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PCX125 Windscreen and handlebar muffs together?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:57 am
by luccasvr
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum (as a participant, being a reader for a while now) and I have a question I couldn't find in the other topics.

I just bought online a GIVI tall windscreen and a Tucano Urbano handlebar muff. And after 30 minutes I realized I don't know if they would fit together. Does anyone here has both installed? Or someone with the windscreen have an ideia if it works?

Thank you!

Re: PCX125 Windscreen and handlebar muffs together?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:10 am
by Tipover
I have the Honda oem tall windscreen and the Oxford rainseal mitts. The Oxford mitts seem larger than the tucano mitts. I have no clearance issues with my setup.

I do have a Givi tall screen as well. I haven't installed it yet, but, I don't think there will be a problem with my Oxford mitts.

Re: PCX125 Windscreen and handlebar muffs together?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 11:26 am
by Mel46
When I installed the tall Givi windscreen on both of our bikes I found that they helped redirect a lot of the wind around the handlebar area, which helped a lot. I also bought hand guards but couldn't find an easy way to install them, since it required taking off the handlebar weights, and those d#%n things won't come off! So, if your handlebar muffs require that you take those weights off, good luck, and let us know how they work out.