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Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:02 pm
by gn2
Won't be taking scooter to work tomorrow, its looking a wee bit draughty.....
Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 22.00.07.png
Screenshot 2020-02-07 at 22.00.07.png (28.64 KiB) Viewed 913 times
(those wind speeds are mph)

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:33 pm
by fish
You Brits are too complicated.
What is that in Euros?

Wait!...that black ball at the bottom is wind speed ??!!
Best stay home.

Impressed Fish here.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 10:46 pm
by Old Grinner
Same reason I didn't ride mine today. Wind Warnings were posted with gusts pushing 60+MPH.

So I went for a walk instead and saw some serious waves.

Actually I had to be careful waking because the gusts would almost take me off my feet. On the return I had to be careful not to get sand and grit in my eyes. Notice the flag in the distance . . .. :roll:
On the last pic you can see the residue from the salt spray on the lens. 8)

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:12 am
by Mel46
I woke up this morning to snow. Really?? The day before yesterday was flood day. I spent most of the day with my shop vac, trying to slow the flooding in my basement. ...and now it snows?? This weather is not making a lot of sense. This is the South, like in the southern part of the United States. Weird.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:39 pm
by WhiteNoise
LOOK at those waves. Yikes! That's all I can get out of My big mouth lately! The Weather is just off the wall and I fear it will continue along scary paths.

Everyday we read see hear about "what's going on" weather-wise. If you hear about it, you know it's Not good. We're hearing too much. We don't always See it. Others do. But Our turn comes.

I pray All riders check their weather before deciding to ride. I know some don't. That practice should change, must change. Make that change!

It's been a Blast here too. Wind blast that is. See OldG's photo's and gn2's table....We're Not alone. Mother Nature's kickin' arse - Everywhere! She's in control, pay attention.

Glad you forfeited the ride gn2. Yer Smart anywho. I'd expect that from you ;) and many other's as well.

Sayin' it again....have R. E. S. P. E. C. T. For yourself, for Mother Nature, for your Loved ones.
Check the weather B4 Riding. Sooo...Simples

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:21 pm
by gn2

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:41 am
by Old Grinner
It will take a long time to undo the environmental damage that's been done already and yet the debates continue over whether auto manufacturers should produce internal combustion, hybrid, fuel cell, or all electric (48 volt EV's) vehicles.

At the end of the day the solution to stop wreckless pollution is in the hands of the consumer.

I see the tidal swamps and marshes filling up more often now than they used to. And, to the point, not even when it's a major storm. Nobody can tell me the oceans aren't rising.

Just my two cents.

Bring on the bikes and scooters and say good-bye to the noxious polluters!

And eat more plants. :D

This pic was taken in 2008. Marsh grass is totally covered. It shouldn't under normal circumstances look like a lake unless there was a Nor' Easter or Hurricane or Full Moon high tide. Under what used to be normal tidal conditions the marsh grass would always be exposed . . . even at high tide . . . with just meandering creeks.
This pic was taken last Autumn looking back at where the previous pic was taken from . . . not high tide. The ocean levels are indeed inching their way higher now year after year.
Fortunately at low tide the marsh grass and creeks still remain in view . . .. For now.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:02 am
by iceman
It was supposed to be bad in London, winds of 50-60 mph but we have had far worse the past year - just strong but short gusts of wind (I've been blown sideways much more previously than during this storm) and partially flooded roads but not complete blocked mini round-abouts as per heavy rain. Rode to and from work 7pm evening and 8am morning off nights and had no issues.

Re: global warming, and not to drag this topic too far off course - some scientists have published work saying between now and 2050, we need a global warming of 1-2 degree's to offset the sun-spot minimum period from now till 2050 as the temp coming from the sun will drop 1-2 degree's that will cause havoc for crops and other things. (also, most of the global warming is from highly increased sea bed lava outlets that are pooring so much gas and heat into the sea - nothing to do with man, a normal cyclic thing the earth has always gone through just like ice-age periods.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 10:33 am
by Mel46
I recently read a report that stated that the ocean levels are rising at an unprecedented speed, and that we can expect a rise of 8 to 10 feet minimum within the next 100 years. Think about coastal cities that are right on the water now. Any cities with sea walls already my find the sea level to be OVER the walls, not counting high tide, storms, or windy conditions. Some cities or parts of cities will no longer be above water.

Now think about the fact that an iceberg the size of a state in the United States just broke off in the Antarctic and floated out to sea. How much water will be added to the sea level just from that one iceberg? Yes, global warming is real.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 11:35 am
by gn2
Flooding map here

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:01 pm
by you you
The houses next door to me flooded as their defences didn’t work. Ours were put out but not needed.

Some damage to the railings next to the river from branches coming down the river but repairable.

Still bloody raining

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:17 pm
by Old Grinner
There's a movie that was made 14 years ago called "An Inconvenient Truth". It's worth a watch. 8)

You may recognize the guy . . . Al Gore . . . who was Vice President of the U.S..

Here's just a couple of short clips.

And as an added note I recently read a statement by an electrical engineer who sees a better environmental protection solution through the use of hydrogen fuel cells, cold fusion, and room temperature superconducting. The new batteries that are being made for electric vehicles are indeed toxic and will present expensive recycling issues.

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:20 pm
by Old Grinner
Just to add a little humor to the situation . . ..

I've posted this before but not in a while.

And what about this eh? :lol:

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:39 pm
by Old Grinner
Flooding map here
Where's Pangea? :lol:
Still bloody raining
Sorry to hear about your neighbor's flooding problem. A messy and potentially expensive ordeal. Hope the rain ceases. :roll:

Re: Not riding tomorrow...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:48 pm
by Ganglylamb
gn2 wrote:Flooding map here
Awesome, I will have a house by the beach by 2050... Then again from the looks of it I'll have to invest in a boat as I will be stuck on an island...

On topic, today while riding to work I got severe sidewinds and had to leave the main road, which is very exposed to sidewinds, because it was no longer safe to ride. Luckily no cars were near me when it occurred. Next time I take the back roads with these kind of gusts! Lesson learned!