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23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:39 pm
by fish

Temp at 23°F, according to the gas station sign, so really appreciated the clean, warm rest room and the hot water in the sink after the ride out this morning. (hand sanitizer stationed just outside)

The ride home often presents some great sunrises.


This is the 4th winter of riding with this miserly little 6Ah battery - thinking I might like to put in a new one. When you're chilled and ready to go home - you want your scooter to start drama-free!
In my experience - EFI engines like a healthy battery!
Odometer passed through 7,000 miles coming home.


Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 8:33 am
by big bear
brutal conditions i have joe rocket heated gloves 40 below zero boots insulated coveralls plus a good winter coat a helmet liner. IM able to go for 30 or 45 minute rides i cant wait till this stuff is over

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:48 am
by Old Scoot
23°F / -5°C we haven't had those temperatures here yet. Nice photo's btw
When for a little ride to my mother this afternoon it's a 65 km / 40 mile round trip at a nice temperature of 7°C / 45°F, I didn't have to have the inside thermal jacket and pants in my motor suit.
The suit is reasonably wind & water proof the only part that gets cold are my toes. I'm going to have to look for some other boots for when it's cold. :lol:

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:04 am
by springer1
A few years ago I landed one of my Radio Control Airplanes on a seriously cold day and the canopy shattered. I don't know what it was made of but after replacing it I don't fly when its that cold anymore. I guess the composites and plastics in our scooter are of better material. I wonder what the coldest weather a scoot has been ridden in in.

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:04 am
by Mel46
When I was in the Antarctic we had bunny boots. They really, really work well. You should consider getting some if you are going to ride in those kinds of temperatures.

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:44 pm
by Old Grinner
Heavenly country out there Fish. No tourists mucking up the scenery. :lol:

It's cold with gale force winds here today.

Gusts approaching 40 MPH.

Due to the dramatic wind I won't be riding.

But I'll throw in a pic for good measure. :D
Always on the alert for COVID Critters . . .. :roll:

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:28 pm
by Limey
Old Grinner wrote: Always on the alert for COVID Critters . . .. :roll:
Got my first Covid shot this morning. Yay! :D :D

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:42 pm
by fish
springer1 wrote: I guess the composites and plastics in our scooter are of better material. I wonder what the coldest weather a scoot has been ridden in in.
Your concern about scooter plastics on very cold days is something I've thought about several times. Scooters have lousy suspension, and cold does nothing to soften tires.

I actually was thinking just this during this cold ride: " Doubt if it ever gets this cold in Vietnam!! Hope the panels hold up!"

Frankly I'm impressed with the panels of the 4 scooters I've ridden in Ohio winters. (from - Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, China)

One morning I rode my Kymco at either 3°F or 5°F to work....don't remember exactly. No issues - that EFI fired right up and went into an instant smooth idle.

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:27 pm
by big bear
put about 12 miles in the ryker today shady areas were snow covered cant really go anywhere on the bikes roads are to icy. Ive got to get the hose out the first warm day and hose down the ryker its covered in road grime

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 6:53 pm
by Old Grinner
put about 12 miles in the ryker today shady areas were snow covered cant really go anywhere on the bikes roads are to icy. Ive got to get the hose out the first warm day and hose down the ryker its covered in road grime
After you hose it down let it dry for a while and then start it up and take it for a short ride to work the brakes and let any water caught up in any void areas or crevices work it's way out.

Better to have a dry machine put away before the next freeze. We still have a ways to go this Winter . . ..

Tomorrow it will be a blanket of white here where I live but hopefully only a couple of inches will accumulate. No need for the snow blower . . . will just shovel. :D

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:15 am
by big bear
januarys almost over hopefully it will only be a few more weeks till we get at least a few decent days. It dosent help when you ride in 1904 foot elevation either theres more snow here than alot of places

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:01 pm
by big bear
its bad here snow and cold i took the ATV out on a road ride mostly back roads i had to keep it in 4 wheel drive most of the time

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:09 pm
by Old Grinner
its bad here snow and cold i took the ATV out on a road ride mostly back roads i had to keep it in 4 wheel drive most of the time
It will be a real hoot here in the morning.

Possible blizzard-like conditions from mid-day into evening.

I did get a ride around the waterfront on the XMax this afternoon knowing I won't be able to for awhile. It was in the 20's F. but worth it to see the ducks and geese out on the cove and gulls hovering in the wind.

More unstable weather due later in the week and into the weekend.

This view will be a "whiteout" tomorrow.

Re: 23°F on the Liberty150i

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2021 10:20 pm
by big bear
only good thing januarys over only a few more weeks of this left.