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Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 6:36 am
by gn2
Just phoned my local Honda dealer who supplied and have serviced my PCX to date.
Up till now they have been excellent and have given me first class customer service.
Well that changed today.

Just off the phone, it went something like this...
"Can I book my PCX in for a service on Friday please?"
No sorry, can't do it that day I'm afraid"
"What about Monday or Tusday next week?"
"No, sorry, the earliest we can do it is the ninth of April"
"Well I'll take that anyway but might have to sort something else out"

So that's me got to wait three weeks to get my scoot serviced?
The scooter is at 7400 miles, the service is due at 7500 miles.

In the three weeks time till they can service it I expect to cover up to 800 miles by which time it will be well on the way to needing it's next service.
I'm not a happy bunny, looks like it's time for me to get the spanners out and just do it myself.
Or find another business to give my custom to.

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:05 am
by Woolley
Are there no other dealers a little further away? I'd ask Honda about the warranty before doing it yourself. Depends whether your bothered about it or not though obviously.

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:01 pm
by Chucklbowen
The 2nd reason I did my own 2500 was scheduling with dealer who told me he had nothing available for 5 weeks. WOW! Why are they so busy? Not enough personel, too many bikes coming in?

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:35 pm
by trigg123
without knowing the full details,but my own idea/view is that dealers/shops are flat out this time of year with people getting there machines ready for this season i waited just about 2 weeks this time last year to get my z1 serviced.This time of year you have to be one step ahead of them when booking in :)

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:15 pm
by rich666

think I know what the problem is - Honda are binning dealerships like they are going out of fashion in the UK. 3 dealerships in the Newcastle area last year - only 1 left now. :(
Something about Honda want them to order "X" amount of product upfront to boost figures and the dealerships who refuse or can't afford to are binned.
Just makes it harder for us to our bikes serviced quickly, efficiently and properly. I'm using the same shop for servicing, if I need a warranty claim for anything it's off in the opposite direction to get it sorted. :(

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:34 pm
by gn2
The dealer used to be Yamaha in one premises and Honda in another.
The Yamaha premises got sold so now they are down to one workshop from two with the same amount of work to do...
And yes, this is the time of year when the leather joyboys start to think about Sunday trips out in the sunshine so naturally they all want to get their annual service done at the same time. :roll:

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:46 am
by Esdain
Rich, Honda are idiots when it comes to winter stock ordering, we make only £50 profit on selling a honda lawnmower worth £985, but if i sell a cheep mower at say £279 i make nearly £100, honda expect me to buy 41 machine this year, i still have 10 left from last, i'll likely have 20 left this year now so next year i won't need to buy any so i will lose the dealership. they also expect me to buy their display stands at £2k and all the POS. they really have no clue.
but Gn2, same with mowers, i have a 3 week wait now for servicing. nothing i can do about it either, we working 10hrs a day 6 days a week atm. i would hope your bike dealer is coin the same

Re: Unimpressed

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:42 am
by maddiedog
The dealership near me is completely slammed from dewinterizing bikes. They need to get my lower-left fairing replaced from when they broke it when replacing my centerstand, but don't even have room to take my bike in! :lol: