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New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:16 pm
by maddiedog
I've been too busy to post lately, so figured I should post and check in with everyone.

My wife, Marcia, and I were expecting our second son at the end of May. He was born about a month ago, on June 6th at 1540 at 10lbs 7oz / 4.7kg. It all went well, with no complications. This was very good, especially considering how big he is! He's huuuuuge!

My older son, Noah, is 3 1/2, and has been very happy to have a little brother, although he doesn't understand why Oliver won't talk back to him yet. :lol:

Anyways, here's Oliver!
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If having a newborn wasn't enough, we just bought a new house, closing last Friday!

With two little ones and Marcia's MS, having any stairs at all was a major negative. Our previous house was a classic 70's style split level with 5 different elevations. We had baby gates everywhere, and if Marcia had an MS flare up, the stairs were a huge hassle. Our family lives close by, and single-level homes are rare around here, so we have been actively looking for a home that fit our parameters for almost a year now.

Fortunately, we found the perfect house. It popped up on the market the day before Marcia's due date. Despite the inconvenient timing, we went and looked. We immediately put in an offer, and went under contract. Due diligence ended when Marcia was in week 41 of pregnancy -- a week overdue. Oliver waited until the day after due diligence ended to arrive. It all turned out well, but moving with a 3 week old has been stressful to say the least. :lol:

Here's the new house:
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So, right now, I have a month-old baby and am in the middle of a move. Life's crazy, but life's good! I look forward to when things calm down enough for me to tinker with my PCX again, but in the meantime, I'll be off enjoying all the moments I can with my growing family. :D

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 2:58 pm
by PCX150Rider
Congratulations and congratulations! Major milestones in life back to back. Wow. . .! :o

Hang in there. :D

Looks like your son is already practicing to carefully approach a left hand bend on the PCX. Good grip on the bars. :lol:

I remember buying the newborn size of disposable diapers for my daughters in 90 count packs. ;)

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:15 pm
by easyrider
Beautiful home and baby.. and also the one painted white.. Best wishes !

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:41 pm
by homie
10 pounds is good effort but I think my brothers kid might still hold the Kansas record at 13 ... congrats! Good housed too... BRICK! because you know them Georgia termites.

Boy looks like he will ride Harley though 8) highway pegs, ape bars, yep Harley.

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:56 pm
by you you
Congratulations :D

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 6:16 pm
by Mel46
Congratulations Dave! Beautiful baby, and beautiful new home. It really looks nice.

Gee Dave, if I had known you were looking for a new house I would have suggested our neighborhood. We have several single story homes for sale in our little subdivision. I don't know if the price would have been favorable, but the subdivision is right beside Indian Hills, and it is a quiet community...except for when you are trying to get out onto Roswell Road...the East Cobb Autobahn. But then, you have seen our house.
Hope everything goes well in your new house. Let us know if you want some company.
With all of this rain lately we have spent very little time riding, and a lot of time doing dog rescues, and visiting the grandkids.

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 11:26 pm
by kramnala58
For the baby ...
Thumbs Up 01_80x80.jpg
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For the new home ....
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Thumbs Up 01_80x80.jpg (2.36 KiB) Viewed 3100 times
For life ......
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Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:18 pm
by maddiedog
I'm dropping in to say hi before I disappear into the ether again. :lol:

Oliver just had his 4 month appointment. He's 98th percentile in height and 95th percentile in weight. He's already up to 18 pounds!

We're still working on selling the old house. Keeping that house clean, changing diapers, and moving into the new house is taking up all of my time. Unfortunately, the PCX is getting dusty. I think I'll have time to ride again in the Spring; by then the house will be sold, Oliver will be old enough to go to day care during the day instead of me or Marcia alternating stay at home days, and all of the projects will be done. In the meantime, I'll try to be a bit less absentee. The last 3 months were a complete blur, probably from a lack of sleep. Infants do that to you. :lol:

It looks like things have been going well here, I see lots of new members, and see lots of veteran members making good threads. I look forward to getting caught up soon. :D

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:40 pm
by djbass
maddiedog, congratulations on the addition to the family! Beautiful house!
I also have two little girls, when you become more, you can ride on the PCX :)
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Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:52 pm
by Mel46
In all fairness, raising two little kids is a job in itself. To add to that you have your hands full with life. It takes a while to get adjusted to the groove again, so good luck and keep doing what you are doing. I am sure we can hold down the fort until you feel more rested and caught up. :-)

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:01 pm
by homie
Excellent! These kids will NOT be millennials 8)

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:31 pm
by slowpoke
Is it safe to assume that Oliver will hopefully one day be the middle linebacker for the Bulldogs?

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:48 pm
by Brent

Family is the most important, congrats and way to go! Just remember:

Insanity is hereditary . . . you catch is from your children!!!!

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:25 pm
by GeorgeSK
And to think, sometimes I felt one kid was 20% too many.

Nice to hear things are going pretty OK.

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:54 pm
by TheMaverick
I've just seen this thread for the first time - so belated congratulations on both baby #2 and your new house.

I used to joke that criminals get "20 years punishment with hard labour" but for parents, it's the other way around - "hard labour and then 20 years punishment"!

Sad to hear about the MS - a client/friend has had it for about 30 years now - it's definitely a challenge she didn't need. Starting to hear of a few breakthroughs in it's treatment though, which is encouraging.

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:14 pm
by PCX150Rider
Best post today! :D

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2017 11:05 pm
by alx123
Glad to get updates from Maddie..

Kids are great, maybe I should start thinking about it too..

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:25 am
by gn2
Enjoy it while you can, they grow up helluva fast.

Re: New baby, new house

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:28 am
by iceman
Congratulations to all!