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New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:30 am
by Beachboy
This year's new model covers for the PCX
15780638_1361600980551911_4120064998215281933_n.jpg (62.47 KiB) Viewed 1622 times
I don't think the colors are impressive. I'll take my plain white over the white/orange combo.

So apparently Honda will stick with the same PCX for another year just changing colors. Let's face it, the PCX is overdue for some improvements and the competition knows it. The Yamaha NMax is a better bike with ABS and discs all around and Yamaha is upping the game with the introduction of the Yamaha Aerox here in Thailand. Why would anyone buy a PCX when Yamaha has this for the same price. Super impressive. This is now the best bike in class.

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:20 pm
by homie
Once these scooters leave the traditional handle bar and steering column design by stacking over the windscreen and fairing with that second rise of plastic wrapped crap I lose interest and cosmetic attraction. Chief says we don't like Yamaha's new scoot but thanks for the link. As for those PCX color combo's i'm with you... PUKE!

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:39 pm
by Chapel77
I bought a PCX instead of a NMax based on actual test rides, not surfing YouTube!

Couple of reasons, first the PCX is a better ride, for me, than the NMax. Found it a more comfortable ride, seat was better, even with the 'hump'. Found the brakes better on the PCX, good retardation and feel through the levels, found the brakes on the NMax, despite having ABS, to have less of a feel through the levers, didn't pull up as well. The NMax did have more capacity under the saddle, but not much in them. I like the handlebars and dials on the PCX, didn't care too much for the plastic around the handlebars on the NMax.

Finally, got a better deal from Honda Dealer with great customer service, the Yamaha Dealer offered a, quite frankly, crap trade in price, was more interested in upselling products and finance (despite being a cash buyer) and dropped a couple of subtle derogatory scooter remarks as he tried to steer me towards, as he called them, proper bikes.

However, some of those colours are a bit, er, pants. Hope they are just photoshop specials that get chucked online as speculation!

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:06 pm
by gn2
Those colours will be for the Thai market.

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:14 pm
by JetPilot
Beachboy wrote:

The Yamaha NMax is a better bike with ABS and discs all around and Yamaha is upping the game with the introduction of the Yamaha Aerox here in Thailand.
The ABS is worth its weight in gold... ABS is as much as a safety advantage as a helmet, in many cases even better as it can eliminate an accident entirely by stopping you quicker, witout skidding or even prevent you from going down. In worst case, it gives you all the stopping power physically possible before you hit a car that has pulled out in front of you.

ABS has been on every car sold in the USA for a very long time. It is even more important and more of a safety advantage on scooters and motorcycles, because:

1. Cars do not go down and injure the driver when you skid them.
2. An accident in a car has far less risk of serious injury than on a motorcycle.

Yet ABS is STILL required on all cars. Bikes are behind the times on this.


Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:22 pm
by you you
I like the PCX colours, especially the gold wheels.

Mind you an Aerox in Rossi colours would be cool.

ABS on a teeny weeny scooter isn't a massive pull for me tbh but agree with the "why is it compulsory for cars but not bikes comment"

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 5:04 pm
by Embattle
As gn2 implied, these are not going to be the colours in many countries.

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:12 pm
by gn2
ABS is now mandatory in the EU for everything over 125cc and everything up to 125cc must have CBS.

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 11:35 pm
by iceman
gn2 wrote:ABS is now mandatory in the EU for everything over 125cc and everything up to 125cc must have CBS.
It seems Honda will not fit ABS to any new year of PCX 125 or give it as a cost option. Considering how much profit they must make on it it's a shame as many if not most riders would pay a few hundred more for ABS (which is the cost of it if the SHi ABS option is any judgement point).

The Forza 125 has ABS and honda have hiked the price up £450 for the new model (no real difference from past years except colour and electronic key) - taking the cost of that 125 from £3900 to £4400ish! (extortionate for a 125).

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 8:47 am
by alx123
Those Yamahas on your YT link looks ugly. (personal taste). Better compare them to Honda Click and not PCX.

ABS is a deal maker. Honda should put one on the PCX future models.

The orange on the 2017 PCX looks weird. What are they thinking? :o

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:00 am
by Mel46
It looks to me like an individual can change out those orange pieces and the pcx would be the same as previous years. If you want orange on those pieces, you could just take them off of the bike and paint them yourself. I don't see how painting a couple of orange panels can be considered new colors.

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:58 am
by WhiteNoise
Eh, not impressed but we won't get these mixed colors here in the U.S.Anyways.
However, I'd fancy the black (yes, I said Black :D ) if the orange panels went gold to match the wheels. Simples and makes color coordinating sense. Through my art eyes anywho.
The White and orange? Nooooo,...change out the orange for white. An All White PCX would be sweet (just gotta watch them kicking feet :o ) The blue color is okay. Again, remove the lower black panels and make the scoot all blue. Last but not least, Not a fan of that color red. Done.

So after all that was said, We here on this side of the pond have nuttin' to brag about in color range. So on that note....over and out :D

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:38 am
by Beachboy
I think it's really important to be seen out there on the roads, that's why I always go with the white bikes. I'd get neon green like the fire trucks if it was offered. My next door neighbor has a Click equivalent scooter in camo (can't remember the Honda model)! I told him he was crazy.

I also wear a white helmet, a white shirt and keep the lights on the high beam during the day. I drive in Phuket Thailand the most dangerous place in the world. See me!!!

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 1:15 pm
by WhiteNoise
I agree Beachboy, we all need to be seen. We may save our own life one day just by "standing out." Shoot, I'm a stand-out kinda person anyway, :D so it's no big deal to me! Yeh...Neon!
:lol: (Member you you loves neon!!) :lol:

Anywho, whilst I'm here Beachboy, I'm asking that you please enter your location in your profile (hmm, I feel we've met before? Do you play a string instrument and entertain on your beaches? Or is that not you? Apologies if I remembered wrong). I know you're in Thailand from what you wrote above, but we really need to see it (in the box to the left) so we know where we're talking to. Hope that made sense. I have easy to follow directions below to get-er-done

Cheers and be Safe....Always :P

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:22 am
by RedBaron
Now Yamaha has increased the price of the NMax £2849 RRP have they given up trying to compete with the PCX £2699 OTR? Only seen a couple NMax on the streets but lost count of PCX.

Was looking at an NMax but rear wheel with the disc brake was too small for a chain

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:08 am
by Beachboy
WhiteNoise wrote:I agree Beachboy, we all need to be seen. We may save our own life one day just by "standing out." Shoot, I'm a stand-out kinda person anyway, :D so it's no big deal to me! Yeh...Neon!
:lol: (Member you you loves neon!!) :lol:

Anywho, whilst I'm here Beachboy, I'm asking that you please enter your location in your profile (hmm, I feel we've met before? Do you play a string instrument and entertain on your beaches? Or is that not you? Apologies if I remembered wrong). I know you're in Thailand from what you wrote above, but we really need to see it (in the box to the left) so we know where we're talking to. Hope that made sense. I have easy to follow directions below to get-er-done

Cheers and be Safe....Always :P
Done! Thanks.

While I'm back on this thread, here is pic of that new Yamaha Avirex I saw the other day. Huge disc brake up front. Driver said he paid the same as a new PCX (about $2500 here).

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:57 am
by WhiteNoise
Cute! Thanks

Re: New Colors and a New Yamaha Competitor for the PCX

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:26 am
by Hax
Not keen on the mixed colour schemes. I bought my PCX after seeing them in Thailand and deciding that it made more sense than my 1100 cruiser for day to day work. If I had seen the new colours I might have chosen something else!
I understand the 'be seen, be safe' mantra, however I see car drivers pull out on double decker buses here and often ignore emergency service vehicles trying to get through with flashing lights and sirens! Which tells me that most of the drivers are deaf, blind and/or stupid. They look but they don't see. I ride like everyone is trying to kill me, which has kept me safe for the last 28 years! Most collisions have been cars going into the back of me because they were too close, including one that went into the back of a 7 foot wide trike because I was 'difficult to see'!