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Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:31 am
by fish

Rain and temps falling below freezing for a Christmas eve sunrise ride tomorrow ... so, I rode out this morning at 5:30AM, mid 20's with 15 mph winds.

I was bundled up enough - just about comfortable most everywhere - and as I rode in the dark windy night out here on these dark rural roads I began to wonder at the wisdom of it all.
Pitch dark, no real shoulders on the roads, miles between houses, colder'n heck, on an 8yr old scooter.

Seems like it might be about time for something to let go.
CVT and engine are healthy and well looked after - but what of the electrical bits which keep me rolling?
It would be pretty miserable to roll to a stop out here in the cold & dark!


Coffee was large, HOT and strong! and 4 hrs later was home and warm, in the daylight.

Trouble with long exposure shots - you get interlopers!


and the cat was back looking for breakfast (goofy thing forgets that he does no longer live at the record shop!...and never did! - owner fed him a couple of times. Or, "her" - I've no idea....)
meowing up a storm!


Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:34 am
by Mel46
Record shop? ....and they don't have any 'records' of the cat ever living there? Not a good record, dang it. :lol: :roll:

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:28 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:Record shop? ....and they don't have any 'records' of the cat ever living there? Not a good record, dang it. :lol: :roll:
But it is a bit of a CD area..

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 10:42 pm
by fish
You might be surprised at the business this little upstairs shop does... (Toxic Beauty Records)
Folks line up before sunrise to buy new releases.
More than once daughter and I've watched him come out the door with 10 or so large album shaped mailing packages to take around the corner to the post office.


Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:44 am
by Old Grinner
Cats in general are amazing examples of what we call "survival of the fittest".

It's like they have a "how to" computer program running in their brains from birth.

Awesome creatures . . .. 8)

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:41 am
by Mel46 why is it that there are cats in our neighborhood who like to lay down in the middle of the street?! They actually look at oncoming cars like they don't have to move, and only move after the driver beeps his horn at them. Arrogance?? Stupidity?? Overconfidence??

You might even see their remains out on the main roads occasionally. I think their computer quit running, or something.

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:07 am
by you you
Mel46 why is it that there are cats in our neighborhood who like to lay down in the middle of the street?! They actually look at oncoming cars like they don't have to move, and only move after the driver beeps his horn at them. Arrogance?? Stupidity?? Overconfidence??

You might even see their remains out on the main roads occasionally. I think their computer quit running, or something.


Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:26 pm
by fish

Mel, I don't know about the IQ of your state's cats - but I've been watching this cat cross busy Rt 68 for years without incident.


Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 1:55 pm
by Old Grinner
I forgot to mention that . . ..

They can be egotistical too. :roll:

Perhaps something they learned from humans while being exploited to protect grain supplies from pests.

I dunno what it is but it's almost like they are programmed to explore every time a door is opened.

Curious critters they can be and sometimes to a fault.

Now take the common house fly. What the heck is it doing flying around in freezing temperatures in the middle of Winter? Catching some rays perhaps?

I happened to see one while I was leaving the house today to take a ride around the waterfront. I couldn't resist the photo op. And no . . . I didn't smell a dead rat. :lol:

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:54 pm
by big bear
i have 3 cats i had 5 at one time im currently feeding a stray it wont come near me but i put food out for it and it stays around knows where the food is coming from

Re: Xmas Eve 'eve ride. Wise? & Cat

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 9:26 am
by Old Grinner
i have 3 cats i had 5 at one time im currently feeding a stray it wont come near me but i put food out for it and it stays around knows where the food is coming from
A noble act of kindness indeed!!! :D