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AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners /

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:09 pm
by snoopy
I've made it to Istanbul :) , I know there was a few people in a group that wanted to meetup but I've lost the details. I'll be sorting the Iran/Pakistan/Indian visas over the next week and can meet most evenings.

Could someone repost on as I've been unable to make an account?

Also, I'm in dire need of a Honda dealer as I've rode the last 200 miles with a flat rear tyre. It's completely knackered but has served well (10.5k miles haha!). If anyone can offer a suitable dealer please post back. Ideally I'd like a wider 120 on the rear, Dunlop or something, as I have stability issues with all the weight on the back.

Cheers - Andrew

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:24 pm
by gn2
Maxxis do a 120/70-14 M6029, but you would be better sticking with the original sizes imo.

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:41 am
by snoopy
Fitted a Mich City grip 120/70. Works fine.

Guy in the shop has two as new front/rear IRC's and wants 40 Turk lire for them. Anyone interested I'll get the address.

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:03 am
by maddiedog
10.5k miles on a tire! That's insane! :lol:

Glad to hear you're making good travels. I tried to register at scooturk, it wouldn't let me either.

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:43 pm
by gn2
My last rear IRC was looking pretty bald after 6800 miles.
City Grip on now, will be interesting to see how well it lasts.
My front is still the original IRC and has 11,800 miles on it, I reckon it should make it to 15,000.

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:47 pm
by maddiedog
How do you like the City Grip? Any noticeable difference?

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:54 pm
by gn2
Liking it fine, it's a tyre and its black and round and it was cheap.
Its been damp and slippery quite a lot hereabouts and with the 11800 mile OEM front still on I haven't wanted to push it too much...
Initial impression is favourable though.
Recently learned that Maxxis do proper PCX sizes now, but they would have to be massively cheaper than the Michelins...

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:38 am
by snoopy
The 120/70 city grip is very good, the front I would replace if I were going into wetter climates. Both mine and another riders scooter have been down the road because of the thing in the wet (I got lucky, his PCX was destroyed). My front should reach 15k too.

Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:41 am
by snoopy
Drowned it in a river crossing, see the latest video on my website. Started first time despite the hydraulic lock. Awesome little thing.


Re: AC PCX RTW: Calling Turkish Istanbul Owners / scooturk.n

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:56 pm
by maddiedog
How do you ride with testicles that large? I'd hesitate to take a dirt bike through a crossing that deep and you just flew right at it!

Here's the video for convenience: