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close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:01 pm
by big bear
while riding the back roads near my house i saw a car parked on the side of the road noticed the brake lights were on and i knew someone was in the drivers seat i got kinda nervous slowed way down sure enough as soon as i got to the cars rear bumper the girl driving the car pulled out in front of me i was able to stop . I even had my florecent vest on but she never looked

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:18 am
by Inoplanetyanin
Yeah, don't trust drivers... assume you are invisible and slow down instead of relying on them seeing you.
Glad you got out of the situation safely.

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 6:17 am
by Old Grinner
i got kinda nervous slowed way down sure enough as soon as i got to the cars rear bumper the girl driving the car pulled out in front of me
Yeah, don't trust drivers
For sure!

Murphy's Law . . ..

Yesterday I stopped at a pedestrian crossing. I had my left arm down with my hand opened to signal the car coming up behind me to slow down and stop. But they should have known that anyways . . . you are supposed to stop at pedestrian crossings when the are occupied.

The pedestrians started to cross and as they were right in front of me the car behind me passed me on the left and just kept on going. It looked like a white BMW SUV.

The people had to stop in their tracks.

Fortunately nobody got hurt but it just goes to show you can't trust drivers.

That was just one incident of several I had to deal with yesterday. :roll:

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:45 am
by Mel46
Yes, I have seen cars keep going when people were in the crosswalk.

In fact, we recently had an accident in our area in which several kids on bicycles sped across the street using the crosswalk and one of them was hit and killed by a driver who did not slow down or stop before turning right. The law says that they can turn right on red AFTER coming to a full stop. The driver didn't even slow down when he made the turn. He just turned right at full speed, right into the kids on bikes. I guess he was more interested in seeing how well his BMW handled than the people in the crosswalk. How'd it handle, guy?? By the way, it was a millennial at the wheel. Surprise!

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:48 pm
by easyrider
I got hit just the other day. Stopped for a red light preparing to proceed when traffic cleared and boom, I was rear ended by a pick up truck. Just a slight bump, but when I finally got the drivers attention by waving my arms, he finally backed up and we looked for damages. Fortunately only a minor scrape on the Forza left rear quadrant plastic.. He said he thought I had already took off and didn't see me.. he was 79 yrs old.. I told him to be careful and we went on our ways.

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:40 pm
by WhiteNoise
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!! It's getting worse and worse out there. If we must drive in traffic we're going to dealing with more and more reasons and excuses why "they don't see us." We're going to be tapped, hit or slammed. I don't ever want to feel like riding is Not Fun. I seek quieter roads to travel but they're so difficult to find. Congestion everywhere. Traffic lights are just blocks apart. Speed bumps 6-8 inches high, cars cars and more cars with drivers Not paying attention!

Okay, I told myself not to respond here because I can go on for days (I hear ya, you don't want that! :lol:

big bear, you did the right thing! Thanks for sharing how you handled that situation :) Safely, spot on.

easyr, Floridians dang! I know yer watching them closely. Time to tweek that. Geez there's no getting away from that crap. Bump in the arse - so common. Glad you and your scoot took it well. Wake up drivers we didn't just show up overnight. Florida's been Loaded with bikes 4ever! What the hell!

I need to take a walk now. Chill. It's all inside. Up the stairs, down the stairs. Hey, I'm clocking miles - my Fitbit tells me so. But the weight still adds up (ice cream lover here).

Be safe everyone spin yer head, be alert-er (holy smokers, now I'm making up words o_O ) Find Me that yellow vest!

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 2:50 pm
by Old Grinner
Competition for space on the roads is becoming more intense for sure. :?

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:41 pm
by big bear
theres not much traffic where i ride so theres not alot of things going on at the same time that was the first incedent ive have had since i started riding in june of 2018

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 8:48 pm
by HondaC110
When I'm in line waiting for the light to change, I always leave plenty of room between me and the car ahead of me and watch my just never know. And if I'm on the Triumph I'm in gear with the clutch in. Saved me more than once.

Re: close call on my new zuma

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 9:06 am
by Mel46
I always do my best to remain visible to the driver in front of me and the driver behind me. I try to ride toward the left side of center in order for the drivers in both vehicles to see me at all times.

I also have my "Knight Rider" rear light that goes back and forth continuously...until I press the brake lever. Then the light blinks 5 times before going on steady as a brake light. With all of my other tail lights the driver behind me would have to be blind not to see me, but I still keep an eye on my rearview mirror, just in case.

No erratic behavior, no zipping between cars, no cutting in front of a vehicle at close range.

Most drivers give me plenty of space.

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