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Nice Metropolitan, Tacos & scooter chat w/Chappelle

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 2:36 pm
by fish
Daughter and I went into our coffee village for sidewalk coffee & her pumpkin something today.
Spotted a nice new Metropolitan with paper plates from my local dealer - ridden by a young lady with helmet.
We hit Miguel's for a couple of his great food-truck Tacos.....
And down the sidewalk we came upon Dave Chappelle, who calls this village home.
I asked him if he was still riding his scooter...
"No, just sold it! Do you ride a scooter?"

Told him I've been doing "an year around sunrise scooter ride down to Dino's for coffee for several years."
"Sunrise!?....Yeah - we'll never meet in there at that hour!", he laughed.

Daughter was mortified that I stopped to chat with a celebrity.
Hey - scooter chats are nothing to be ashamed of, I told her.
Behind his mask, I think he said his heavily modded scooter was 122cc's.
He's shorter than I'd imagined.

Honda really does a nice job with these classy little Metros!

Miguel's tacos are worth the wait in line!


Re: Nice Metropolitan, Tacos & scooter chat w/Chappelle

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:05 pm
by Old Grinner
Yeah the Met is a classy looking little scooter . . ..

I actually considered getting one once.

The tacos are worth a pool of drool. :lol:

Interesting post. If you get a chance check out the episode on "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" with Chappelle and Seinfeld. He's a generous guy when it comes to kids education. :geek: