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increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocalypse

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:50 pm
by hairbraine
my 2013 pcx 150 has hurricane silencer, 8 drilled 1/4 inch holes in the bottom of the airbox to slightly increase mileage. I plan to tie 2-1 gallon jugs with the caps sealed and small holes with a rubber tubes with a connector so that both jugs will drain into the tank at the same time, they will run to the gas cap drilled tight, I will siphon the gas to make sure no air in the one line and that way as the fuel level drops in the tank the jugs will empty. with 3.5 gallons I should make 300 miles between stops, the same as the ford focus. An
apocalyptic collapse will require a mad dash to the Canadian border from northern California, the wife and kids in the loaded ford focus and me on the pcx so I am asking if anyone has a better idea than this


Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:10 pm
by honkerman
Aluminum shielding would be good. Steel would be better protection, but the weight could prove problematic. Of course, you could just wear a kevlar vest and pray. Cell phone mounts could be adapted as forward mounts for small caliber armaments as well, though that would be if you wanted swivvel capacity. Hose clamps/zip ties/bungees could be used to secure a fixed position, forward aiming option.

You could also experiment with different variator weights to see about increasing top speed, but I think shielding and armaments would be top priority.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:49 pm
by hairbraine
Only concerned about getting out quickly, avoiding having to stop for fuel or to pull off highway

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:51 pm
by hairbraine
Cellphone might not work but your idea for cheap low range walkie talkies great idea

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:16 pm
by WhiteNoise
:? Maybe this for "that" day?

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 7:14 pm
by honkerman
Another option for a cheap gas tank solution is one of those two gallon water jugs intended to fit in a fridge. It will already have a tap. Fit a crate to the back with three of those inside (I think you can fit three of those in a crate from Walmart). Can directly pipe the fuel to the fuel line by inserting a three way adapter in the fuel line coming out of the main tank. A single line with a three way adapter at each "tank" would allow direct feed to the main line. small hose clamps can be used to keep the aux tanks from feeding until you need them. This would make your fuel capacity 7.5 gallons.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:13 pm
by Mel46 ... Aset8P8HAQ

I can't get this website to pull up but here is a good idea that, if they don't carry one for your pcx, might be converted to work well. I saw the one in the picture and thought about how easy it should be to modify it so that it sat on top of where the gas cap is on the pcx. You would have to get on the pcx like a motorcycle but adding an extra 2.9 gallons would really stretch your range.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:20 pm
by hairbraine
Thanks, I think with increased fuel storage the pcx 150 a perfect bugout bike, gallon jugs cheapest and easiest, to fill, store, hookup, swap out.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:08 pm
by homie
welcome.jpg (14.47 KiB) Viewed 4661 times
would anyone else like to share something with us today?
Chief says "there will be plenty of fuel to siphon along the way, don't blow up a perfectly good Scooter".

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:55 am
by gn2
Your PCX and Focus will be no use, they won't even start once the ECUs have been fried by EMP.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:26 am
by WhiteNoise
Oh Nooo! Not thought of that!
Then it's time to pull out yer peddlers n mod up with a gas motor. Tandem anyone?

"All aboard!" :lol:
(excuse vid quality)

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:14 am
by hairbraine
How far from the blast does an emp extend?
The nukes will go off on the coastal areas because China needs the infrastructure. I am estimating 75 miles from grand zero. (Towed underwater behind hijacked yachts, set off in coastal marinas)
I guess I must join another forum, "survival in post-nucalear 'merica' out of Tennessee or Kentucky.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:38 am
by hairbraine
I just read a single blast at an altitude of 400km over Kansas would fry the entire USA with emp. But that is traceable. What they want is a slow collapse of civilization so they can enter on " humanitarian" grounds after a year or so.....

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:15 pm
by dkazzed
Canada -- not so useless anymore, is it? Just check your guns in at the border, you'll be able to acquire an unrestricted long arm again for hunting moose, killing zombies, and keeping your daughter's boyfriends in check. And remember, we neither segregate nor assimilate, feel free to keep your American traditions and we will celebrate everything together.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:35 pm
by Bash On!
Apocalypse? Don't worry about range. You'll be robbed of both vehicles before you get anywhere close to the border. :)

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:01 pm
by dkazzed
Bullet proof glass and kevlar lining behind the sheet metal.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:04 pm
by hairbraine
Do I grow a beard, try to "Jeremiah Johnson" it in the mountains? Trapping and hunting? I am a city boy and not a very good one...Mexico? Guadalajara? Uno ma's cerveza pour favor senior?

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:14 pm
by Mel46
I just read a "How-to" on the web for adding an extra fuel tank to you motorcycle, and it mentioned that there are certain places you have to install the aux fuel lines if you have fuel injection. In another article someone had done this for a 3,000 mile ride and he used a company named Tour Tanks in Arizona. I haven't looked them up but they obviously are in the business of adding fuel tanks to vehicles.

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:36 pm
by hairbraine
Wow! 3 thousand miles will get me to Costa Rica. Ya think they like old bald white dudes down there?

Re: increased gas range, mileage to outrun the coming apocal

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:47 pm
by hairbraine
hairbraine wrote:Wow! 3 thousand miles will get me to Costa Rica. Ya think they like old bald white dudes down there?
2013 pcx 150 red