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Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:11 am
by cnikonpete
I would like my pillion to get on before me due to our ageing limbs not working as well as they used to , anyone have their pillion mount the PCX while it’s on the kick stand? Any possibility of damage to said stand?

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:37 am
by gn2
Scooter will probably fall over.

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:09 am
by Yorkie150
It won't take the weight ...and if it did it would probably bend. My wife has mobility problems and I get on the bike first and then stand with both feet down as she climbs aboard to hold it for me.

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:10 am
by Old Grinner
At least you can put the PCX where you want it . . .. :D

Some people who ride horses have mounting issues also. Various devices are available to assist with that.

When I get on my KLR now I put my left foot on the peg and swing my leg over the seat using careful balance and weight distribution. Fortunately my kickstand will handle it. I've seen others do it on YouTube so I decided to give it a try. The older I get the more difficult it is to get on bikes with tall seats. I know I should exercise more . . .. :roll:

I'm not so sure the kickstand on the PCX would handle it though. It's not designed for it. Being a light machine I suspect it would topple over as well.

So, posting the video here purely for entertainment purposes.

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:56 am
by cnikonpete
Thanks, just tried it with me holding the bike on left and wife getting on the right hand side, it didn’t bend the stand, but I’m not really happy about it. Didn’t dare show wife “it won’t take the weight”

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:11 pm
by tjupille
Can you both get on while the bike is on the center stand, and then "rock" it off? Of course, that begs the question of how you get off.

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:24 pm
by WhiteNoise
:? Ohhhh this is an accident waiting to happen! You 2 might have gotten away with "that mounting" procedure this round but "chances" are just that....."chances." Please Do Not rely on sidestand. FYI, the side stand/aka/kickstand can even trip one or both of you.

Rider and Passenger Mount from left side (kickstand side) with kickstand Up. If your roadways permit and traffic is minimal...and you have a curb nearby, roll your bike close to it with the kickstand side facing the curb. This is your "free" step up. Makes mounting easier for the both of you.

Mounting - "make it easy on yourself...."
Rider cks --> Motor Not running. Bike preferably placed on Level ground. Rider mounts, stands, moves close to bars and holds onto bars Plus brake lever. Rider's feet placed flat on ground (or one on curb and the other on street). You're ready.

Important! Keep Communicating with each other -
You want to be on the "same page" so to speak. Prevent an accident, you're almost ready :P

You Speak ready. Your passenger Speaks ready. She/he can now use the curb as a step-up to the passenger peg. Passenger, Balance yourself and step up, place left foot on peg ---> now swing your right leg over. Be seated! Voila!!

This sounds like a lot to follow. It's not. Basically 1,2,3 done. Do not rush it. Practice makes perfect. Getting on and off a bike needs as much attention as riding. It's so easy to drop a bike in it's place while getting on or off. Seen it. Almost did it. Prevent it. Pay attention, take your time, follow steps and Enjoy Every Ride 8)

Dismounting - Reverse - It's passenger off first. Then Rider. Find a curb. Follow procedure

Re: Kick/side stand strength for pillion

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:26 pm
by cnikonpete
Thanks for all the tips, she’s only been on the back twice, first time me on first holding bike, almost as above, 2nd time with the kickstand as stated. Nothing bad happened, but will only do the first method now as the strain on kickstand was when she was shuffling back on the seat, as she got on the opposite side the weight on the stand was actually reduced.
Anyway, the good news is that the bike coped quite well for a 125cc.