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Hello Hi-Tech . . . Goodbye Connective Tissue

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:32 pm
by Old Grinner
I think the medical industrial complex is going to love these gadgets. :D

On the short term I'm thinking folks will be thrown from these personal mobile devices from hitting things like bottle caps, pebbles, road/sidewalk surface irregularities, misc. small debris and more . . ..

On the long term these poor people will start to age out prematurely and have connective tissue problems from lack of movement and inflammation.

Mammals are meant to move. It's important for functional longevity. :geek:

The amount of time that people actually get to exercise by walking on their daily routine would be drastically reduced. They are already saying that this younger generation will be the first to be outlived by their parents. But are "they" correct. That theory has been scrutinized . . ..

All that said they do move people around in a more environmentally friendly way (unless their local power generation plant is fossil fuel fired) and are quite portable.

A car in a bag. Who would have ever thought! :geek:

The three wheeler looks interesting though. Torrot Velocipedo?

The whole thing is uncharted territory. :o

The pros and cons will be debated for years. What sells will be here to stay. ;)

Welcome to the future . . . again. :roll: