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hello from another newbie

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:11 pm
by geri
hi all,
i know these "new pcx on the way" posts are getting a little repetitive, but wanted to say hello to the forum... i've got a new white one on order, hoping to take delivery on tuesday, cannot wait.

i've been riding a Honda Dylan for the past five years, she served me very well but it was time for an upgrade. The pcx will be my first brand new bike, very excited. I'll be riding her for my commute to/from work in London. I was planning on getting a second hand bike again, but the 0% financing we have in the UK at the moment was too good to miss! :)

love this forum, great advice and ideas, and i'm looking forward to doing some small mods and upgrades as time goes on. For now i haven't gotten anything, though thinking of screen, box, etc in the future.

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:17 pm
by JGC
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Standard screen in my opinion is useless, I got a givi one, which is better but I should have spent a little more and got the taller one. That is the only mod I have done to the bike and I am more than happy with it.

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:01 pm
by Theboybilly
Hello and welcome from me too Geri,
I have the shorter Givi screen fitted to my PCX and it keeps the worst of the wind & rain away nicely. You'll find your PCX very good for your commute as it's a doddle to ride in traffic and can manage A & B-road outings too as long as you avoid the faster, busier roads. The fuel return is nothing short of astonishing if you treat the throttle with respect. I love my PCX and I'm sure you'll love yours too.


Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:42 pm
by geri
thanks for the welcome! yeah i'm definitely looking at some screens. i quite like the look of the short Givi. it seems like there is a trade-off between looks and practicality as the size of the screen increases though.. I'm not sure i want to fit one of the gigantic ones even though i'm sure they'd be very useful...

another question will be around the infamous "hump"... i'm quite tall at 189cm (promoting the metric system here) so I'll see how comfortable it is. I did feel a tiny bit cramped when i tried the bike at the dealer.. but then again many people seem to get used to it

picking up tomorrow morning, can't wait!! :D

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:03 pm
by trigg123
Hi geri
and welcome.... I too had a dylan and loved it,but changed for the pcx june 2011 and also very pleased more mpg but just as easy to service myself. the screen i bought for my white pcx was a puig v tech line in solid black colour.also very pleased with that.....enjoy your pcx and remember white is worth at least 20bhp more. lol pics of my screen are in the ermax thread (under general) if you want a look
have fun :-)

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:25 am
by maddiedog
Welcome to the forums!

You said you were taking delivery of the new scooter today, we expect pictures. :P

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:47 pm
by geri
Picked her up this morning! :D I'm in love already! Just couldn't keep the smile off my face the whole way in to work, and then couldn't wait to finish and my ride home. Was such a nice day for it too today... Rides so smoothly, and just looks gorgeous! Finding it quite comfortable as well so far.

what I'm not sure about yet is the idling system. Is everyone here using it? I'm riding in London, it's a big city with lots of traffic, so I have to come to a full stop quite often. It starts super quick, so that's fine, but I don't know if it's too much strain on the battery / starter motor to start the engine like 20 times on every trip...? What's your views on that?

Alright, will have to take some pics and upload. But for now, I'm heading out for an evening joyride :lol: See ya!

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:04 pm
by gn2
Not a strain on the starter motor as strictly speaking it doesn't have one.
The PCX stop/start system was specifically designed for use in heavy urban traffic, so it should be fine.
I only turn the stop start off when it goes in for a service just in case the dealer forgets before changing the oil.
(don't know why Honda advise this but they do)

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:59 am
by maddiedog
Like GN2 said, the PCXes with idle stop are perfectly fine starting and stopping continously.

The PCX does not have a separate alternator for charging and a starter for starting like a car does. Both are the same component, referred to as the stator. It is basically an electric motor/electric generator that can switch functions depending on whether or not the bike is being started or already running. It's a component that doesn't really wear either, so take advantage of the idle stop to get that extra couple of mpg from not idling.

Since US PCXes aren't equipped with idle stop, I often manually idle stop my PCX, especially if I know it's going to be a long light.

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:25 am
by PeteCX125

I also live in London, been riding for a couple of months, it's a great commute with the only alternative being a packed train!
I live in putney btw

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:13 am
by geri
PeteCX125 wrote:Welcome!

I also live in London, been riding for a couple of months, it's a great commute with the only alternative being a packed train!
I live in putney btw
hey Pete! thanks for the welcome, good to see some other Londoners! I saw you have a nice black one. I saw a black PCX yesterday on my way to work near Westminster bridge, it wouldn't have been you? I haven't seen too many PCXs although i'm looking out for them. I'm in Clapham btw, so not too far from you!

Started using the idling system now. It takes some getting used to, but it's pretty cool. I still worry a little that it strains the battery, but will leave it on and see how it goes. I don't think it's a huge difference to mpg, but i feel very green and eco-friendly, so why not! :)

Re: hello from another newbie

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:53 am
by Cracksta
Hello, I too am a Londoner, i see a black PCX on westminister bridge sometimes on the way home, trying to sell my gixer 600 before swiftly purchasing a PCX. Is the bridge now open both ways?

Been studying the manuals and forums and i think i know more about the bike before I've even bought it, servicing is easy, bit annoyed with the service interval but you'll save lots if you do it yourself!

Hoping to join you all soon!