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1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:23 pm
by tink
Hi all,
I found a Honda PCX 150 in a local showroom here in Vancouver, Washington and liked it the most out of all the other scooters (pic attached). Amazingly my boyfriend actually bought it for me the very same day. I've been waiting for my very own scooter for exactly 30 years... so I'm beyond happy to be reading through this forum to learn all about it. Great pics here & details, too, happy I found this place :)
(I'm the nice one)
First sight
First sight
20160811_170417b.jpg (582.42 KiB) Viewed 1907 times

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:40 pm
by DailyRider
Ooooo, so cute! It looks just like my new one.
Blue is the best color :)

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:47 pm
by iceman
Welcome to PCX world!

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:30 pm
by kramnala58
Welcome to the PCX and to ... and what a super added bonus in the your boyfriend bought it for you.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:09 pm
by homie

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:13 pm
by WhiteNoise
Congratulations Tink! The waiting has payed off. Cheers to your BF 8) Is the scoot in your possession yet? Have you considered taking the MSF course?

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:24 pm
by tink
Thanks so much for the welcomes :) I didn't even know it came in white, lol, but it is a great color to start with no doubt. I'll be changing bits of it here & there as I get to know it better. Still sort of shocked to be honest I didn't expect it so fast only dreamed of it. I've got to schedule a motorcycle knowledge test here for the state permit to ride, get some safety gear, then start practicing every day. Oh and name it, choose how to paint it/accent it, etc. The pics all over the forum are AWESOME inspiration!

Oh and the thread somewhere here talking about ways for short people to ride a bike/scooter is what finally pushed me to go in to the store to look at them in person so figured this was the right forum to join :) I'm only 5'1" so thankful to find the tips here.

Oh the scooter was delivered on Friday (pic attached), and I'm still thinking about taking a course. After I take the knowledge test maybe. I'm super shy actually so thinking about it & want to see how I get along with it first. Don't want to go in a course as completely dumb as I am about scooters right now. Youtube fail vids of what not to do have been playing on my computer since Saturday, lol. Trying to learn from others mistakes & take it slow.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:37 am
by homie
That's a good dealer to deliver. I didn't want to drive across town on busy Chicagoland area streets to get mine home either. It's a good idea to take some time in your own hood where you feel comfortable and venture out from there :) There's plenty of people on the crash list since I joined in fall 2014 and some fell off more than once (wow that's a lot) but no one has died so...... here, here to scooters and lets be careful out there.

Yes get some gear and wear it please, how hot can it be in Washington.
You posted 'first time scooter owner' have you driven other bikes?

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:49 am
by you you
Good for you. I've been taking some time off and I've found I enjoy using the scooter more than car or bike. I've been using it for everything other than transporting the dog.

Hope you enjoy it too.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:00 am
by iceman
you you wrote:Good for you. I've been taking some time off and I've found I enjoy using the scooter more than car or bike. I've been using it for everything other than transporting the dog. Hope you enjoy it too.
. . and some people on here such as the forum owner, Maddiedog do transport the dog :)

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:07 am
by tink
Hey iceman thanks for saying that! I would love to transport my dog around eventually, too! We go everywhere together but there's no way I'd risk her safety with me being so new to riding. She'd need a sidecar though so that would take a different scooter probably. I'll have to look & see how Maddiedog does it ;)

Oops, no sorry Homie, I haven't driven other bikes ~ I don't think I could handle an actual motorcycle at 130 pounds it would probably aim me instead of me aiming it to go a certain direction. It may be time for me to join a gym just to be able to be stronger for this scooter, not sure yet. I grew up on the back of my dad's bikes though so I know it's worth learning how to ride safe just to be out there on 2 wheels again!

Thank you, you you (love the name), I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it as much as I think I will. Plus, I'm thinking nobody will ask me to help them move or go shopping if all I have is 2 wheels & no real hauling ability. Oh and at 100mpg or so... I look forward to taking the long way home.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 3:16 am
by tink
Oh and yes, I plan on crazy levels of gear, I'm old, it takes longer to heal at my age haha. I'm planning on going to the local motorcycle consignment shop to be able to feel the thickness of leather instead of just ordering online & hoping for the best. I want the thickest stuff possible, head to toe & hands. I'm not worried about looking a certain way just not scarring tragically when I eventually do crash. I know it'll happen sooner and/or later.

It rarely gets hot here, maybe 10 days out of the year to 100 degrees, a brief time over 90 degrees and basically the rest of the year it seems to just rain a lot. Crazy to not wear full gear though. I only slid down pavement once as a teenage passenger hitting oil round a corner and didn't get hurt other than light bruising because of long sleeves & a full helmet. No problem getting right back on & riding just as often afterwards because I learned good gear helps a LOT.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:24 am
by homie
tink wrote: I'm planning on going to the local motorcycle consignment shop to be able to feel the thickness of leather instead of just ordering online & hoping for the best. I want the thickest stuff possible, head to toe & hands. I'm not worried about looking a certain way just not scarring tragically when I eventually do crash. I know it'll happen sooner and/or later. No problem getting right back on.
Motorcycle trade shows are the best place to outfit yourself with the best leather for very little money. You will be able to touch and try it on and meet some nice bikers. My best gear came from one trip to the show. A thrifty bikers paradise. And yes we fall off get up and fix bike, go back out there 8)

oh and start planning a place to put all this gear too :D

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:08 pm
by tink
Oh wow homie!! You have a dream set up there!! Even with the extra mat under the center stand - every last detail. Thank you so much for sharing the pic and the ideas, too.

Um, I'm wondering about the attitude of motorcycle riders though about scooters... was thinking maybe not so welcome on a scooter, so unsure? I *could* explain I can't shift with my feet so a manual clutch is not an option for me, but that's another story from an old car wreck. Used to go to trade shows many moons ago didn't realize they had them for bikes --- that would be so fun!

Maybe I could use the shed (it's on the back of my driveway completely on conrete), my dad built it for me before he died so it's well-constructed, it has a wood floor I had added later on, too so it matched the wood walls. Maybe I could add a ramp up for the scooter and just treat it like it's a mini-garage but not sure 8x12 is big enough.

I did ask my boyfriend if bringing the scooter in the house was 'ok', or too nuts. It could go in the utility room with backdoor access. Worried about it being outside in the cold/ice season. He gave me a non-answer, turned & shook his head & walked away haha so I took that as a 'no'.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:42 pm
by homie
tink wrote:Oh wow homie!! You have a dream set up there!! Even with the extra mat under the center stand - every last detail. Thank you so much for sharing the pic and the ideas, too.

Um, I'm wondering about the attitude of motorcycle riders though about scooters... was thinking maybe not so welcome on a scooter, so unsure? I *could* explain I can't shift with my feet so a manual clutch is not an option for me, but that's another story from an old car wreck. Used to go to trade shows many moons ago didn't realize they had them for bikes --- that would be so fun!.
Pictures help us all and really are better than a thousand words. We encourage all of you new members to not be shy and post images and video because you never know where ideas are spawned from.

No explanation will be needed to defend your scooter to cruiser and sport bike owners. Guys with garages full of big bikes have been found to keep a scooter close to the door for short errands. When I see these images on other sites I giggle. Once I was ask if my skirt blew up when I rode it :lol: but that really wouldn't go over very well with you.

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:18 pm
by WhiteNoise
Tink, do you have electricity in the shed? That would be a big plus. Sure! 8' x 12' would work and what's best about're Dad built it! Lovin' that! If you can, or when you can, Show us some pics of it, inside and out. We have lots of ideas here. See homie's space, it's Super right?
I'm interested in knowing more about his Jacket closet. I'm going to ask him right now. :D Please excuse me a moment

homie, Was that at one time a bookshelf with doors? Or a TV cabinet? Cedar? Nice!!
What did you do? Remove shelves, hang a rod, mount a small towel bar...
If so, great idea! Woot Re-cycling

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:35 pm
by homie
WhiteNoise wrote: homie, Was that at one time a bookshelf with doors? Or a TV cabinet? Cedar? Nice!!
What did you do? Remove shelves, hang a rod, mount a small towel bar...
If so, great idea! Woot Re-cycling
50.00 cedar armoire off craigslist. Gloves, caps, boots, bandannas, goggles, glasses, pants, jackets, liners, helmets, chains, tiedowns, security devices, action cam accessories, service manuals... never enough room, all full up OVERFLOWETH!!!

And we are guys... imagine what a woman will buy in the way of garments and boots. If the bike never leaves the property it will still be FUN for her :lol:
I have a monkey :( :o o_O :oops:

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:54 pm
by WhiteNoise
Fantastic. No armoire here but I will check with buddy Craig later. I got Stuff too! :D
Thank ya for the quick response, tip and pic(s) :P

2yous should be coming round shortly, he's a garage whore (scusi) too :lol:

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:58 pm
by homie
WhiteNoise wrote: 2yous should be coming round shortly, he's a garage whore (scusi) too :lol:
youyou will beat me up on my luggage box preper post today and GN will be offended about a side arm.... LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! 8) better put my crazy frog avatar up

Re: 1st time scooter owner

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:42 pm
by tink
You guys are fun, lol. I do have a super high rated extension cord I run out to the shed sometimes, about 5' from the exterior house outlet to the shed. I will clean it up hopefully by this weekend and post some pics. Getting stuff out of it - listing shed contents free/for sale on craigslist this week getting ready to use it for a scooter reason.

By the way there's a lot of free armoires on Craigslist, at least 2 a week in the portland metro area. I scooped one up last month to sand/refinish but a kid is using it as a computer / gaming closet/desk now. I grew tired of seeing 'stuff' everywhere on his desk & it has doors so wonderful to close it & hide everything. People try to sell them but those that don't sell end up in the 'free' section & that's not too rare.

> At the skirt comment, I'd take no offense lol! I wish I could've seen the look on his face

I've got a pair of what I'm hoping to use for riding boots scheduled for delivery on Thursday/Friday of this week. Someone said they got their short wife thick soled boots so I went out & found some. Hopefully they'll help a lot. Less heel, more thickness under the ball of the foot, than the pair I bought for the scooter on Sunday. 2 pairs of boots & haven't even got a helmet yet!

Maybe I'll have to pick up another armoire... *shrugs*