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David Letterman in my coffee village

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:50 am
by fish
Population of my destination coffee village in Ohio is 3,702.
Dave Chappelle (a well known, except to me, comedian) lives nearby and 2 yrs ago brought Bradley Cooper to the tiny village theater to premier "A Star Is born"; and last week he brought Letterman to perform in one of Chappelle's semi-private concerts on his property.. A few yrs ago I saw Chappelle wearing a Ha=Ha Pizza T-shirt on a national late-night show. The owner of the pizza shop is one of our regular Early Morning Liars at Dino's....and is a neighbor of Chappelles.
I get a kick out of the fact that Chappelle always hits Dino's for coffee when he brings them into town.

Chappelle got something cold, Letterman has a hot Dino's cup next to him on the sidewalk bench - (they have the mandated masks with them, hand-cleaner station behind them, and the ever present boxes of free books in front of the book store)


In for coffee on my Burgman one sunrise, 5 yrs ago - that bench is in front of my scooter.

Chappelle is seen around the village on a suped-up scooter, and a couple of different motorcycles.

Letterman seems to have lost weight.


Re: David Letterman in my coffee village

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 8:02 am
by fish


Re: David Letterman in my coffee village

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 10:41 am
by big bear
nice ruckus

Re: David Letterman in my coffee village

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 5:35 am
by Old Grinner
What? No hoards of tourists tailgating, littering, clogging restaurants, and making U-Turns in the most awkward places yet?

No wonder the "celebs" like the place. :lol:

It seems like the kind of destination where you can still hear the chirping of birds on your town streets. :D

Re: David Letterman in my coffee village

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:23 pm
by Old Grinner

Should be "hordes of tourists". :roll: