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Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:30 pm
by Chris753
Hey everyone! I first have to say how much I enjoy and value the wealth of experience here on these forums!
Quick TL;DR: Any tips for mechanic frustration, and calling it a night before you ever even get frustrated??

I know this is kind of random, but recently I have had alot of trouble knowing when to call it quits.

For example just tonight, I had done:
Engine oil, final drive oil, coolant change to new blue (double flush with distilled water)

It was round and 3rd for 5:30PM as I finished up putting the lower panel back on after the coolant job...
I remember thinking that I should call it quits for the night, but I wanted to at least flush the front brakes out with fresh.

Well my dumb self listened to the litter voice in my head and started to flush...ran the master dry, huge mess, brake fluid everywhere, brake bleeder bottle wouldn't stay connected...just overall frustrating. (I only even did the front, that CBS is a JOKE! :o )
I since poured cups of water all over the PCX after I was done :lol: I finished at 7:45, no dinner either so I was very grumpy lol.

Point is, how do you when to call it quits? How do you stop just before getting frustrated?

Another example, I had to replace my rear tire after a puncture (was cheaper than a full on plug kit).
I got the tire off with little dramas, it was getting close to 9:30PM and the garage was like 95F, I should have stopped there.
Still I pushed forward and scuffed up the rim fighting the new tire on...wasn't fun at all I should have just called it quits.

Re: Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:25 pm
by relic
Mechanical stuff is all bout being in the zone.
If you're not there don't go there.
When to call it quits? I don't think anyone can answer that question but you are on the right track, you hit the wall, and will probably will not go down the same road again.
I think maybe you figured out on your own.

Re: Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:20 am
by Mel46
There have been quite a few times when I hit that wall. My answer is, once you start to make simple mistakes it is time to step away. Your focus is being interrupted by your body. Listen to your body. The bike will be there tomorrow.

Re: Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:34 pm
by Coasting
Consider giving yourself a "tinkering time budget" - say, an hour a day. It's amazing how a little time consistently applied quickly adds up.

Re: Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:54 am
by Chris753
Thank you all very much for the suggestions!

I think I may get an kitchen timer out there that way I have something external to tell me when I need to stop.

Re: Seeking Advice: Mechanic Frustration

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:33 pm
by fish
I've learned to do this:
Before purchasing, especially before purchasing a scooter or motorcycle, get serious about your choice. Then buy a service manual for that bike. Read through each of the normal servicing procedures.; like spark plug, CVT, air filter, valve adjustment, rear wheel removal, oil (s) changes.
If it looks like things are going to be a nightmare - keep shopping for a different scooter.
I guess it is possible to love your scooter even if you hate what it takes to service it properly. Or, as most do in this situation - put off the proper servicing, or convince yourself it doesn't really need valve adjustments checked.
