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riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:46 pm
by flyingzonker
Forget it completely.

I never knew I could feel this bad. This is the 5th day. I take the car out every day but leave my PCX on its stand. I am sure it is wondering what the hell is going on. Since I've had it I have ridden it every day for 4 years. But for now, I have no appetite at all for riding. Also have no appetite for food and very little for anything else. I slept last night and had a recurring dream--I kept waking every hour or so and going back to sleep all night. In the dream I was trying and trying to follow some formula or algorithm to perform some task. It was, to speak truth, awful.

I figure I've got three more days of this. I could go and get a prescription but I don't want to use antibiotics...I have seen close up what happens when they are overprescribed, i.e., you got C-diff or some other hospital superbug and you die. I have only had strep throat once in my life now and I will let my system build some immunity to it.

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:05 pm
by Cube
Strep is nasty business. It might be worthwhile to reconsider if you're on day 5 with no improvement. ... c-20350338

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:16 pm
by easyrider
How do you know you have strep without a throat culture ?? and if you had it before why then did you not build up the immunity as you are attempting to do with this on set. Take the medicine or you run the risk of a heart infection and that can be fatal or minimally do valve damage which can be a real big issue as you get older.

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:40 pm
by Jge64
What I was about 40 years old I caught strep, it lasted about five days and put me in the hospital for a few days, with them feeding me antibiotics, I had the highest temperature that I've ever had at 104… And was damn scared. I then got out of the hospital, and about a week and a half later IT CAME BACK with a vengance, and put me in the hospital for a week and a half…

The doc said I was very close to dying/brain damage, because they couldn't get the temperature down…

I don't suppose you're gonna listen to anybody at your age, but I wouldn't mess with this thing... I'd go To some professionals immediately and take their advice. Strep scares the living crap out of me, even more than pnenmonia…

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:58 pm
by fish
Stick thermometer in an opening.
If running a temp for 72+ hrs - see your good, non-overprescribing, family practitioner; or check with a scooter forum.
You might be right - let it go. Sometimes valves will re-adjust themselves, too.

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:35 pm
by flyingzonker
easyrider wrote:How do you know you have strep without a throat culture ?? and if you had it before why then did you not build up the immunity as you are attempting to do with this on set. Take the medicine or you run the risk of a heart infection and that can be fatal or minimally do valve damage which can be a real big issue as you get older.
I didn't express myself very clearly in the post. When I said I had strep once, I meant that this time was the once. This is the first time I ever had it. And while what you say about heart infection and valve damage is true and does happen, it is rare. And going to a doc is not a guarantee that it won't still happen. I admit that there is a risk involved not having this diagnosed and treated in the conventional way...but there is risk involved in that path too. Very often antibiotics don't knock out strep. And if they do, they also and inevitably knock out a lot of beneficial bugs that are some of your greatest friends. And, because the immune system had no time to build antibodies, you are left open to repeat attacks. This is very common.

Another area of risk with following the conventional track is you have to spend lots of time in an environment that is full of floating bad guys just waiting to bite you in the ass. I cane down with the worst case of flu in my life after merely walking thru a doctors waiting room to get somewhere else unrelated. What was odd about that experience was I IMMEDIATELY knew when the bug entered my system. It must have been a really virulent hombre. I've had flu and colds about as frequently as average but never except this once did I feel the taking on board of the virus.

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:02 pm
by flyingzonker
Jge64 wrote:What I was about 40 years old I caught strep, it lasted about five days and put me in the hospital for a few days, with them feeding me antibiotics, I had the highest temperature that I've ever had at 104… And was damn scared. I then got out of the hospital, and about a week and a half later IT CAME BACK with a vengance, and put me in the hospital for a week and a half…

The doc said I was very close to dying/brain damage, because they couldn't get the temperature down…

I don't suppose you're gonna listen to anybody at your age, but I wouldn't mess with this thing... I'd go To some professionals immediately and take their advice. Strep scares the living crap out of me, even more than pnenmonia…
I know about strep and its dangers. My niece almost died from it. They finally had to operate, taking out her tonsils--which were involved too in this case. And she was only in her 30's at the time.

Anyway, this time I was lucky. I passed over the hump last night. All day I was sick as a very sick dog. In the evening I started drinking a mixture I found on the internet that was sworn by in cases like mine. It consists of: 8 ounces of V8 or tomato juice, one quarter teaspoon 90 heat cayenne pepper, the juice of one half lemon. Mix this all up in a glass, put it in the microwave, press Beverage, and ....bob's your uncle! I made this four times yesterday evening and drank it down. You need to be courageous to take this stuff because of the effect of the cayenne going down...but once you get past the first swallows, it is bearable. If you are used to cayenne you will have no problem at all. Because I have had the experience of cayenne tea many times I got by with minimal burning.

Through the evening I noticed something new. Not only was my throat and ear and teeth hurting but now my throat seems to be throwing out a lot of phlegm making me cough. Coughing was something I hadn't done yet with this bug and it worried me. Could it be that the strep bacteria had migrated into my lungs? This throwing off of mucus continued after I went to bed and lasted halfway through the night. I woke at midnight, at 1:00, at 1:40 at 2:20, at 3:00....when I woke at maybe 4:10 or so I somehow felt different. Less heavily laden. Some burden had fallen away. And I knew I was getting better.

Since then I have gone from strength to strength, as the sportscasters say. I have used home remedies very often with mixed success. Against viral or bacterial conditions the success is very mixed indeed. But this time, with this mix, I think I brought on the speedy demise of of my long and anxious dilemma.

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:07 pm
by flyingzonker
fish wrote: see your good, non-overprescribing, family practitioner; or check with a scooter forum.

You mean there are such individuals still around? Not in my vicinity The scooter there's an idea!

Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:42 am
by montliz44
flyingzonker wrote:
I slept last night and I kept waking every hour or so and going back to sleep all night.
That's good practice for when you're a geezer. Keep on working on those skills now; they'll come in handy later in life. :)

Get well soon!


Re: riding when you have tonsilitis or strrep throat

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 11:46 am
by PCX150Rider
I'm a believer in the positive effects of cinnamon, honey, and apples (or cider/vinegar). Also vitamin C (however you get it). When I get cold symptoms. . .rare as it is. . .they always seem to help.

Also I have a diet which includes almonds and walnuts. I use the almond milk as well. Read the labels on a bag of almonds and walnuts some time.

Anyhow. . .glad you are feeling better. Nothing like getting in the "I dunno about this" zone when you are really sick. Makes one think of the Flu of 1918. :roll: