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Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:38 am
by GatorGreg
Bizarre video of a crazy old coot trying to teach a biker a lesson for crossing a double line I guess - I hope he gets charged with attempted murder. ... 7049539748

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 11:56 am
by gn2
Attempted murder is a bit of a stretch, looks to me like he was intending to put the shits up the biker but has misjudged it.
Definitely wrong for doing it and deserves to be prosecuted.
Seems odd he was annoyed at the bike crossing the double line when that's exactly what he did too.
Ultimately the biker is responsible, if he hadn't tried to overtake at that place the incident wouldn't have happened.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:06 pm
by j.d.b.
He was trying to hit them. Battery with a vehicle? Nice move gramps! He started to criticize their riding (apparently didn't like their passing). Needs to lose his license at the very least.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:56 pm
by dkazzed
The operator of the motorcycle will also likely receive some sort of fine but gramps absolutely needs to be charged and have his license taken away. There's no excuse for that sort of action. I wonder how the insurance companies will rule?

Hope the passenger recovers...

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:21 pm
by tbln930
That is exactly why my HD video-recording is always on. I need to add one pointing backwards. Vehicular assault in my state is still a misdemeanor if the guy is sober but can land him in jail for up to two years and a nasty fine. Of course it changes to manslaughter and a felony if someone dies. Considering the intent he will need a good lawyer regardless.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:49 pm
by dkazzed
An article from the Daily Mail. Other than a helmet, the woman was not wearing proper protective gear, but injuries do not appear to be life threatening.
  • Eric Sanders and his girlfriend Debra Simpson attempted to pass two cars on a two-lane road in Texas on Sunday
  • As Sanders approached the second car, it suddenly swerved and hit the bike
  • The crash was captured on video by fellow motorcyclist Brian Fisher
  • When Fisher approached the driver he continued to say 'I don't care' before claiming that a wasp stung him
  • Simpson had to be airlifted to the ICU and suffered a broken wrist and road rash that took her arm down 'to bone and tendon'
  • Sanders said the man was not arrested at the scene but that police have since seen the video
Read more: ... z3p361NhCZ
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Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:35 pm
by tbln930
Since the guy crossed the double yellow he may not want to pursue charges. The insurance companies will probably sue.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:55 pm
by JohnL
Dumb & Dumber!!!

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 8:32 pm
by GatorGreg
JohnL wrote:Dumb & Dumber!!!
Yep - that sums it up nicely - which reminds me of the classic scooter scene :D

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:35 pm
by homie
No winners here, FAIL all the way around. Gramps will be joining me in anger management class after the judge sees that video.
Dumb & Dumber

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:01 pm
by iceman
If the law played out, both should be prosecuted - minor infringement for the biker who broke the law and crossed the lines but heavy penalty for the a*hole who purposely attempted to injure the driver - they could have killed the rider and therefore should be done with attempted manslaughter. Just because you don't kill someone, if you do an action that puts someones life in danger you should be charged with that offence.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:20 pm
by honkerman
It's never good to play traffic cop. If someone Decides to break the law, best get out of their way and let the cops deal with them.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:50 am
by GeorgeSK
Well, it looks like the guy will spend a bit of time in the slammer, at least until he can post bail. ... 36648.html

But had there not been a video, the "accident" would have just just been another blip on the news. Insurance fraudsters and things like this do make one want to have a video going at all times. Not that it will really help the motorcyclist and his passenger.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:54 am
by WhiteNoise
Watched the video several times and again on last nights late news.
Each time I view it I blame the biker. He made the first move. He pulled out of his lane, crossed over a double yellow line (that's a no-no) and attempts passing the front vehicle.
Now, the front vehicle knows that the Biker is doing wrong crossing a double yellow line and He wants to teach the smartarse a lesson (you know, the scare 'em tactic). It didn't go as planned, the Driver's timing was totally off as he drifts out to the biker and BOOM! they collide.
This didn't have to happen. They both broke laws. Now they pay.
The kid inside never leaves us. We look to get scorned. Why?

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:25 am
by Bash On!
Penalty for crossing the double line is not death or injury intentionally inflicted. (Besides, the stupid driver is upset that the motorcycle crossed the double line, so what does he do? He also crosses the double line.)

Police are doing well so far. Citing the motorcycle rider for his violations, with the car driver sitting in jail for his much more serious alleged crimes.

In the meantime, the woman needs to get a new S.O. and should sue both the rider-operator and the driver. What a pair of dufuses.

May have to get video on my helmet; could obviously come in handy. Got hit driving a car and was able to obtain video from a business CCTV camera that established I was not at fault and that the other driver was speeding through the parking lot.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:34 am
by Kermit
Maybe I'm naive, or maybe I've been living under a rock, but where I live in the midwest, I just don't see this kind of behavior from cagers. Then again, I also don't see many complete idiot bikers, either. There's another very recent story from Texas about a truck intentionally hitting a couple on a motorcycle (unfortunately, not caught on camera). Are cagers just that angry in Texas and other places?

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:11 am
by homie
Kermit wrote:Maybe I'm naive, or maybe I've been living under a rock, but where I live in the midwest, I just don't see this kind of behavior from cagers. Then again, I also don't see many complete idiot bikers, either. There's another very recent story from Texas about a truck intentionally hitting a couple on a motorcycle (unfortunately, not caught on camera). Are cagers just that angry in Texas and other places?
nope its not just Texas, its associated with any number of things;

over stimulated electronic lifestyle
over medicated populous suffering from un intended side effects ie (statin drugs)
dissatisfied political parties on the verge of civil unrest
world wide conflict... war and rumors of war
endless natural disaster
racial division roaring back on the heals of a failed presidency
fat angry aging America lol
etc etc etc

this is not just a Texas thing, its global and not surprising to any who have been going to Church.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:43 pm
by Bash On!
Actually, having ridden a motorcycle and bicycle in several states (recreational and commuting), I can say that in this part of Texas (a little town, outside of Dallas), drivers are particularly polite and considerate. Worst drivers were in the Washington, DC, area, where I lived for many years.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:51 pm
by gn2
Must be remembered that the biker rode into the car, not the other way round.
Had he not been accelerating so hard and used more of the road he might have had a better chance of missing the swerving car.

Re: Driver trying to kill a biker on video

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:52 pm
by tbln930
The laws are tough in Texas. I think that video made a huge difference. ... ntcmp=hpff