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Indicators not working

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:00 am
by Ganglylamb

As title says, the indicators sometimes do not work (with sometimes I mean in the past 6 months twice... does not seem a lot but can be quite frustrating - from now on this will be one of my pre-ride checks everyday). On this forum I have read many times to clean the switch etc.
Those two times it happened all the other lights were functioning correctly except indicators and hazard lights switch (which of course also control the indicators).
Each time this happened I turned the ignition key to stop the engine and cut electricity to all circuits, turn engine back on - still not working.

What did make them function again was to turn the ignition key off, take the key out completely. Next put the key back in, power up the system (no engine start)... Somehow taking the key out makes a difference.

Has anyone had this particular issue before?
Thanks in advance, not really a serious issue as I know how it can be 'fixed' (resolved at the time) but as stated, it just frustrating when you are riding and after a couple of turns you notice the lights at the dashboard are not blinking (I do not look down everytime I use the indicators to see if the are properly functioning...).

Re: Indicators not working

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:28 am
by Mel46
I changed out my flasher relay to one that beeps. Now I know when the turn signal is on. You might have a problem in the switch, in the relay, or in some other area. If you have already sprayed out the switch, I would change the associated devices, one at a time. I would change the relay first. Then I would go to the next at a time. I would suspect them.

Re: Indicators not working

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 1:29 am
by Lafree
Hi, 2016 Pcx I had intermittent indicators for a long time changed the switch no different sometimes they worked sometimes not then two month ago I had a recall letter to change led voltage controller which Honda garage replaced all ok since, the unit is under the cover below the windscreen as I notice there are marks on the cover where they levered it off. lafree

Re: Indicators not working

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:09 am
by Ganglylamb
@Lafree: Thank you for this information; I just checked on the Belgium Honda motorcycle website for any recalls and entered my VIN and it states the following:

"There is a recall action/update for your vehicle:

* Pcx125/150 genuine honda top box detaching
* Lcu failure"

With LCU probably being Led Control Unit. It further states I can get it fixed without any cost at my local Honda dealer - I will contact this dealer and see what he says (I bought my PCX second hand so not sure if the recall for free also applies to me - I sure hope so).

Re: Indicators not working

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 12:02 pm
by WhiteNoise
Perfect! 8) So it's a "Recall." Sure they would have to, and Do Remember, Honda stands behind their product(s)! Said with a wink.
Please Keep Us posted. Two winky-e-dinks (4 actually with only 2 winking at the same time. Fancy that) :P :lol:

Re: Indicators not working

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:58 pm
by Ganglylamb
To keep you posted: haven't got around to get to the dealer with this. Today however I received a written letter from Honda about this stating they got my information from the DIV and it said that they would like to get my bike to the dealer to get it fixed because there is an official recall on this part controlling the lights. So I'll make an appointment soon with the dealer to finally get this sorted out.

Hooray for Honda they really are premium with respect to customer service, at least that's my opinion!

Edit: have to add they stated all repairs will be for free , so even though I bought it second hand they still follow up on their products after several years ;)