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A Bad Idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 8:16 am
by flyingzonker
Namely, two lane roundabouts. How do I know? Well I don't need the bible to tell me so: I entered a two lane roundabout the other day in the outside lane. As I was rounding the corner, coming from the south with the intention of exiting west, some very foolish motorist on the inside lane suddenly cut directly in front of me and exited north. At first I railed against him. Then I railed against myself for not taking the inside lane and thus being able to avoid getting crossed like that. Finally I realized that whether I am in the inside or outside lane, I am vulnerable to t-boning while riding in a two lane roundabout. Therefore I have coined a maxim: A TWO LANE ROUNDABOUT IS THE CHILD OF AN IDIOT. Pray you, avoid them.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 8:52 am
by Mel46
Who, in his right mind, would put a two lane roundabout ANYWHERE?! I have seen those things in action in the movies, especially in Italy. No wonder they have so many accidents in europe! If you come into it on the inside lane HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF IT WITHOUT CROSSING LANES??!!

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:40 am
by rossm
Two lanes one you want to come to the UK we get three and the odd four lane ones! They really are a bit of a close your eyes and go.

Or the best one is the magic roundabout in Swindon, it's made up of five roundabouts all interlinked, though I do believe they have put up dividing concrete blocks to try control the craziness

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:44 am
by fish
Don't be a whiner....12 avenues merging here!

My bus stop was here, on the outer edge.
No worries as a passenger!


Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:04 am
by you you
I always thought roundabouts were idiot proof.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:28 am
by Old Grinner
Ask yourself who would benefit (profit) from mishaps in roundabouts . . ..

The auto repair shops (or in worst cases auto manufactures), motorcycle/scooter repair shops . . . or manufacturers, funeral parlors, and the medical industrial complex.

Who would suffer? Those people involved in the mishap.

Therefore, for the source of the problem to be resolved, I think the responsibility to get anything done will remain with the "people".

Those elected into public office (in free societies) are bound to work within budgets and commitments made to organized frameworks. So the "voice in the wilderness" will have to be really really loud. ;)

That said, now that a number of employees have found that they can "work from home", or "telecommute" as we once called it, perhaps the load will lighten on the world's highways, the air will become cleaner, and less will have to be more.

Enter the scooter . . .. Simple, cheap by comparison, lower carbon footprint, a real winner indeed! ATGATT just in case. :D

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:14 am
by Limey
Ah yes - Swindon's magic Roundabout. I lived and worked in Swindon 1970/1971 and navigated this thing on a daily basis. Once you got used to it, it was very easy to work out where to go! o_O o_O
On learning to drive (in the mid 60's) we were always taught to enter a roundabout and keep to the inside lane until you reach the exit before yours (unless you are taking the 1st exit) - then indicate and move over to outside lane. As most folks knew that rule it worked pretty well. Didn't work in Swindon though!!
magic_roundabout (Small).jpg
magic_roundabout (Small).jpg (59.52 KiB) Viewed 1754 times

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 1:16 pm
by you you
Roundabouts and motorbikes are a match made in heaven.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 1:56 pm
by easyrider
Roundabouts are key to minimizing traffic tie ups and to keep traffic moving. Can you imagine a 4 way stop where every single car has to stop and look.. You would never get home.Whats a few crashes here and there..LOL

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:45 pm
by Old Grinner
Roundabouts are key to minimizing traffic tie ups and to keep traffic moving. Can you imagine a 4 way stop where every single car has to stop and look.. You would never get home.Whats a few crashes here and there..LOL
Perhaps more mass transit and "vehicle free zones" where only pedestrians and bicycles are allowed?

It gets complicated.

Most of the populations live closer to the coastal areas so maybe we should all spread out . . .. :lol:

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 6:24 pm
by you you
Old Grinner wrote:
Roundabouts are key to minimizing traffic tie ups and to keep traffic moving. Can you imagine a 4 way stop where every single car has to stop and look.. You would never get home.Whats a few crashes here and there..LOL
Perhaps more mass transit and "vehicle free zones" where only pedestrians and bicycles are allowed?

It gets complicated.

Most of the populations live closer to the coastal areas so maybe we should all spread out . . .. :lol:

It isn’t complicated. It’s a roundabout. Probably one of the simplest things in the world. Just not the USA obviously.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 6:57 pm
by Old Grinner
It isn’t complicated. It’s a roundabout. Probably one of the simplest things in the world. Just not the USA obviously.
One would hope . . ..

I think when you're local it's easier to get around them but when you're a tourist, or from out of town, it's like being caught in a school of fish.

Some laughs from days of yore. Sadly this happens too often though. :roll:

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 7:32 pm
by Gil

Roundabout in Swindon

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:46 pm
by flyingzonker
you you wrote:I always thought roundabouts were idiot proof.
nothing is proof against an enterprising idiot. That being said, I feel that even an idiot can do pretty well with a roundabout provided he is given some training in negotiating them. In the US roundabouts are still new and are relatively rare. We just don't know how to use them. This makes them, seems to me, as dangerous as four way stop intersections. I know they are supposed to be safer but so far the closest call I have had to a really bad 15 minutes came in a roundabout. (I am talking here about two lane roundabouts; the single lane jobs are a cinch even for the likes of me)

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:32 am
by fish
In Paris, if you bing a guy at the Arc...
blame (read citation and insurance ) is shared 50%/50% ....
unless you hit a city bus. Then you're to blame100%.
Very best bet in Paris is to take public transport....or walk.


Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:32 am
by Old Grinner
Very best bet in Paris is to take public transport....or walk.
Totally agree . . ..

When I toured Paris on my High School trip I had the opportunity to get a cab ride around the "Arc de Triomphe" a couple of times and then the "Champs-ElySees". Sorry no accent marks . . ..

Cafes abound for one to sit and rest when needed or enjoy some wine and cheese. :D

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 12:36 pm
by you you
No words.

Maybe FFS.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:08 pm
by iceman
For major round-abouts, your supposed to enter and stick to the outside lane if taking the 1st or 2nd exit, the inner lane(s) if taking the 3rd or more exit - taught to everyone who learns to drive, car or bike.

The highway code shows and explains all this.

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 9:04 am
by you you
iceman wrote:For major round-abouts, your supposed to enter and stick to the outside lane if taking the 1st or 2nd exit, the inner lane(s) if taking the 3rd or more exit - taught to everyone who learns to drive, car or bike.

The highway code shows and explains all this.
True. Simples.

If there is no other traffic you can go round and around and around....

Re: a bad idea

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 9:35 am
by Mel46
They have started adding some roundabouts here and those who couldn't drive before sure can't drive around those! I have seen cars stop and sit there until there is no more traffic. I have seen others just shove their way in without slowing for cars already coming at them. It is going to be real fun just watching a double lane roundabout.

If this gives any indication of what is coming, yesterday we were at our light that comes out of our subdivision, waiting for our turn. The light turned green. We looked both ways...mainly because we don't trust these drivers around here... then we proceeded out into the intersection, my wife ahead of me in her car. (Our lights indicated green for straight and left turning vehicles). Just as she reached the center, where she was turning left on a left turn arrow, a SUV flew through the intersection at a very high speed, crossing our path so close that the side of their vehicle glanced off of the front bumper of our car...and they kept going! Imagine what it would have been like if I had been ahead of my wife on my bike. Thank goodness I had decided to follow instead of lead this time!