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how to ride an electric scooter safely in 5 simple steps.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 5:33 am
by Joanna Scooter
Let’s show you how to ride an electric scooter safely in 5 simple steps.
(1)Safety Check
Whether riding a brand new or previously assembled kick scooter, we recommend that you do a quick safety check.
 Ensure there are no damaged or loose parts on the vehicle
 Check that the scooter powers on with no error messages
 Confirm that there are no loose screws and the folding latch is secure
 Verify that all the safety features work properly, including lights, brakes, and bell
(2) Wear proper riding gear
Though riding gear should be worn at all times on a kick scooter, it's especially crucial when you first start riding, as it helps you build confidence and security in the vehicle.
While many high quality electric scooters, such as the NIU KQi series, feature premium safety features, you also need to do your part to minimize risk of injury.
 Wear a helmet, preferably one with a bright LED light for increased visiblity
 Use elbow and knee pads, as needed
 Wear riding gloves, especially in cold or windy conditions
 Check that your gear is functional and does not interfere with operating the vehicle
(3) Choose an open, safe environment to start
We suggest you Place the e-scooter on a flat paved road or sidewalk. You should start riding in an open, stress-free environment to ensure safe rides while you build up your comfort and confidence.

(4) Kick the scooter
If you want to start riding, you must kick your scooter first. Don’t forget that.

(5) Ride slowly and warily
While a new rider may want to focus on the kick scooter or the ground right in front of them, it is always best to keep your eyes ahead and focused on the direction you want to go. You should also relax as much as possible when setting off. Staying tense will only cause you to become fatigued more easily over time.
Many kick scooters, like the electric scooter, feature a thumb accelerator that you press down to speed up. Be sure to slowly press the throttle when kicking off, and don't press all the way down, or the scooter may take off faster than you're expecting.
 Start the scooter in a lower speed riding mode, like E-Save on the KQi3
 Press the accelerator very slowly after kicking off, to avoid a sudden increase in speed
 Be aware that some electric kick scooters feature regenerative braking, which may automatically slow down the scooter as you release the throttle
 Keep your eyes ahead and focused on where you want to go, not right in front of you