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What is It?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:51 pm
by WhiteNoise
Want to know? Post it here and see if any of us know.

Here's mine. This pic I took sitting in the passenger seat of my sis' car just yesterday. So what da hell is it and what da hell is it fer? Looks like a sub's viewer coming out of the front end of this old Nissan Pathfinder. Look close it says, "airtec" on it. No idea. I thought I left the South! :lol: She's drinking too!

Re: What is It?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:40 am
by kramnala58
I am fairly confident that it is an air intake for a diesel vehicle. As long as air can get to the motor, it will likely run. Thus a significant portion of the engine can be submerged in water and it will run as long as air is coming in.

With that said, the purpose of having in on most vehicles today is strictly cosmetic ... they owner likes the look of it. Unless you are doing some serious off-road driving through creeks and the like, it isn't needed .. unless of course it is in Thailand and they have flooding like they did in the last few months of 2011. But from the look of those signs, that's not Thailand.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:09 am
by Alibally
It's a snorkel for crossing deep water.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:39 am
by Mel46
I have seen some Hummers running around Atlanta with that on. Who in his right mind would take a luxury Hummer through a creek that deep?!

Re: What is It?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 12:11 pm
by you you
Isn't the top part of the snorkel 180 degrees out?

Re: What is It?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:20 pm
by chucktuna
Coming from my Jeep days, yes it is a snorkel for deep water crossings.
There are several different manufacturers of kits for off road-ish type vehicles.

It is pointed the correct way (forward) for highway travel, but ideally,
before putting the snorkel to the test, it should be rotated to face the rear.

Here you can see it doing its job of getting a person way deeper than should be, so he's screwed:



Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:43 am
by WhiteNoise
Shark Tank o_O
Thanks guys! Wow, Snorkels? Weird. They must not be popular round these parts, I never saw one in all my__yrs. (easy now) :D
Who uses them...divers? I don't get it :| No matter, guess the lady driving the rig digs it (or drinks cause she don't). She can have it.

Okay, moving forward. Any "What's This" item(s) that your curious minds want to know about? Bring it On! I :? might know.

So Smart you PCX'ers are :ugeek: ;)

Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 6:27 pm
by you you
WhiteNoise wrote:Shark Tank o_O
Thanks guys! Wow, Snorkels? Weird. They must not be popular round these parts, I never saw one in all my__yrs. (easy now) :D
Who uses them...divers? I don't get it :| No matter, guess the lady driving the rig digs it (or drinks cause she don't). She can have it.

Okay, moving forward. Any "What's This" item(s) that your curious minds want to know about? Bring it On! I :? might know.

So Smart you PCX'ers are :ugeek: ;)

Step away from the bong

Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:51 pm
by WhiteNoise
2yous, You! Are on a roll. (Or rolling) hmm....

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:33 am
by WhiteNoise
I'm starting to feel very alone here...... :cry:
in NOT knowing what the heck I'm looking at when I get caught up on an item during my natural walk through life. Do Ya'll know what the heck you're looking at every time something looks odd to you?
Do you just guess and then know immediately? Like..."Oh yeah, that's a thing-a-ma-jig outta me mum's sewing box, she uses it to carve out splinters!" Really? You knew that? Okay, that's a very dumb example, but this stuff happens to me!

Here's my newest find and have no flaming idea what it is or what it's used for....or where the heck it came from! Ideas??? :roll:

BAM!!! POW!!! This'll get yer attention :lol: (whoops)

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:45 am
by WhiteNoise
> Show in Tell <

So, Whatcha Got? You show us ..... Then We'll tell you ..... what the Hell it is. :? Ah Yeah, :roll: Maybe?

Another shot of that whatcha-ma-call-it shown above:

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:56 am
by waspmike
Rubber or plastic?

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:00 pm
by you you
It's a wimwam for ducks to perch on

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:44 pm
by WhiteNoise
waspmike, a very hard plastic. I'd say half a pinky in size. Hmm...such an odd piece.

2yous, I'm not understanding your winwam. Wigwam? Yous are being silly, ducks and all.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:13 pm
by waspmike
Fits in a hole in cheap cabinet to support shelving.

Really? It could be anything.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:56 pm
by WhiteNoise
:lol: :lol: Nooo.....ya think? Holding up shelves? But, I only found one.

Fits in a hole, I bet it does, but what kinda hole? Ah geez, I better watch what I'm saying.
I keep envisioning this as a locking piece, a fastening twist type plug that holds two or three units together :| I don't know! This crazy little piece of junk!

Wait! I know what it reminds me of (sorta), the hold downs rather lock ins for a record turntable. You know, when you transport the turntable so the platter doesn't hop. I'm really going off the deep end now :ugeek: Maybe I should just toss it out.

Time to find another mystery piece of "something." That should be easy. I got stuff!
(In the meantime, if any of you know what the heck this is up above, please tell me or it will get filed under "G" for garbage. :D Thanx)

Re: What is It?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:03 am
by Mister Paul
WhiteNoise wrote:Want to know? Post it here and see if any of us know.

Here's mine. This pic I took sitting in the passenger seat of my sis' car just yesterday. So what da hell is it and what da hell is it fer? Looks like a sub's viewer coming out of the front end of this old Nissan Pathfinder. Look close it says, "airtec" on it. No idea. I thought I left the South! :lol: She's drinking too!
It's a pointless piece of plastic which makes "let's offroad!!!!" drivers feel better about themselves.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:01 pm
by WhiteNoise
Well I know what it is, but I wasn't sure my 91 year old Mom did :D

So yesterday at the Nursing Home, Mom hands me this as an early Christmas present (wants me to wrap it but I say, "Nah" and open it). Shoot! She Knew I Would ;)
image.jpeg (314.4 KiB) Viewed 2715 times
Now exposed, She grins and says, "you know what that is?" (I'm puzzled) "Go on, unscrew the bottom."
"Okay." So I unscrew the bottom (I obey) ;)
Here's what falls out:
image.jpeg (307.11 KiB) Viewed 2715 times
"How cool is this!" I exclaimed, with a big Santa grin :P making Her Grin even bigger than "His!"

"Now I'll be able to tell all me Hooligan's on the Forum "How To" remove their bar end bolts!"
Her grin then fell to total puzzlement, then She laughed out loud and said....."What-Ever!"

"She's a smart one Mr. Grinch...."

(btw, it's a Publisher's Clearing House item. Yes, she enters to win.................STILL!! Oh Boyyyy)

Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:11 pm
by easyrider
Its the ALIEN taking over the car.

Re: What is It?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:24 pm
by WhiteNoise
:lol: Yes, yes it do look like "That!" :lol: Sharp eye(s) easyr!