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Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:39 pm
by PCX150Rider
Picked up some "Bell" Deer Whistles today. ... 1000-8.htm

Have them on everything I drive. All I can say is I haven't had a deer jump or run into any of my vehicles since I started using them. Now I'm trying to figure out the best place to mount them on the PCX. I'm thinking on the flat spots on the lower sides of the fairing or on some flat spots under the headlight (possible interference when suspension bottoms out).

Anyone else use them?
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Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 3:15 pm
by homie
Just last night a quarter til midnight a big doe lopped across my headlights. Working late resetting the TPS on the Buell you must keep the RPM down a few miles so the ECM can recalculate throttle position. I was at a manageable speed when she crossed on a forest preserve highway, didn't think much about it because I ride with Jesus ;)

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 3:21 pm
by you you
homie wrote:Just last night a quarter til midnight a big doe lopped across my headlights. Working late resetting the TPS on the Buell you must keep the RPM down a few miles so the ECM can recalculate throttle position. I was at a manageable speed when she crossed on a forest preserve highway, didn't think much about it because I ride with Jesus ;)

He'll have a Harley, obviously.

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 5:37 pm
by Mel46
So, is your Buell one of the 1125cc ones or a 1190 ?

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 6:59 pm
by homie
Mel46 wrote:So, is your Buell one of the 1125cc ones or a 1190 ?
#13 on the dope list, only mine is an XB9R ... ever-made/

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 7:51 pm
by PCX150Rider
#13 on the dope list, only mine is an XB9R
That Buell is only going up in value. . .I'd keep it as a retirement dream come true. You'll have people making offers to buy that thing when you're stopped waiting for a light to change or just getting gas and lottery tickets at the local convenience store. ;)

While I was at the Honda/Kaw dealer finishing up business on my PCX last week I took a look at the ZX-14 speedometer. . .tops out at 180 MPH. Holy Jesus indeed. . .if I was on that thing I'd have Jesus riding pillion for sure. My Bandit GSF1200S speedometer goes up to 170 MPH (not as fast as a Hayabusa or ZX-14 by any means) but definitely makes you forget about everything else going on in the world for a breath or two. o_O

A little off topic but if you're interested

Fortunately Bambi was sleeping. :lol:

Seriously though I've had serious damage done to a car and a truck by deer (totally not my fault) and since I started using deer whistles it's never happened again. . .been almost 30 years now. . .maybe it's luck but if it is I'll take it. 8)

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:07 am
by homie
PCX150Rider wrote:That Buell is only going up in value. Seriously though I've had serious damage done to a car and a truck by deer (totally not my fault) and since I started using deer whistles it's never happened again. . .been almost 30 years now. . .maybe it's luck but if it is I'll take it. 8)
My father-in-law swears by those deer horns, claims never having any strikes... but neither has most people without them, guess it can't hurt to put one. Right now all I have is a gremlin bell. It does ring all the way down the road and I never had a gremlin climb on board yet :lol:


Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:08 am
by PCX150Rider
That is one fine machine indeed. The "Corbin" looks great. Definitely a dry weather only ride. Museum quality. 8)

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:44 am
by Mel46
First let me comment on deer whistles. My sister-in-law lives in rural Pennsylvania. She has deer whistles on all of the family vehicles. They have had 3...yes 3...totalled cars because of deer jumping in front of their vehicle during evening drives, and her son ended up in the hospital when his bike tangled with a wild cat of some sort during regular traffic hours. I have to conclude that they work sometimes.... and sometimes they don't.

Now let's talk about those crotch rockets. 1. You have a very nice looking bike. 2. What is the purpose of that MTT Turbine?? Gas mileage must suck on that Thing! I wonder if it goes as fast as a Hayabusa. I read somewhere that there is a Hayabusa out that has 2 turbochargers on it. I guess 200 mph isn't fast enough??
3. If I were just a tad bit younger I could see the draw of those. Oh to be young again! :-(

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:16 pm
by PCX150Rider
I keep mine as a reminder that if I don't stay in reasonable shape in my retirement I'll be wasting my money insuring and renewing my registration for something I can't get a leg over anymore. :roll:

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 12:43 pm
by homie
PCX150Rider wrote:I keep mine as a reminder that if I don't stay in reasonable shape in my retirement I'll be wasting my money insuring and renewing my registration for something I can't get a leg over anymore. :roll:
2 to 4 years before I move on down south, won't be able to ride it most of the year due to the heat. I will be 'all scooter all the time' (ASATT) and semi squid :lol:

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 3:36 pm
by PCX150Rider
2 to 4 years before I move on down south, won't be able to ride it most of the year due to the heat. I will be 'all scooter all the time' (ASATT) and semi squid :lol:
It does get hot from GA to FL and the critters are different. Just ask Mel. ;)

Here's a pick of my Bandit in days of yore before I added the deer whistles, trunk, Saeng/TA Night-Cutters, and Rifle windscreen. It's aging into it's 20th model year. Five more and it gets the Antique plate. I since put the stock mirrors back on and transferred the Napoleon mirrors to my KLR. The Rally Sport Packs got moved to my Roughhouse. It's all good. :lol:
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Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 5:32 pm
by homie
That's nice... you know whats good about street bikes and dirt roads?
No running boards :D sorry i'm a monkish type who hates to see soil on anything.

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:13 pm
by Mel46
Before I bought my first scooter I had not heard of running boards on a bike. Then, when I was somewhat young still, I saw a movie in which these people were in Europe and everyone had scooters....and then I followed the Bourne series and saw them again. Of course, I also saw motorcycles. Made me wonder why everyone here absolutely must drive baby semi's. Bikes have only one in India they hook things up to their bikes and haul whole families around.

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:02 pm
by you you
I really can't understand how you have to add so much crap to bikes.

It's counter intuitive.

Coffee cup holders ffs

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:00 am
by PCX150Rider
That's nice... you know whats good about street bikes and dirt roads?
No running boards :D sorry i'm a monkish type who hates to see soil on anything.
Good point. . . ;)

Actually I had the Bandit parked just off to the side of a paved road that goes through a huge orchard, apples, peaches, all that sort of thing. The location is Middlefield, CT U.S.A.. In the background are the hills of the famous Powder Ridge Ski Resort. The place where back in 1970 a concert that could have continued the momentum set at Woodstock never officially happened. It was halted and although the major players backed out over 30,000 people still showed up. :o

The ski resort (buildings are at the base of the hill and not visible in this pic) still runs during the winter months depending upon how much snow and cold snow-making weather nature summons up.

I was too young (in my parents view) to attend and remember riding in the family car by one of the access roads that were blocked off by State Police to control the situation. No internet back then. . .it was something that was going on in the eyes of the masses until they got there and found out otherwise. . .or heard it on the local radio stations on the way. :?

Here's a video that say's it all. . .. 8)

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:26 pm
by PCX150Rider
I came to the conclusion that the best place to install the "Bell" deer whistles I bought without interfering with any form, fit, or function of the PCX was on the top surface of the fairing. I'm not sure how effective they will be but I tried to allow open space between in order to satisfy the manufacturer's recommendations. They mention in the instructions that it's not a good idea to install them on sides of vehicles or areas that may block the intended functionality of their purpose. There wasn't enough clearance in my opinion to install them under the headlight. There wasn't enough material or clearance to mount them on the front reflectors fork tube mounting brackets. Mounting them on the sides would defeat the purpose. So this is the best result I could come up with for me. Time will tell if the deer hear me coming and just keep munching on whatever roadside vegetation they crave and not get into a panic. During the "rut" season I try to be extra aware of their popular hang outs and pass with caution.
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Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:22 pm
by homie
HEY there is nothing wrong with that! 8)

Even youyou would have to say that's an acceptable accessory and he hates accessories :lol:

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:32 pm
by you you
homie wrote:HEY there is nothing wrong with that! 8)

Even youyou would have to say that's an acceptable accessory and he hates accessories :lol:
I like them. You could pretend they were James Bond machine guns as you were riding along... :D

Re: Deer Whistles

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:35 am
by PCX150Rider
I like them. You could pretend they were James Bond machine guns as you were riding along... :D
Yeah. . .they do sort of look like that. Just need to add sound effects. :lol:

I don't know if the windscreen deflects air around the whistles or not though. Will try putting some paper strips "in way of" to see any pattern of currents.

Sir Roger Moore, may he rest in Peace. :geek: