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I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:46 pm
by KonyaB
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to pretty much everything and for this forum too.
I'm riding bike in UK from 10th of January and i had my 2015 PCX 125 from 8th of February.

Today morning was the very first time to drop it. Basically road was slippery due minus degrees overnight, and this car came with 20 MPH towards me in a turn (on a single vehicle road), as soon as i've seen her (i was going with 15) i pulled both breaks which was a mistake, and dropped the sweet PCX. Cars were parking on my right side so i couldn't see the oncoming car. I dropped this side.

Not too much damage thank's god, but i will need to replace the right hand side lower middle (under footrest) panel because it's not just scratched but cracked aswell. The front upper panel near the lights didn't suffer too much damage, and this is the main reason of my writing here that:

What would you do with it, how would you repair it?

I was thinking of sandpapering it down with a soft one, and then just spraypaint it with the color NHA84.

Also, will i lose the rest of the warranty if i paint & replace panels on the bike?
I did not contact my insurance because it's a fixable scratch, i didn't crash into the car and the bike after a big inspection looks totally fine.

I aslo attached photos, please study them before writing an answer.

Cheers chaps,

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:11 pm
by homie
Bandaids won't fix bullets holes but I'm sure you could do something in the way of body work. Glad you survived, welcome to the forum and the select few who have hit the payment.

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:37 pm
by zanggerk
Hi Ben,
if long waiting times is not a problem, you could order the plastic parts from one of the dealers directly in Thailand (like powerbypcx or bikerbitz). Including shipping costs the whole set of plastic parts for a PCX is around 250 Euros I guess.
Best regards,

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:13 am
by KonyaB
Thanks Klaus, i checked them on eBay and they are on my watch list 'till payday.

I think 'till the next service at 4000 miles (now it's 2560) i will leave it as it is, mostly because i'm inexperienced, last thing i want is to crash again with brand new parts. But as we all know sometimes it doesn't depend on us, it could happen with anyone anytime.

Also, what do you think guys, should i change the plastic parts on the bike or leave it for the mechanics at the motorcycle service which will cost me 40 quid?

I might be able to do it with the help of a friend of mine who says it shouldn't be that complicated. But i do not want to lose my warranty either...


Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:53 am
by Mel46
If you are experienced with taking these types of bikes apart you could do it yourself, but know that there are slots, screws, and bolts that hold these parts on. It doesn't take much to break them permanently. On the black bikes, like yours, I would consider lightly sanding the edges and painting them with touchup paint or fingernail paint. Ride like that for awhile and save your money. The bottom panel is easy to replace. The one that is by your knees is one of the most difficult. It will require that you take most of the bike panels off to get to it. The major expense the shops charge is for the labor of removing and reinstalling those panels.

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:06 pm
by KonyaB
Thank you Mel, that is an answer/advice i was looking for.

For now, until the day i reach 4k miles when i have to take it to service again, i will leave the bike as it is. As you said i will sand it back a bit and just paint it somehow. That will do for a couple of months. But i wouldn't really start messign around with it, only if experts in it say it's not that hard.
About my friend...As much as i trust him i would still not let him touch my bike.. :D

It's also practical to leave it for now since i'm new in motorcycles, eventhough i thought i'm getting really good in it, we all see what happened. I would just commit suicide if after changing the panels i would fall again, in this icy-rainy-wet English weather.. :)


Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:21 am
by Simon0867
Unless anything is badly broken I'd be inclined to just leave it, maybe touch up the scratches with some matching paint. The odd battle scar doesn't bother me too much and can make the bike less attractive to thieves.
I ride all year but keep a close eye on the daily weather forecast during winter. Personally I never ride if there is a threat of ice or snow, just not worth the risk. Each to their own but it's not one for me.

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 2:55 pm
by lolofigo
When I bought my bike second hand it had similar damage as yours I was thinking about buying panels on ebay and replacing them. Now I'm glad I didn't as bike fell over fro center stand in the car park in high winds this winter.

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:19 pm
by Mel46
When we purchased my wife's pcx she had not ridden for almost 40 years. We took the bike out to a big parking lot to practice. She immediately dropped the bike. She learned by increments, by dropping the bike or running into curbs, or pressing the front brake too hard...and then dropping it. Eventually she got to a point where it was worthwhile for me to buy replacement panels. Until that time, I purchased some model paint from a hobby shop and touched up the banged up spots. It is a learning process. You will know when you have reached a point where you feel confident enough to replace the panels. Get a service manual and learn about the bike. Taking apart scratched panels, and putting them back on, is better than trying to do it on brand new parts and breaking them in the process.

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 7:36 am
by KonyaB

I would like to thank you all for your answes for this thread. You guys said some useful stuff.

I decided to fix it myself for now, sand it back very gently with a very soft sandpaper, and paint it with touch up brush paint. Then when that dried, sand it a bit again and finally polish it.
Hopefully it turns out quite well, i'm going to start a new topic to document every steps i'm doing. Later on it might help other unfortunate people (like me).

Please if you have any advices then just keep writing replys to this thread.


Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:39 am
by WhiteNoise
Welcome aboard Ben :) Sorry to read about the damage to your new scoot. Accidents happen. Thank above that you're okay. Sounds like you're getting some very good advice here, our forum members are Great at helping. We are a Proud Lot ;)

Very cool! You're going to start a New Thread as you do your repairs. Very Nice of you.
I ask one favor. Please create it in our How-to sub forum.

That would be here:

and Without using the above link:
Go to the Board Index > click Technical Help > below Technical Help, click sub-forum How-To
Select New Topic button. Proceed to Show and Tell your progress.

Thanks and Good Luck to You!! :P

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:55 am
by KonyaB
Dear WhiteNoise,

Will do, thanks for the help ;)

I was desperate after my crash, i wanted this bike really much and finally when i have it, i crash it. But i feel like i can fix this for a while 'till i buy my new panels. :)


Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:23 pm
by WhiteNoise
You do that Ben, and be very careful riding.

Did you ever notice that Folks driving can be looking right at you (yes, Right at You), and Still pull out in front of you like you weren't even there? We are a solid mass of body n bike yet invisible to them.
Anticipate that, expect that they Don't see You...every time you ride.

Observe cars as you approach them. Really Look! Is their their head turned, is it turned towards your path? Head down? Perhaps they're texting, or talking on the phone. Reaching for something or maybe dropped something. They're in their living rooms relaxing compared to You who is totally exposed on your bike. Think about that.

As Riders We must Look and Scan throughout the course of each Ride. Because why?
Driver's Won't! = Driver's Will Get In Our Way and then? We become one o_O NOT GOOD!
(Let's not forget about animals. They dart out! Maybe someone else with that experience can chat on about that).

More: Look at the position of their Front tires. Are they turned? Towards your path? Remember to constantly scan the roads with your eyes looking for potential danger(s). Doing this will make you a safer and better rider. It will become habit in no time.

Do your part to be seen. Wear bright colored armored clothing and a full face helmet. Boots above the ankles too. Gloves count, wear them.

Always Keep your head and eyes up. Look ahead. Do not look down or You will go down.
Turning? Head up and look through each turn to where you want to go.
IMPORTANT! Use your brakes Before you enter the turn, Never in the turn! (There are rider exceptions, but it takes experience. We won't go there ;). Add throttle when you are halfway through/out of each turn.

Well, that's all I got right now and Your eyes must be weary :lol: So I will move on. Busy day today. I'm Going to see Mom. Tah Tah :P

Oops! Wait....I meant to ask you before, did you ever take a motorcycle course? Is one available? Would you consider taking one? It's So so important, worth every cent and it's a confidence builder!
Yeh! Do it!!

Re: I dropped my '15 PCX

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:12 pm
by KonyaB
Dear WhiteNoise,

Thank you for the advices, i'm pretty much exactly doing everything as you said above.

I took a training, it's called CBT here in UK, it's a basic training to learn how to ride motorcycles. I was quite good on it, and riding aswell. I consider myself one of the safe riders, i never go too fast and always do everything as it's written in the Big Book. :)

I also have the right gear, in the event of falling i gives me quite a good protection, but that depends from lots of things. I just bought a helmet cam, so from now on anytime i make a mistake, i'll have footage of it. Or more likely if someone else does.

My crash on this Monday was very unlucky and unfortunate as my bike is pretty much brand new, but bad things just happen. Funny thing is it's once 4 years 29th of February, and i fall on that day. :D
