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An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:33 pm
by jcpeden
All that hard work last weekend (new battery, new forks, new clutch face plate, bled the front brake) laid to waste in an instant. My PCX had a fight with an E-Class Merc...have a guess who won?


Not my fault so hopefully it should be fairly straightforward to claim from his insurance. Totally and utterly gutted though. I've ridden this bike like a dick on occasion, yesterday was not one of those days. Sunny, warm, dry roads, no traffic about. Wide straight road for about 1.5 miles in either direction and no traffic around. This idiot pulls up to the junction, then enters my lane and stops right in the middle of it.

Had he not pulled out or had he pulled forward another metre I would have been fine. I wasn't going particularly quickly but at 30mph, I had enough time to grab the brakes and crash into his rear 3/4 with the bike largely upright.

I'd been riding with my lid flipped up until about 30 seconds earlier...good job I thought better of it:


Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:43 pm
by Brent
Sorry to hear that Jcpeden! I sure hope you are OK!

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:44 pm
by Wingscribe
Glad to hear you are okay (no mentions of injuries). There are no shortage of inattentive and downright dicky drivers wherever you are.

Sorry to hear about your crash, but parts for these bikes are plentiful and relatively easy to for people are far harder to get (and more expensive).

Hope you are healing well (body and soul).

Here's hoping you get your PCX back to snuff as soon as you can, sorry again to hear about the "incident,"


Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 12:54 pm
by GeorgeSK
Another poster boy for a full face helmet. It sure could have been worse. Glad you are OK.

So what is the draw to the skull-cap, "just enough to satisfy the law" helmets? A nod to your inner outlaw (or perhaps scoff-law)?

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:24 pm
by jcpeden
Injuries...some knocks and scrapes and a sprained ankle that hurts a lot more than it should. Been and had it checked out and it's just inconvenient.

My chin actually walloped the inside of the helmet as I came off but it was pretty low-speed and I had decent gear covering my upper body at least.

More annoyingly, my parents and wife are giving me the whole 'motorbikes are dangerous' routine now and I think I'm going to have to hang my lid up for good :(

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:01 pm
by GatorGreg
Sorry to see this but I'm glad you only had minimal injuries. You said you were going about 30 when he cut you off - about how much speed if any were you able to scrub off before impact?

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:05 pm
by Mel46
I know from experience that when you hit the pavement you have no time to think about protecting your face, so it was good that you had the visor down. A few days ago we once again had the opportunity to go to one of those states with no helmet law, and we saw lots of riders who not only had no helmets on, but some didn't even have protective eyewear. We even saw some young ladies riding behind who were not wearing enough to count as clothing, and they were on the freeways. If your bike and helmet sustained that much damage at 30 mph, imagine what would happen to those other idiots who were not even wearing helmets. Be glad that you were able to walk away without injury, and count that as "good planning", which should help your case with the wife and parents.

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 4:05 pm
by easyrider
Seems like another case where the driver just didn't see the scooter.. I keep saying visibility is essential to accident prevention on these scooters.Helmets are good thing , but I read somewhere that they only protect you up to 13 or 15 mph on a head on impact. But they do help tremendously when banging and sliding around pavement with debris and obstacles. Better to have than not to have for sure.Must have been in Florida..chicks around here only believe in wearing bikinis as protection for their "gear" ..LOL

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:54 pm
by Mel46
Actually, it was South Carolina. Some of those riders don't seem to have enough brains to scatter all over the highway if they crash. I saw one guy riding a 'Sport Bike' at an extremely high rate of speed. He had to be doing between 90 mph and 100 mph, and he had no helmet or gloves, but he did have slip on tennis shoes...gotta' protect those toes, you know. :-(

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:30 pm
by dkazzed
That sucks, glad you're ok.

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:55 am
by jcpeden
GatorGreg wrote:Sorry to see this but I'm glad you only had minimal injuries. You said you were going about 30 when he cut you off - about how much speed if any were you able to scrub off before impact?
Most of it, I don't remember if I binned the front end by snatching too much brake or went down because I hit him but I wasn't travelling all that fast by the time we collided...maybe 20mph?

I was surprised by how far I slid for though...felt like a long time!

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 4:52 am
by gn2
jcpeden wrote:More annoyingly, my parents and wife are giving me the whole 'motorbikes are dangerous' routine now and I think I'm going to have to hang my lid up for good :(
Just point out to them how many people die in bed.
See how quickly they start sleeping on the floor.
Life is a dangerous game, no-one gets out alive, best to enjoy it while you can.

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:08 am
by WhiteNoise
I guess homie hasn't seen this thread yet. He'll be around.

jc, I will say thank your God that you're okay! A few bruises, etc. Not so Bad. Friggin' scary though!
Your scoot, she does looks a mess! Going only 20-30 mph upon impact Snap, Crackle, Pop!
Cost of replacement tupperware, CHEAP! Happy Dance! (A chance to go two tone paint :P )

Is that the plan now? Fixing? (or did I miss that?) :roll:
Heal thy wounds first please. Feel Better, inside and out

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:24 pm
by homie
WhiteNoise wrote:I guess homie hasn't seen this thread yet. He'll be around.
Wasn't trying to hear this, glad its just the bike that ended. He's a lucky one and we move him with much sorrow to the ever growing Crash Survivor list... may it be a while before another.

clever heading... pm me if I miss any o_O

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 4:37 pm
by Carl
Seen your thread on bikechat. Small world!

Re: An E-Class Benz Modified My PCX Yesterday

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 11:03 am
by sendler2112
jcpeden wrote:Had he not pulled out or had he pulled forward another metre I would have been fine. I wasn't going particularly quickly but at 30mph, I had enough time to grab the brakes and crash into his rear 3/4 with the bike largely upright.
So you rode right into the back of a stopped car?