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Check-off the monsoon ride.....

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:19 pm
by fish

Set out for my coffee village ride the other morning at 5:30 in the heaviest rain I've ever ridden in.
Coming home the winds had increased to "weather advisory" conditions.
I knew about the rain - the winds were a bit of a surprise .
This 9 yr old scooter and the Michelins performed flawlessly considering we were practically underwater!


Re: Check-off the monsoon ride.....

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:21 am
by Mel46
First of all, I would NOT ride in the rain if I could help it. Not only is there the problem of oil on the road, there is the problem of poor visibility...not only for you but also for other drivers. Let's admit it, there are drivers who just can NOT drive in the rain. I see them all the time. Some forget to turn on their lights. Some haven't changed their wiper blades in years. Some are just too old to drive on a good day, let alone a rainy day just before dawn. Oh, and let's not forget the big trucks that bring their own problems to the rain-soaked highways.