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Scooter Performance...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:12 pm
by homie
From a little different performance perspective I think we can all agree on a few things about scooters after a certain age.
Scooter weight and maneuverability is excellent. We can do U-turns in alleys and park where no one else can.
We don't have to factor a clutch into our operation giving a sense of freedom unlike any other two wheeler including a geared bicycle.
We pay the least amount of fuel per mile short of a moped.
We don't need a dangerous back pack that can get caught and drag us off with a vehicle.
There is no where in town the speed limit is over 45 mph anyway.
Our replacement parts are dirt cheap and our mufflers are non threatening.
Smiles per mile are off the charts and I feel safer and more confident on my scooter than a cruiser or sport bike.
On the expressways to be honest the scooter does me proud at 65-75 mph in the slow lane and I have little complaint.
There is nothing to improve except ABS for challenging surfaces but I speculate that has a lot to do with stock tires.
The scooter is my first choice for every outing this summer and it's beginning to feel silly having another bike.

Sometimes a forum can become a place we focus on members issues and that's good use of it, but lets not forget the love we share for a good scooter... sorry if yours is a bad one ;) Chime in if you have a good one!

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:21 am
by Mel46
We love our scooters, despite the fact that my wife can not ride right now due to injuries. However, every time I take one of them out for a run she tells me how sad she is that she can not go with me. The PCX is one of the most fun bikes I have ever had. Many of the other bikes I owned were work horses. I used them for transportation. The PCX though is more than that. It is fun. It is agile. It is an attention grabber. Almost every time I go somewhere I have at least one, and sometimes two or three people, stop me and bombard me with questions about my PCX. It is a 2013 model but it still looks new. I have to explain to them that I have added a lot of extras. Still, they want to know where they can buy one, especially after I tell them that they get 100 mpg, and that they can be used for travel outside of town as well as locally.

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:44 am
by Jge64
For many reasons, people always comment that it does not look like a scooter, a great tribute to Hondas styling guys...

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 11:05 am
by homie
Oh and lets don't forget the MSRP 3499.00 usd
We are over built with PCX for the price compared to pretty much any vehicle on the market.

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 5:58 pm
by Brent
I love my PCX! It is the first motorcycle I have ever ridden, but it is still my favorite! I just flipped 11,111 last Saturday (1.5 years since I purchased it new). I travel about 145 miles every Saturday for work and at least 80 miles of that is 65mph, and I am still getting 100mpg! My NCY kit really made the bike sing.

I really like straddling the gas tank, as it sets me apart from those scooters at the college with a foot pedestals. I feel I get more respect and more "biker waves" (hand lowered to the ground as we pass) from Harley bikers.

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 9:04 pm
by Kriden
Well said by everyone. So many great things about the PCX and SO many great things about this forum. Can not thank everyone enough for all the info and community feel of this (Mel46 and Homie- thank you). Have owned many scooters over the years and a couple of motorcycles (Honda Elite 150 Deluxe, Aprilia SR50, Chinese, Suzuki GS 500 etc) but the PCX 150 (2015) really can do it all. Fills a nice niche and is a nice blend of technology, value and practicality.

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 9:36 pm
by j.d.b.
Pretty much how ever rough or bad a day has been, I can get on that PCX, twist the throttle to WOT and s m i l e .

Re: Scooter Performance...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:16 am
by ScottDR
Can't add much to the above comments as I need more seat time! My initially planned 12 hour journey was thwarted. So far I have ridden mine only on two occasions, each for an hour. This is in no way the fault of the PCX and hope to change that very soon. Am sure the kilometres will rack up quickly from the less than 2,000 on it so far.

I have also ridden many types of motorcycles since a very young age and the handling and low weight of the PCX are terrific. I really appreciate Honda's build quality and amazingly low fuel consumption (only used half a tank so far). I very much look forward to commuting on it and taking it for pleasure rides as well!

This forum is great and I have done several small modifications to the bike already to increase it and my visibility and comfort/convenience. Plus I have done it's initial valve adjustment, oil and final drive fluid change. Even installed an iridium NGK spark plug. I am itching to ride!

Cheers all!