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Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:49 am
by binje
Hello all,

I am an ex PCXer (still miss the bike to bits as my friends will testify) and have just passed my big boy bike test. I am now looking at the tons of options on offer. I seem to keep coming back to Honda VFR 800s. I have just seen this gorgeous litte number on an auction site (yep, that auction site)... But it is all the way in Barry in Wales whereas I am in Berkshire at the edge of London.

Basically I am asking for the mahoosive favour of anyone who lives down that end if they may be able to go and check it out. I just dread going all the way to Wales to find there are issues etc.

If anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:45 am
by gn2
Its a popular bike, there will be plenty nearer to home.
Not entirely sure its a suitable machine for a first bike.
You would be far better off with a 500-650 twin imo.

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:50 am
by binje
Have to admitnI am a bit hesitant about it as a first bike. But its sort of more "scratch that big bike itch" and then go back to sensible in a year or so. This one just seems to tick all the boxes if you will... Heated grips, scottoiler, full service, top box and a very good price hence the interest.

Have been looking at stuff like Diversions, SV650s and CBR600 etc as well... Keep coming back to the VFR even though I know its not the most sensible option... Just really want one :)

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:31 pm
by Oyabun
You have listed quite different bikes. What would/will you use it?
As a starter, I'd urge you to use the bike as much as you can - in every possible situation to get more miles under your belt.
I loved my VFRs, they're great for touring - but would not take them for anything else and had other bikes in the stable also. They are relatively heavy compared to a CBR for example, and the seating position although not super sporty - don't make it a good commuter bike ( unless your commute is dominantly high speed not crowded highway).
The cb500 series are surprisingly good starter bikes btw with very reasonable pricing.
I know this answer is not really constructive, but I'd sure check that bike for you also if I'd live closer.
Whatever you'll change to, make sure to enjoy it for long. Remember, not the fastest, but the longest living biker is the best one.

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:46 pm
by DAB
I have seen the same post on the VFR forum :) , I have a 750 FV and think the SV650 would be a much better first bike. With the VFR or any other fully faired bike it will be costly if you drop it, which as a newly qualified rider is quite likely.

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:23 pm
by you you
DAB wrote:I have seen the same post on the VFR forum :) , I have a 750 FV and think the SV650 would be a much better first bike. With the VFR or any other fully faired bike it will be costly if you drop it, which as a newly qualified rider is quite likely.

Totally agree.

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:05 pm
by GatorGreg
Try posting on, there are many members in the UK there - maybe someone will be able to help. I myself went from a 2013 Ninja 300 to a 2015 PCX150 to a 2014 VFR800 Interceptor and I will say that the bike is very easy to ride - tons of low end torque which makes getting off the line a breeze. It has excellent brakes with ABS and traction control too. It also has a gear indicator which is very useful to a new rider coming from a scooter. Personally, I would recommend going to an ABS equipped Ninja 300 or CBR 300/500 first, but I can't say I blame you for wanting to get the Interceptor, it's a fantastic machine! Here's a vid I did where I spoke about some of the similarities and differences:

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:37 pm
by flyingzonker
speaking as someone coming from the wide open spaces of middle America I can't see that riding less than 200 miles to check this bike is too terrific a hassle. No one knows what you are going to like better than you do. That being said--that is still a lot of miles to ride. Maybe you can drive over. A pleasant prospect, I would think.

I can see your objection if it were a matter of riding a PCX that distance--or even a Silverwing. Well, just my .02$

Re: Ex PCXer asking for a favour

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:51 pm
by WhiteNoise
Oyabun wrote:Remember, not the fastest, but the longest living biker is the best one.
I'm liking that Oyabun ;)