door than where normal parking was. I think the last part of that sentence says a lot about the character of some people.

If you don't have a Handicap parking permit or license plate, do the right thing. Get up off of your lazy arse and WALK to the store from a normal parking space, like the rest of the world does.

...and then there are those who use their grandmother's car so that they can park closer. Any idea how long they would survive if they suddenly were required to walk to the store, like we did when I was younger?

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:09 pm
by fish
A NASCAR entry on that off-side door would work a treat here.

Impress the neighbors, too.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:15 pm
by easyrider
The wealthy claim they are entitled,the poor claim they are descriminated against,and the middle bitches about all of them.Its just people today and our society of "me,"me..Solution is to relocate and hope they don't follow.

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 3:29 pm
by PCX150Rider
The fact of the matter is . . .. :( :o o_O :roll:

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 12:16 am
by you you
fish wrote:A NASCAR entry on that off-side door would work a treat here.

Impress the neighbors, too.

It would in a wheelchair..

Re: Some people just don't care

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 9:09 am
by Mel46
Sometimes I really wish we could relocate. The fact of the matter is, though, that we are too old, and too strapped for money, and not a single one of our children would help. We also could not move far because I need to be close enough to my doctors to be able to make it to my monthly appointments. It isn't easy to find a good Pain Specialist and a good Cancer Doctor centrally located that doesn't take an hour to drive to.