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Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:31 am
by fish
Sounded like the siege of Stalingrad.... lightning and very heavy rains last night.
Made for very careful ridng before sunrise. Branches down, & apple sized rocks washed across the roads in hairpin bends, gravel is corners, etc.
I considered this before rising from bed this morning - and planned for it by taking the Piaggio with its much better headlight.

Yesterday there was a 6' wide stream meandering through this cow pasture.

The other side of the road.....

Those 'apples' were waiting for me just above this cottage in a hairpin, downhill snake of a road.

In my coffee village - awaits a very nice restroom.....which I may use again in a few months!


Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:43 am
by Mel46
I think I would have stayed at home. What would have been the possibility of that stream overflowing the road on that second picture? It looks awfully close to the road.

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:50 pm
by Old Grinner
Sounded like the siege of Stalingrad.... lightning and very heavy rains last night.
As always Life magazine quality pictures. :D

Great job again Fish!

Moments like that launch the adrenaline. o_O

We had regular 87 Octane rain this morning. When it stopped and things dried a bit I took my ride around the waterfront.

I didn't bring my camera today but did have to pick up something off the road that could have caused someone a serious problem. Then I had to ride about 6 car lengths for 5 miles behind some clown in a pickup truck who kept swerving over the yellow lines. I honked the horn once and gestured like hey WTF? No finger pointing though . . .. I kept my cool. The car following me had to put up with this idiot also. I think the average speed was 25 MPH the whole way. So I'm thinking he was either DUI or texting or talking with someone. The high back seats blocked my view of the occupants. Rant over. . .. :roll:

So getting back to the object I found in the road. . .. Anyone know what this fits? It won't work as a locking pin on my trailer ramp but I figured it was too good to throw away.

BTW this is an excellent movie. "The Wave". Intense . . .. o_O

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:00 am
by Mel46
That item looks like it was suppose to have a second locking pin in it. I wonder if it was meant for a trailer hitch of some sort.

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:10 pm
by Old Grinner
That item looks like it was suppose to have a second locking pin in it. I wonder if it was meant for a trailer hitch of some sort.
Yeah . . . it's some kind of dowel or pivot pin.

I could get another retainer clip for it.

Eventually I'll find something it fits . . ..

When I first saw the thing I was slowing down for an intersection. It almost looked like a spent .50 caliber cartridge. I checked 360, shut down, got off, ran and retrieved, and restarted on my way before the intersection became active again. I just popped it into my leg shield storage bin. It was a bit heavy duty.

Whoever lost it is going to be in for a surprise. Hope nobody got hurt.

Thunder and lightening and wind just hitting here all of a sudden. Must be a storm cell . . ..

Gotta go!

Cheers and Beers! :lol:

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:23 pm
by fish
I agree. Good movie. Watched it twice. I freq try the foreign film DVD section of the library.
Same gang made another about an earthquake.

I do not stay around a guy like your truck driver. People get the least bit stupid around me and my scooter - I just pull over. Once tailed a drunk in my car and phoned his position into the police.
Appreciate your kind remarks about the photos.
I studied art as a kid in Paris...and painted when I was younger -- now I tend to 'see' a lot, but with
a camera.
Folks think the secret is using an expensive camera. I've 2 rebuilt Lumix cameras from Amazon. Every pic from the last 6 wks is with a small pocket Lumix which, since it's been dropped once too often, is held together by a rubber band.
As long as even a few enjoy scooter pics from my cameras on the Burgman, Honda, Vespa and Kymco forums .....I'll stick around. Plenty who don't, I know.

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:45 pm
by Old Grinner
OK here now . . ..

The power did go out and lost internet for a bit.

I thought it may have been a "Straight Line Wind" but evidently not. Just heavy rain, thunder, and wind all of a sudden.

Somewhere something got hit, hence the power outage.

That said, I'll probably be off-line until later this evening and these storm fronts coming out of Pennsylvania move on through.
I agree. Good movie. Watched it twice. I freq try the foreign film DVD section of the library.
I saw "The Wave" DVD stocked at my library a couple of years ago. Great place for borrowing DVDs.

I may have posted this before but this is where "Life" and "Time" used to be printed in my town. Times do change . . ..
Winds are picking up again. Very strange weather pattern. I'm going to log off while the power is still on. Washing my hands won't help with this. :lol: :roll:

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:07 pm
by WhiteNoise
OldG what say you crop those 2 "what's it" photos and post them here (too):

I like hearing what folks guess :lol: Some probably know. And some here might have pegged the pin already, but why not post the pics there anywho? :D

I swear I've seen that before. I have! Maybe in my garage? I'll look later.

By the Way, Alexa sounded off earlier this afternoon warning about dangerous storms in our area up until 4pm today. Yep! Snap yer fingers and that's how fast the Winds picked up then the rain went sideways (taking the trees in the same direction) and it Down Poured. Both combined caused zero visibility. Lightening and thundering in the distance. I waited for hail. No show. The storm flew through as fast as it came. Left behind are very windy conditions. But, Suns out :P
Mother Nature Awareness Day

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 5:24 pm
by Mel46
Yes, Mother Nature sounded off here last night as well. Now all is well except for the high wind advisory. I won't take my bike out in high winds, especially when they are unpredictable. We took the car instead.

Going shopping was a challenge. Our local Home Depot had the police keeping order and only allowing one person in when One came out. Home Depot had tried to manage that themselves previously but when a truck load of day workers is dropped off to buy supplies, they just ignore rules. They all rushed the door at the same time. Not any more. I saw a bunch of them standing in line, waiting to go in...everyone mandated to stay at 6 foot intervals marked on the ground. 'Tis a way of life now.

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:11 pm
by Old Grinner
OldG what say you crop those 2 "what's it" photos and post them here (too):
All set WN! :D

And yes about the rain and wind . . ..

I was so glad we didn't get any hail. :D

Re: Heavy rains & flooded farms

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:30 pm
by Old Grinner
Going shopping was a challenge.
Same here. I'll bet it will be next to impossible to get simple dust masks there for household needs (sanding, lawn mowing, wood cutting).

The last time I checked everything "dust mask" related for Home Depot was either sold out, not available online, or not available at any stores. Maybe it will be different in your area.

Another way to get an edge on the competition next time you go to the store. :lol: