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Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:52 am
by fish
These two police cars came a'racing up and had me surrounded this morning.
I had some of my coffee ("Mexican", this morning), got up, faced the wall, and "assumed the position."

("Well...7 years of scooter riding and loafing with coffee on the sidewalk has finally come to this.")

After awhile, I edged over to my little table and had some more coffee and a little bite of my cinnamon roll, still leaning on the building, with my feet spread properly. ("No telling when my next meal is coming.")

The cute girl in the short-shorts who walks her big dogs by me every day, mumbled something like ,"That guy gets weirder every week" when she passed.

"What's the hold up here?..."

Turns out the boys were just checking a cat activated motion alarm across the street.

"Thought I was finally busted for vagrancy!", I said.
They laughed, shook their heads, "We've been watching you for years - So, how many scooters do you have?"

Free, to ride another day.....


Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 1:50 pm
by gn2
They were probably worried you were going to eat all the donuts.

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 4:00 pm
by Old Grinner
Johnny Law quickly closing on your 1020 will definitely get your pupils dilated. :o o_O :?

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:24 pm
by JohnL
Something about a police car in the rearview mirror makes us become a nervous law-abiding citizen immediately. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 6:19 pm
by Mel46
In my area the law doesn't have time to stop anyone on traffic violations or vagrancy. They spend most of the day going to accidents caused by the people who think traffic laws are for everyone else.

▪︎The light is red? I have things to do. No one is in the intersection, so it is mine. I got there first.
▪︎ Bumper to bumper traffic going the direction I need to go? Red light a block away, so no one is using the oncoming traffic lane. Its mine now. I'll just cut back over in the intersection when the light changes.
▪︎ Right turn only lane up ahead. No one is using it, so it will be my straight lane. I can make good time if I don't drive slow. I will just cut back over into straight lane traffic when I get to the intersection.
▪︎ 5 O'clock traffic slowdown. I'm too important to sit in traffic like everyone else. I can make better time if I cut through the shopping center at full speed. Anyone in my way will just have to move. Pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way when I come through. I shouldn't have to use my horn. They can just get out of my way.
▪︎ Stop signs? You can stop for ME. I don't have time to stop.

You get the picture. This is normal behavior around here, so the cops are really busy during rush hour traffic, or just about any time.

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2019 7:16 pm
by Old Grinner
You get the picture. This is normal behavior around here, so the cops are really busy during rush hour traffic, or just about any time.
Ignorance is bliss . . ..

I saw my share of stupidity today also. :roll:

Each year there is more and more competition for space on the roads.

Lately I hear about a lot of people being killed or run over on sidewalks from drivers going off the road. Cars crashing into buildings also. Just how lame can it get? o_O

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 7:07 am
by fish
JohnL wrote:Something about a police car in the rearview mirror makes us become a nervous law-abiding citizen immediately. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, a week ago, coming into town, the policeman was sitting near my stop sign.
I did the prettiest full-stop-two-feet-down use-turn-signal stop you ever saw! before turning.
Headed for my coffee at 5:45 AM, "let's not the morning off badly".

Re: Busting the Fish for vagrancy?!

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:14 am
by Mel46
When I wake up to no sirens I think the madness has stopped. I get my coffee, open the back door, and listen to the birds and other creatures of nature....until the sirens start again.

We must have 15 senior living facilities within a mile of my house, and more are being built. Add the crazy, stupid drivers, and you can bet that if it isn't the police it is the EMTs who are going somewhere in a hurry.

In the Spring and Summer the trees buffer the sound, and also give us the feeling of being away from all of this madness. Fish, you are lucky that you can ride those back country roads in peace. It would take me about 30 minutes to get to anywhere that is even close to your kind of peace and quiet.