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Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 3:33 am
by Kenno
So, 'waterproof' rain covers - are any of them actually waterproof?!
I've tried two now (an expensive Oxford aquatex one and a cheap ebay one) but both leave puddles on the seat. They even seem to collect whatever little rain there may have been during the night and seal it in ready for you.
I bought it for security as well as the waterproof benefits but i think the bike will just have to brave the elements from now on!

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:28 am
by iceman
I've got this one: ... B0016622V2
About £13 inc delivery. Fits perfectly without a back box or taller screen on the new 2015 PCX, but won't fit if you have a back box or anything else making the PCX bigger. It gets great reviews and well deserved.

It does let a bit of water through after heavy downpours, but not much and I've used it now for 6 months. I even put it on after arriving home during downpours and the PCX covered in rain, and in the morning it sticks a bit and peels off but not too much of a hassle. I figure the exhaust and engine being hot will dry off the rain, and it won't rust as much as being out in all elements uncovered without any protection. Someone posted a pic of their exhaust already showing rust signs after a few months of being left out.

If there was rain before, or possibility during the next day, waterproof trousers should stop water on the seat coming through and you cna quickly brush off excess. I've been using a cheap pair of waterproofs (£18) and not had wet jeans yet, despite some horrible weather, although the armoured winter waterproofs are going to make an appearance soon.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:51 am
by Kenno
Thanks, I'll give that one a go. Third time lucky?!

I've got waterproof trousers in my bag, but when I see it's dry outside, I don't put them on, only to find that the cover's been working in reverse! Luckily I keep a small towel thing under the seat now.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:20 pm
by chigman
Hi there
I have recently bought this one off the 'Bay'. I'm very happy with it, fits like a glove (size small) and no leaks just yet. Fair price as well. :D ... EBIDX%3AIT

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:24 pm
by homie
Maypole 937 Universal Scooter Cover .... boooooooo does not appear in Amazon US

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:15 pm
by gn2
Waterproof covers are a complete waste of time.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:39 pm
by homie
gn2 wrote:Waterproof covers are a complete waste of time.
not for water... for long winters dust

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:44 am
by Kenno
Chigman - that ebay one looks pretty good actually. I only went for a cheap one after spending over twenty quid on an Oxford one that didn't work. I've ordered the Maypole one now though, so if that doesn't work it'll just end up being an expensive dust cover.

They do seem to be a completed waste of time for me. I've stopped using the cheap ebay one and it's not a problem so far. If it's wet outside I know the seat will be wet and can easily dry it with the towel, if it's dry outside then the seat will be too (unlike with these 'waterproof' cover on), and it saves me the hassle of bundling it all up each time. I would still like one from a security aspect though, especially for when I'm parked in town etc. (which won't be often anyway).

Wish I hadn't gone down this waterproof route at all - I've just got caught up buying stuff I don't really need for my new toy!

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:10 am
by chigman
Not a waste of time for me. The scoot is parked outside my house under the front window and is chained to the wall via an anchor, a 'D' lock through the front fork and wheel, and finally a Xena XX6Y Alarmed Disk Lock. The cover is just another obstacle any potential thief has to deal with, besides keeping the thing dry :D

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:27 am
by iceman
Keeping winter rain, salty air, bird c**p off the scoot are all good reasons to cover it up. It may be made to be out in all weathers, but as we've seen from the condition of a scoot in another thread, covering it up is only going to help keep it in good nick (wish I had a garage!)

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:34 am
by gn2
Its not what lands on it when stationary that does the damage, its the road salt that gets caked onto it when riding in winter.
If the scooter is left uncovered, washed regularly and ACF50 used the damage is minimised.
A cover just prevents the scooter from drying out.
Salty air will still get at the scooter with a cover on, then the cover will induce condensation.
Also when the cover blows around in the wind it rubs the paint off.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:09 pm
by Kenno
I sprayed acf50 all over the place last time I washed it. Didn't have a a clue what I was doing. Just avoided the brakes and tyres (hopefully) and my bike is STILL rust free after almost 300 miles, so it clearly works.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 6:11 pm
by Alibally
It's good stuff. One can goes along way as well. The acf50 grease is good stuff as well.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:47 pm
by iceman
Rust free after 300 miles! I would hope so, my commute is just under 10 miles to work and in 6 months inc. summer months I've clocked up 2000+ miles! I would hope rust would not be showing on a new scoot so soon.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 4:00 pm
by Kenno
Well, the Maypole cover definitely works better than the Oxford and ebay ones. Still a bit of rain on the back of the seat but not too bad and the rest of the bike was fairly dry. Think I'll keep this one! Thanks for the advice.

Re: Waterproof rain covers

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:09 pm
by Alibally
iceman wrote:Rust free after 300 miles! I would hope so, my commute is just under 10 miles to work and in 6 months inc. summer months I've clocked up 2000+ miles! I would hope rust would not be showing on a new scoot so soon.
mine is rust free after 3 1/2 years