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Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:08 pm
by fish


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:55 am
by Steph
I concur! :D


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:55 am
by Steph
I concur! :D


Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:49 pm
by speedandstyle
I ride with florescent yellow jacket and helmet. I would add to the brake light idea of getting a modulator and let it do the brake tapping for you.

I have some issues with the horn idea. I have found that people sometimes react strangely to horns. Most quickly see you and get out of your way but others rubber neck to figure out where the horn is and can actually make the situation worse{turn into you, slow down etc}. I prefer to maneuver around them or slow down to avoid them. Which leads me to the video in the article. Although the car was turning into the bike's lane the bike was passing on the right which isn't the safest. Second the rider could have easily slowed instead of giving the horn. He does slow down so he can use hand gestures to the driver, which itself is risky. I am going to assume that the bike is also speeding a little as the car and truck up the road are going at about the same speed, another safety no-no. With today's road rage problem it is often best to let the other guy be an jerk and just get out of his way. Lastly I have seen how many riders use their horns as weapons often adding much louder horns. They ride like idiots and then when someone doesn't do like they want, HONK!


Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:02 pm
by drol343
Yep... Gear Up!!!


Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:10 am
by navigate40
Agree. I ride ATGATT. Bright red bike (2014 Forza 300), AGV Mesh jacket with CE armor in neon yellow and blue HJC CL-17 FF helmet. Yellow gloves.

When it came to helmet choice, I wanted neon yellow, but that was not available in a helmet that fit me well. SO... I chose a contrasting color that drivers do not see often. White and black are everywhere. Blue...not so much.

I always get seen, noticed. But, if a driver, about to pull out of a driveway or intersection is not LOOKING at me, as I get close....I give them a short, courteous beep of the horn. Just to make sure.

My feeling is: if we collide, their car might get scratched....*I* might get killed.


Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:03 pm
by you you
I ride with flourescent everything including my underwear. Keeping the horn on constantly only makes other cagers more aware.

The murderous Sh1ts

Well they are after they come across me.