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First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:49 pm
by al69
Well it had to happen at some time, i finally came off last night on the way home from work.The crazy thing is everyday i avoid idiots in cars and angry white van drivers yet come off due to a gust of wind i couldnt see !
Basicaaly pulled around a car sat at the traffic lights and as i turned in a little to get in front the lights changed.I upped the throttle then a gust of wind blows the front up and light and worse still sideways towards the car.Add to this the wet road and the back just kicked around before i could do anything and im on my side.Not even doing 10mph so lucky really but happened doing a manauver ive done loads.
It just goes to show how easy it is to come off.As the lights had just changed no worries of anything hitting me as they all just stood still.I got up and push the scooter to the pavement.
Ive not really checked the damage yet but it looks okish.As i wear full armour im not feeling too bad but my ribs hurt like hell and an xray shows not cracked or anything.The hip protectors in the trousers meant no bruising.Only a scrape on my elbow and a bruise on my calf as the scoot dropped on it but otherwise ok apart from the sore ribs.

So So glad i wear the armoured trousers,glove and armoured jacket.

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:10 pm
by WhiteNoise
Glad you're okay! Bet that scared the ba-geezes outta ya o_O Weird how that happened. Heal fast, and I hope the scoots okay too. Almost forgot! I was very happy to read that you ride AGATT, you saved yourself from worse ;)

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:37 pm
by Taz
The wind still worries me, especially with my tall windscreen. I dont mind riding in rain, but gusty crosswinds, yuck. I've got one turn with a 40mph speed limit onto a bridge that has no wind protection and its a bad feeling knowing you are about to be blasted by wind when leaning over in a turn.

Anyway glad you are OK, scooter panels can easily be replaced.

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:54 pm
by JGC
Glad you are OK. Shows the benefit of wearing armoured gear though.

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:28 pm
by al69
The thing is it highlights for me no matter how cautious a rider you are even if you avoid the idiots you cannot predict things like this.When i went to work in the morning it was only raining but by the time i went home it was windy too.I had only just mentioned to someone that day i was taking the car from now on as the weather was changing too much.
Whatever the weather i have always worn all the gear however hot it got,now i have more of a reason.I think doing jujitsu has helped too as i managed a breakfall instinctively as my hand went down but the weight of the scoot is what put my ribs into the ground.

Still all in one pice and the scoot rides ok with some panel the front.The rear was protected by laying on me !

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:35 pm
by SLO125
That sux, recover quickly :)

I crashed my scoot the day I bought it... Was riding home and took a corner too fast. It was my own stupid fault though as I was excited to be on two wheels again after over a year. Lesson learnt.

Re: First coming off the pcx

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:31 pm
by JGC
Well with the weather changing, I bit the bullet and got car park permit for my car (parking bike is free) so I now have the option of my car when the weather dictates