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'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:26 pm
by IndyDakota
Hello everyone.

First off, love the site. I found it doing while doing a Google search over a month ago and have been reading it ever since. I've probably read 70% (relevant to my questions/concerns) of the General forum and viewed almost every thread in the Gallery. Let me just say I'm drooling over this bike and the accessories.

I signed up here because I am looking at purchasing a lightly used PCX150 and I have a few questions.
Personally I think he's asking a little too much for it, it's like he's including Freight and PDI in his asking price.
A new bike here is $4500 after taxes. He's asking $3400. Granted it's a 2013 and only got 300kms on it. Still has warranty.
The reasons he is selling is has been addressed and is not a concern.

I'm currently driving a 50cc and if there is one thing I've realized since purchasing it is, you don't realize how many hills there are until you get on a 4-stroke 50cc and most of them, even though are medium grade, seem steep.

After much reading, I am aware of the concerns about the seat so I've gone to the vendor twice, dragging my wife with me once. Each time I sat on the bike for at least 15 minutes. I'm 6'0 with a 32" inseam and it didn't seem to bother me so I'm ok with that.
I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and I didn't want to get off the bike, even when my wife started giving me the 'crazy eyes.'

My major concern is bottom end power especially on steep hills. I want to make sure it will drag my 230lb butt up those hills without worrying about that GMC logo looming in my rearview.

At the end of my road I turn on to the bottom of a steep and very busy road so that's my major concern.

As stated, I've read most of the general forum and did see this question addressed specifically by a fellow (can't recall the poster) who states several times that it hauls his 270lb son up hills at 50mph.
I guess I'm just looking for reassurance.

My commute to work is less than 10km round trip and I have to stay on the 50km/h because its illegal otherwise ;o) but even then I don't see myself taking it on the highway. My commute to work is about the longest continuous trip I do but I could see that changing with the PCX.

Annnnyway. I've rambled long enough. After everything I've read, I'm pretty sure this thing will pull my sorry butt up those steep hills. This was more about introducing myself.

I'm hoping the planets align and I can pick up the bike up within the next couple weeks.

Thanks for letting me ramble. This bike really has me excited. You will probably be hearing alot from me in the coming weeks.


Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:03 pm
by dustin91
Welcome Ken! Can't say I can offer much advice, as I'm 5'7" on a good day, 150 lbs on a bad, and only ride for fun. Someone on here will surely give you the info you need... but it's hard to turn down a PCX once you're on one!

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:50 pm
by Taz
Hills with a 50mph speed limit you should be OK. If accelerating uphill from a standing start you can prob keep up with the traffic though not be burning them off. If the speed limit is higher than 50 I would get a bigger bike.

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:12 pm
by That Guy
Hey New Guy,

I'm 5'10" and hover around 189. I live in a fairly hilly area and most of the time I keep up just fine. On occasion on steeper hills I can only max out at 45 but I only have 1300 miles on my PCX. I am hoping that will increase as I get past 2k. What's interesting is when I have my wife on the back, I get the same results on the hills. Good luck and welcome!

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:15 pm
by IndyDakota
We are on the metric system here in Canada so that uphill would be 50km (35mph.) As stated, the fastest road I would travel on would be 70km (45mph.)
Would that still be OK?

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:31 pm
by IndyDakota
Oops! You snuck in there That Guy. 45 sounds doable. You said your hoping your speed increases after 2k. Is speed/performance suppose to increase after 2k?
I must have missed those posts or glossed over them. If so, that would be awesome.


Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 5:50 am
by kramnala58
Where in Canada are you? From the description of your ride, it sounds like BC. As for the price, it doesn't sound bad to me. A bike at about 25% off full price with about 300km (or is that miles), sounds pretty good to me.

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:13 am
by strkngfang
Welcome Ken. You'll enjoy your PCX & it will perform to your liking.

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:53 am
by ~Cheap_Ride~
I have to tackle a long steep hill on my way to work everyday. I go into it about 45 mph. While going up the hill I can accelerate to 55 mph if I need to pass or just keep up. I am 5'10 186 lbs. The hill would be about three to four city blocks long.

I see no issue with what you have described with a decent running PCX. Even at 230 lbs your PCX should top out at mid 60's on level ground.

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:32 pm
by IndyDakota
Hi kramnala, Yep, I'm in BC. I would say most of the hills around here are not considered steep unless you're on a 50cc. I'm sure it will all change to medium grade on a 150. :D

Cheap Ride, That sounds great and reassuring. As previously stated, the one hill that bothers me the the most is the one at the end of my road. I start out right at the base of it and it's quite busy during morning rush hour so I have two options, a) wait for a very long time for an opening or clench my butt cheeks, take a deep breath and just dive in. It usually ends up with me doing a lot of apologizing under my breath as I creep up the hill. :oops:

I love my 50 but I spend more time pre-planning my routes and adjusting to new routes on-the-fly than I do enjoying the ride.

Anyway, hopefully the next time you all hear from me, I'll have some pictures to post.


Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 1:58 pm
by ~Cheap_Ride~
IndyDakota wrote:Hi kramnala, Yep, I'm in BC. I would say most of the hills around here are not considered steep unless you're on a 50cc. I'm sure it will all change to medium grade on a 150. :D

Cheap Ride, That sounds great and reassuring. As previously stated, the one hill that bothers me the the most is the one at the end of my road. I start out right at the base of it and it's quite busy during morning rush hour so I have two options, a) wait for a very long time for an opening or clench my butt cheeks, take a deep breath and just dive in. It usually ends up with me doing a lot of apologizing under my breath as I creep up the hill. :oops:

I love my 50 but I spend more time pre-planning my routes and adjusting to new routes on-the-fly than I do enjoying the ride.

Anyway, hopefully the next time you all hear from me, I'll have some pictures to post.

You will see a noticable difference with the PCX and that hill will become a bunny sloap. Congrats on your choice.

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:00 pm
by dasshreddar
Welcome the pcx sounds perfect for you. Yes 50cc is slow uphill. :x :lol: ;)
I'm 250lbs and my pcx used to do 45mph up this long steep hill, by using
the dr.pulley sliders I've gained 5mph up
that hill. 8)

Re: 'Hello' said the new guy

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:52 pm
by IndyDakota
Yeah baby! I picked it up last night. Maiden voyage was kinda stressful. Raining heavily on a much more powerful bike than I'm used to.
With that said, I am extremely happy with it and can't wait to get out again on it. Will post pics.
I did test it out on those steep hills and yes, they are now bunny slopes.

Thanks everyone for your help.