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Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an end.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:00 am
by Mel46
My wife and I have been seriously discussing selling our bikes. Her doctor has advised her not to ride any more, and she seems to be afraid when I take mine out for a spin, so this is a heads up that we will probably put them up for sale soon.

I can't think of any other upgrades to put on the bikes, aside from a big bore kit, which I don't think either one needs.

I told her that I wanted to upgrade the headlights on hers first, since I already have the bulbs, but that is going to depend on the amount of time I have for doing it. I have been picking up the slack, so to speak, since she was sick and now my doctor has decided that I have enough excess energy that it would be a good time to lower my morphine dose, which will put me in bed more often. Hmmp.

In any case, I do need to wash and shine up our little red funmobiles before I offer them. I will let you know when I put them on Craigslist. Where else would be a good place to advertise them?

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:27 pm
by WhiteNoise
Oh no. I'm so sorry to read this Mel and was hoping I never would.
We know Health comes first. Somehow it always seems to get in the way, and sometimes (lots of times) makes decisions for us. Otherwise we'd be sitting on the fence doing it "our way." Heh, ya can't blame us it's the way we've lived to this point. In control. Letting go is never easy. Painful in fact. But, we Swallow Hard, Knowing it is was it is, and move forward from there. BIG Sigh.
I pray for you both. I'm glad you were given the ok to tool around still on the scoots. Installing lights will keep your mind busy and you'll be doing what you enjoy doing.
Show us your results when completed.

As far as where to sell....
Post them here of course. In our for sale board.
Many folks have read how well cared for they are and with many mods and additions.
Do mention that the 2013 (150) models go faster than their siblings - prior yrs and even after.
If you're up to it, take and post a few "sunny outdoor" photos. Different angles. Close ups too. Remember to take pics with the sun behind you (at your back). Crisp lit pics speak volumes.

I have used both Craigslist and Cycletrader with success. With some experience you can weed through the scammers that might reply. After all, Mama didn't raise no stupido's right?
You'll know ;)

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:38 pm
by easyrider
This will go fast on C.L. Mine went in two days. These scooters are really hot and in demand, especially if you are in a retirement area or college venue.Many RV people want them for their motor home and carry them on the rear bumper. They hold their price pretty good.. I made money on mine after two years of usage. good luck.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 4:51 pm
by Mel46
Thanks everyone. I CAN say that mine have options that no other bike has....especially lights. My last upgrade involved adding my own kinds of hazard blinkers.
They have a switch on the handlebars just for them...BUT, I set them up so that they work with the turn signals when you are signaling to turn.
bike hazard lights.jpg
bike hazard lights.jpg (235.17 KiB) Viewed 1796 times
Now if only the new owners will use turn signals...and maybe even the hazard lights if they have a problem. :roll:

Well, it has been fun not only to ride but to also work on them, but as we get older we start to realize our limitations.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:58 pm
by Sandymay
Wishing you all the best

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:02 am
by Truebrit
I’m so sorry to hear this Mel. I’ve not been here long but have enjoyed your posts, I hope you stick around and continue to post. I would have been interested in one of your bikes but just bought a 19 six weeks ago.

For all reading this, continue to enjoy your bikes, as a retiree and older rider, time goes FAST! I’m sure it speeds up the older I get!

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:40 pm
by JohnL
Truebrit wrote:
For all reading this, continue to enjoy your bikes, as a retiree and older rider, time goes FAST! I’m sure it speeds up the older I get!
Amen to that. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:14 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:My wife and I have been seriously discussing selling our bikes. Her doctor has advised her not to ride any more, and she seems to be afraid when I take mine out for a spin, so this is a heads up that we will probably put them up for sale soon.

I can't think of any other upgrades to put on the bikes, aside from a big bore kit, which I don't think either one needs.

I told her that I wanted to upgrade the headlights on hers first, since I already have the bulbs, but that is going to depend on the amount of time I have for doing it. I have been picking up the slack, so to speak, since she was sick and now my doctor has decided that I have enough excess energy that it would be a good time to lower my morphine dose, which will put me in bed more often. Hmmp.

In any case, I do need to wash and shine up our little red funmobiles before I offer them. I will let you know when I put them on Craigslist. Where else would be a good place to advertise them?

Ffs Mel man up.

Get yourself out on the bike. You’ve made quite an influence on my life, and I really admire you, but some things you need to do.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:15 pm
by springer1
Sorry to hear this Mel. Maybe sell 1 and keep the other for an infrequent ride just to say you still do that occasionally. My Triumph that I’ve had for more years than I remember - about 40? - turns 50 years old next year and that’s what I’m doing with her (Roxanne). Just keep one to put a few miles on occasionally maybe.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 12:46 am
by alx123
I'm feeling melancholic reading this.

Someone said that "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

But I guess some things like health or spending time with family is more important than any play that we do.

At least keep the bike to ride sometimes or have it inherited by someone younger in the family tree? Gotta pass the love for riding as
if it runs in the blood.

All the best.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:01 am
by Old Grinner
Mel - stay in the loop and keep posting even if you sell both PCX's.

That said, if you could keep one for a while longer at least you'd have a chance to still sit on it in the driveway and stroll down memory lane. Start it up too! Listen to it purr. :D

All the best to you and your wife. We pray for improved health . . ..

Your contributions to this forum are highly valued and appreciated. ;)

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 10:04 am
by vito
Most of my riding life has been a movement from small engine two wheel vehicles to larger engine bikes. I started with a Honda Elite 125 in the early 1980's right around when I turned 40. I had wanted to ride for years, since I was about 18, but didn't get to do it until I bought the Elite. From there I went to smallish cruisers, then larger cruisers, then sport touring motorcycles, back to big cruisers and now with a 2016 Honda Goldwing. But at 76 and my share of issues I know that this can't last forever. I bought a new PCX150 about a month ago as a second bike, and have had more fun that I would have imagined zipping around town on this nimble little scooter. But riding has become my main passion and giving up riding on two wheels will be a blow that I will trouble accepting. So when I have to admit that the 920 pound Goldwing is just too much for me, I will likely switch to a motorcycle weighing in at 500 pounds or so, and still keeping the scooter as well. After that I might have to go to an even smaller and lighter bike, like one of the 400cc KTM's or the new Royal Enfield Himalaya. At some point I might be down to just a small scooter. And then comes a trike kit, or a CanAm Spyder or a side car rig, or something similar like the Piaggio with the double front wheel set up. Bottom line for me is that I hope to still be riding SOMETHING until close to the very end, whenever that happens.

Years ago I met a man of 85 still riding a BMW full size motorcycle, still taking solo trips across the country. He said that he hopes sometime in his future, but before he has to totally give up riding, that he somehow misses a stop sign and gets taken out instantly by an 18 wheeler that he didn't see, leaving this earth painlessly doing what he loved best in life. I also saw a video on Youtube about a 92 year old Italian riding a Hayabusa every day. So these guys are my role model. Earlier in my life my wife was dead set against me riding out of fear it would leave her alone to raise our kids. I tolerated that sensible attitude for a few decades and then decided it was time for me to take care of me. If my aging wife (now of 53 years and the light of my life) ever says she is afraid for me I will have to tell her that I understand, but that riding is more than something I do, it is in a way the very essence of who I am.

Good luck to you, but I hope you can hold onto one of the scoots and keep at least an occasional foot in the game. Remember that you don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:25 am
by Mel46
I truly appreciate all the kind words. I am finding it difficult to not take my bike out every day now. I do make sure everything works, though they just sit there.

I have to deal with back pain daily that has plaqued me since my accident in the Antarctic many years ago. The doctors have come under a lot of pressure from the DEA, FDA, AMA, and other alphabet soup organizations to eliminate opioids completely from treatment for chronic pain. Some how they believe that the patient can deal with their political problems by dropping their pain meds and taking up some other method of treatment that is acceptable at the moment. We don't really have pain, I guess. In short, my meds have been lowered and my pain has increased, but I have been told to "deal with it because others have." They didn't say how others are dealing though. They probably don't know or care. So, I am dealing...but not riding. At least I can cut the grass and walk the dog still...sometimes.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:57 pm
by Old Grinner
It's too bad the pain won't just go away like with a bad tooth.

It's a nightmare . . . but only for a while. Then the nerve dies and life goes on until you can afford the dental bill to have it removed.

We are all "rootin" for ya Mel (no pun intended). :D

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:18 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:I truly appreciate all the kind words. I am finding it difficult to not take my bike out every day now. I do make sure everything works, though they just sit there.

I have to deal with back pain daily that has plaqued me since my accident in the Antarctic many years ago. The doctors have come under a lot of pressure from the DEA, FDA, AMA, and other alphabet soup organizations to eliminate opioids completely from treatment for chronic pain. Some how they believe that the patient can deal with their political problems by dropping their pain meds and taking up some other method of treatment that is acceptable at the moment. We don't really have pain, I guess. In short, my meds have been lowered and my pain has increased, but I have been told to "deal with it because others have." They didn't say how others are dealing though. They probably don't know or care. So, I am dealing...but not riding. At least I can cut the grass and walk the dog still...sometimes.

The day you stop it stops.

Keep going.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:55 pm
by Eiron
Mel46 wrote:I have to deal with back pain daily that has plaqued me since my accident in the Antarctic many years ago. The doctors have come under a lot of pressure from the DEA, FDA, AMA, and other alphabet soup organizations to eliminate opioids completely from treatment for chronic pain. Some how they believe that the patient can deal with their political problems by dropping their pain meds and taking up some other method of treatment that is acceptable at the moment. We don't really have pain, I guess. In short, my meds have been lowered and my pain has increased, but I have been told to "deal with it because others have." They didn't say how others are dealing though. They probably don't know or care. So, I am dealing...but not riding. At least I can cut the grass and walk the dog still...sometimes.
I've had occasional back pain (compressed disks) and from my limited experience I can only imagine what you're going through. I'm sure you're looking into pain relief alternatives of all kinds! Have you considered CBD, CBD/THC blends, or straight-up medicinal cannabis? I was never a recreational drug user, but if I had chronic pain I'd certainly consider all naturopathic options. I've tried CBD only (no THC) with limited results, but now I'm reading that a small percentage of THC blend (up to 10%) can help activate CBD's effects.

I'd also recommend finding someone knowledgeable on the strains of CBD. I've got one retailer near me who knows which strains help people with different ethnic backgrounds. His explanation is that different ethnic groups are most receptive to the cannabis strains that were indigenous to their origin geography, which makes sense to me. Here in CO, retailers of CBD only (no THC) don't need any special licensing or regulation because there's no "drug" (THC) and it's considered as a nutritional supplement.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:15 pm
by Mel46
The advent of medicinal CBD oil has changed a lot of modern medicine, that for certain. We use it for our aging dog, and it works quite while. However, and I should say Unfortunately, I also have leukemia. I don't let it slow me down. In fact, it is the 12 back surgeries that have been my greatest obstacle. In any case, my cancer doctor has told me that the CBD oil interferes with my cancer meds, though they have not done enough research on it to determine how or to what extent.

That being said, I have good days and bad days. Today is a good day, so I am riding. I just stopped to comment on this thread. It feels sooo right to be out here riding. :-)

Well off to the sunshine and wind. :-)

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 3:29 pm
by you you
Mel46 wrote:The advent of medicinal CBD oil has changed a lot of modern medicine, that for certain. We use it for our aging dog, and it works quite while. However, and I should say Unfortunately, I also have leukemia. I don't let it slow me down. In fact, it is the 12 back surgeries that have been my greatest obstacle. In any case, my cancer doctor has told me that the CBD oil interferes with my cancer meds, though they have not done enough research on it to determine how or to what extent.

That being said, I have good days and bad days. Today is a good day, so I am riding. I just stopped to comment on this thread. It feels sooo right to be out here riding. :-)

Well off to the sunshine and wind. :-)

Good stuff

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:37 am
by Mel46
...and then there are days like today, when I can only move short distances before the pain is too much and I have to either sit in a very comfortable chair or go to bed. This is the part that doctors don't see. This is the time when the morphine they think I don't need would have made all the difference. Thank you DEA, and all the abusers who made this possible. The rest of the pain community thanks you too.

Re: Just a heads up. Our riding time is coming close to an e

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 9:18 am
by fish
Mel46 wrote:...and then there are days like today, when I can only move short distances before the pain is too much and I have to either sit in a very comfortable chair or go to bed. This is the part that doctors don't see. This is the time when the morphine they think I don't need would have made all the difference. Thank you DEA, and all the abusers who made this possible. The rest of the pain community thanks you too.
Good Lord Mel,
Even a minor 'off' in your condition could be a disaster to your body.
Even so, riding with pain meds in your tank is probably not a good idea.
Park the scooter - and when able, maybe do some scooter repairs for others to keep your hand in the game.
