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ny is rough

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:46 pm
by riding@100mpg
should be riding soon, just got laid off because NY is tough right now with the coronavirus. if we don't get locked down i'll be out. everyone stay safe and healthy please

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:41 am
by Old Grinner
Better days are coming . . .!!!

The "layoffs" are pulling the rug out from under people all over the place. I know what it's like having gone through a couple during my working career as companies adjusted and adapted to "right sizing" and changes in the economy and technology. But I was never shown the door due to pestilence. I don't think anyone saw that coming . . ..

I heard on the news this morning that the "stimulus deal" in Washington should go through now so American families will receive support benefits. If you make under $75K and are an adult you'll receive up to $1,200 fairly soon. If you're married then you and your spouse will receive a combined total of $2,400 (if your household income is under $150,000). Children will receive $500. So a family of 4 could receive $3,400 in a one time payment. Don't quote me but these are what I believe to be the most recent statistics. Amounts change as incomes go higher and I think there is a "cut off" point. It's all over the news channels as I type this if you want to investigate.

Riding is always good no matter how bad things get! :D

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:43 am
by big bear
with that money i could almost buy an ADV 150

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:52 am
by Mel46
You Do Know, I assume, that the stimulus deal is being held up right now, don't you? I know Politics is a no no on this forum, but I will say that this country is in need of help NOW, not after some wish list produced by Nancy Pelosi is agreed to.

Who plays with lives when people are dying, by making stupid demands such as...“… Companies will also have to produce elaborate racial reports for the government listing the skin color and sex for their board of directors.

What does THAT have to do with helping those in need NOW!?

Moderator note: removed political PDF. Please keep things non-political here!

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 4:32 pm
by easyrider
I bet you heard that on Fox news channel.The live interview with her revealed a different story.

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:03 pm
by Ganglylamb
Put politics aside, this virus does not discriminate politically, racial, religious or age wise (whatever they are saying young people are also dying because of this).

If there was ever a time to unite this might be the one, we as humans think we are invincible yet a creature that is roughly 1 800 000 times smaller than us is giving us a really rough time - a challenge unseen since a long time.
Unite and fight by isolating yourself!
And unity is what we need globally now, we can fight the virus on one continent but it will be in vain if it pops up somewhere else in the world (don't want to think what this thing will do in Africa where health services are not as equipped as in much richer areas). This thing is global and needs a global battle plan.

No conventional weapon kills this thing; forget firearms you don't stand a chance, so why argue? Do not rely on governments; take your own life in your hands, - take a stand and fight and the best way to do this is by staying isolated in your own bubble.

The coming months , even year will be hard on everyone (I speak from experience as my wife got fired last week and I am also unemployed now because of this surrealistic situation) - throw money at this thing no matter what - staying inside is the best weapon against this! The less it spreads the faster all will be over and we can return to our normal lives.

Stay safe, stay isolated!

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:23 pm
by Mel46
I agree...and age does not guarantee anything. I just heard on the news that a college student (athlete) is in a medically induced coma because he has the virus and nothing is helping. I also heard that a huge percentage of those who have the virus are between 18 and 44, with New Orleans now watching the numbers climb quickly now from their Mardi Gras celebration this year.

Don't take this virus for granted. It does not care if you THINK it won't be bad.

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:06 pm
by Old Grinner
we as humans think we are invincible yet a creature that is roughly 1 800 000 times smaller than us is giving us a really rough time
The devil is in the details as they say . . ..

What gets me is that when all is said and done with this COVID-19 pandemic I think what will be remembered the most is the toilet paper shortages and hoarding. All the other associated memories will file in after that. Sounds strange I know. Time will tell.

I don't mean to sound crass but judging by the fact that governments have to institute "lock down" policies, despite all the media reports, and to take it a step further enforce those polices, just goes to show ignorance is bliss. This may add a whole new meaning to "A few bad apples don't spoil the whole barrel". Perhaps someday "A few bad apples don't spoil the whole barrel but keep the lid on just in case" will be more appropriate. :geek:

Ride when you can . . . keep the spirit alive! 8)

The world is a vampire. :o o_O :?

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:45 am
by Mel46
If there was a cure, or even a good chance that the average person could beat this, it would not be so big of a deal...but the fact is that it IS a big deal, and no one should ignore it.

I keep finding stories about young adults gathering together because they think nothing can happen to them. I saw pictures of beaches packed with people, and I recently saw pictures of "business as usual" in Miami. With attitudes like that it will make the job of the CDC much harder. Imagine trying to chase down WHERE the outbreak started when all of the participants have gone home!

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:40 am
by Old Grinner
I keep finding stories about young adults gathering together because they think nothing can happen to them.
What really isn't being talked about much is the "It could come in waves" thing . . .. :roll:

Social distancing is paramount to fighting this virus pandemic and when people, whatever age, ignore the recommendations of experts it clearly shows their lack of concern for others.

It will be interesting to see how things play out.

For the sake of humanity I hope once we get through this hurdle we can breath a sigh of relief.

However, history indicates in some cases these flu pandemics come in waves. Subsequent waves can be more deadly than the first. ... resurgence

The eye of the storm (wishful thinking) may only be a temporary reprieve from the horror that could follow. So throwing caution and good science to the wind is shear stupidity. When I hear about "restarting" the economy next month some time all I can think of is "the glue isn't dry yet". Things may not hold together and we could end up back where we started. Better to be safe than sorry. Listen to the medical professionals is my recommendation. :geek:

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:27 pm
by easyrider
Beaches are actually a good place to be.Virus cannot live in a strong UV environment very long.Sun therapy is one of best cures for bacterial and viral infections.But nobody knows that or talks about.Rather sell the high priced pharmaceuticals.

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:51 pm
by Old Grinner
Beaches are actually a good place to be.Virus cannot live in a strong UV environment very long.Sun therapy is one of best cures for bacterial and viral infections.But nobody knows that or talks about.Rather sell the high priced pharmaceuticals.
I saw something on the news last week about some kind of UV light machine that can treat used masks and kill the bacteria so they can be reused.

By the same token here's an interesting article about the UV effect on bacteria. ... ronavirus/

As long as people "socially distance" in general it will go a long way in the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19.

Recently I've seen an uptick in the number of people hanging out and jogging etc . . . around the beach areas especially . . . and most of them are using good judgement keeping spaced apart. That said, I saw a bunch of people sitting in the back of a pick up truck watching the sun go down and thought to myself that they could be pushing their luck. Others were out on the sand bars and scattered around watching their dogs run and not so close together.

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:10 pm
by Ganglylamb
UV does kill viruses and bacteria - however if it is already inside you it does not matter; I also use it in my pond to get rid of nasty algae spread during hot summers. If it would be killing the virus when already infected I'd be using my TIG welder all day long just to be on the safe side- but then I would definitely get skin cancer if I was not wearing any protective clothing

Re: ny is rough

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:19 am
by Old Grinner
Rhode Island is now having the National Guard check traffic coming across the state border . . .. ... s-from-ny/

These events will soon pass (hopefully soon) and become part of text book Global History to be taught to future generations. :geek: :?