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Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:06 am
by Valiant
The local road rage 8) :

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:13 am
by gn2
What a charming woman.
And whoever is doing the filming and sharing it on the interweb must be a bit of a knob too.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:19 am
by Valiant
Best response I've seen thus far on FB:

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:32 am
by Valiant
gn2 wrote:What a charming woman.
And whoever is doing the filming and sharing it on the interweb must be a bit of a knob too.
Maybe? Honking wasn't the best way to deescalate the situation, but I can appreciate how he must've kept his mouth shut instead of spending the next 15 minutes having a pissing match with her in the middle of the road.

I wouldn't hesitate to share stupid behavior on the internet. It's a small island, and it helps to know the local crazies :D . As well, we should all know that if the roles were reversed and he did what she was doing, that guy would be spending the night in a jail cell.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:02 am
by homie
where is the LOVE... LOL

don't forget to put the toilet seat down next time

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:31 am
by you you
I can't see it

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:00 pm
by Steph
Valiant wrote:The local road rage 8) :
She got in trouble for that.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 5:46 pm
by Valiant
Steph wrote: She got in trouble for that.
Not as far as the legal system is concerned. I believe the only thing they're looking into is "unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle".

I believe I saw in the video:
-Child in front seat(state law says no).
-Driving on the opposite lane.
-Illegal stop on the road.
-Child endangerment.

The news is also sexist as it claims the guy admitted to "cutting her off" when he says he "cut in front of her", which is a bit different than abruptly cutting someone off in traffic. Next, her claim that he "reversed his car" after cutting her off goes completely unchallenged. She's basically walking around scott free making up lies when she should be in a jail cell signing divorce documents with a CPS agent standing over her shoulder.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:09 pm
by Steph
I wouldn't want to be in her shoes.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:01 pm
by homie
This completely stressed up person has made national news. I just heard her rant from this video on WLS Chicago radio, husband must be so proud. People, you are on video tape and just one rant away from world news tonight... AWESOME! only 320K hits on YT but watch it blow into the millions now.

that nicotine patch on her arm isn't working

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:55 pm
by wilbur
In Wisconsin getting out of the car in such a situation makes it a felony something-or-other... Forget exactly what they call it.

Imagine what she'll do when her kid gets expelled from school for going off on somebody like that.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:38 pm
by WhiteNoise
Definition of Lunatic
Really? And all that was said and done with a child in her car? How frightening was that! Poor kid.
To bad the guy she's bitching at wasn't an undercover cop. She'd deserve that "Surprise"

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:54 pm
by Mel46
The problem only gets worse as people less and less time to be polite and think of others. Today I was out on my scooter and a soccer mom was in a hurry to get somewhere. She honked her horn over and over at the person in front of her because that person was one car length back from the car in front of them, which made it impossible for her to go around eveyone by going straight in the right turn lane. I don't know if that makes sense, but in short she was in a hurry and did not want to wait in line with the rest of the traffic, so she went into the right turn lane that turns into a subdivision, went around the barriers and back into the main flow of traffic, though she was in a no driving zone. Then she went to the traffic light while still in the right turn lane and tried to squeeze back into the line of cars going straight. She couldn't because when she stuck the bumper of her car back into the main line and tried to shove her way in, the car in front of her wouldn't move. The soccer mom had 3 kids in her minivan, but the fact that she was in a hurry put all of the kids in danger. Do I think she had a emergency and needed to drive like that? No. I know that because once the light changed she shoved her way in front of others and then drove normally . She was just impatient and felt that she had the right to drive like that because she had places to go and things to no one else was in the same state of mind. Where I live the insurance rates have sky rocketed because of the accidents from these types of people. She was driving a minivan, but other cars in that lane were top rnd luxury cars. Just tapping a bumper could cost more than the cost of buying a house! Yet, everyday I see this type of behavior. Patience, everyone. You will get where you are going if you just have patience.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:23 pm
by Duggle
Thing is, a person like that (the soccer mom that you described) could leave 5 or 10 minutes earlier and not be "late" or whatever issue it is in their head causing them to drive like that, but they don't, because they are a loser. It's just very bad time management.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:38 am
by you you
I've seen worse. Women are become less feminine.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:45 am
by Valiant
She "turned herself in" to the police this afternoon, and they promptly released her without charges pending an investigation. Exactly how long does it take to watch a less than 2 minute video to skip to the part where she stuck her hand in his truck and slapped the phone in his hand?

If more women are starting to act like men, it's because they realized they won't be punished like a man would.

It's this reason that I'd want to ride in ATGATT. Supposing someone like her turns that van on me, I'd want to be well padded. Might buy me some time for someone to call the police before she gets a lucky shot in and rolls over my neck.

Also seems like a good excuse to buy a GoPro:
-If I faceplant, I'll know where I screwed up.
-Can't be charged with using a phone while riding ^_^.
-Best source of evidence, because evidently HPD can't be bothered to look through traffic cam recordings to find out what really happened.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 3:46 am
by kramnala58
Without taking sides because who knows exactly what he did to provoke her, possibly giving her legitimate concern for the safety of her child, it abhors me to see how she responded in front of the child, not only the verbal assault but how her driving likewise put the child in danger.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:15 am
by wilbur
Mel46 wrote:The problem only gets worse as people less and less time to be polite and think of others. Today I was out on my scooter and a soccer mom was in a hurry to get somewhere. She honked her horn over and over at the person in front of her because that person was one car length back from the car in front of them, which made it impossible for her to go around eveyone by going straight in the right turn lane. I don't know if that makes sense, but in short she was in a hurry and did not want to wait in line with the rest of the traffic, so she went into the right turn lane that turns into a subdivision, went around the barriers and back into the main flow of traffic, though she was in a no driving zone. Then she went to the traffic light while still in the right turn lane and tried to squeeze back into the line of cars going straight. She couldn't because when she stuck the bumper of her car back into the main line and tried to shove her way in, the car in front of her wouldn't move. The soccer mom had 3 kids in her minivan, but the fact that she was in a hurry put all of the kids in danger. Do I think she had a emergency and needed to drive like that? No. I know that because once the light changed she shoved her way in front of others and then drove normally . She was just impatient and felt that she had the right to drive like that because she had places to go and things to no one else was in the same state of mind. Where I live the insurance rates have sky rocketed because of the accidents from these types of people. She was driving a minivan, but other cars in that lane were top rnd luxury cars. Just tapping a bumper could cost more than the cost of buying a house! Yet, everyday I see this type of behavior. Patience, everyone. You will get where you are going if you just have patience.
See this all the time, only they try to use the bike lanes... Whether there's a bike there or not.

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:56 am
by Duggle
That has happened here on Sea World drive with bad results for the bike rider that was in the bike path. Person was trying to go around stopped traffic from a light ahead.

Actually here's one that happened last month. Fiesta island is heavily used by bicyclists to do laps. There's a road that enters the island and splits up as the entire circuit around the island is one-way only. Car driver on drugs enters the island, goes the wrong way against all the signage and hits 8 bicyclists (they must have been invisible). Just saw on the news, the solution for this is to paint sharrows on the road (arrows with bicycles). Yeah, the drunk/druggie that didn't see the signs or bicyclists will really pay attention to that. The distracted, or under the influence, or type A crazies in a rush are what really worry me the most about being out on the road on a bicycle or motorcycle (scooter). ... d-cyclists

The solution - keep in mind that there are already multiple signs that say one way, keep right and 25 mph. If I was one of the many cyclists that ride around Fiesta island this would not make me feel a whole lot safer with meth-heads in cars driving about. ... 10901.html

Re: Another reason to be in ATGATT:

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:43 am
by Mel46
That is scary! I dont know what you could fo in a situation like that. We have had multiple occasions here of wrong way drunk drivers on the freeways. Signs don't seem to do the trick, and if they put those spikes that pop tires if you enter wrong, then emergency vehicles can't go that way when they need to. I try not to worry about those types of drivers, but they are everywhere.