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Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 10:22 am
by WhiteNoise
Yes it is, yes it is, Ohh yes it is.
Our early morn "dusting" of snow never arrived :D We had one hit of snow (4-5") that's it! We're done! Sun Comes Out Tomorrow --> Spring Begin!

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:28 pm
by big bear
rain all day here put about 30 miles on the 2015 zuma its up to 1100 miles now

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:58 pm
by WhiteNoise
Sky is crying, yes it's Raining.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 7:02 am
by Old Grinner
Ugliness just a few hours away . . ..

Possible thunder storms, very heavy down pours, winds approaching 50 MPH.

Happy days are here again . . . NOT!!! :roll:

Maybe I can get one quick trip on the XMax around the loop before the first drops make their appearance. :?

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:06 am
by Old Grinner
Just in time to get a few pics from one location. First sign of sprinkles on the windscreen. The calm before the storm . . . seriously. o_O
And now for the next act. :D

Rain drops keep falling on my head . . .. :roll:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:03 pm
by Old Grinner
Shiver me timbers . . . it's totally on the way with 65 MPH + wind gusts.

If I see a lady riding a bicycle with a carrier basket I'm going to freak! o_O

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:27 am
by Mel46
Holy cow, I don't know who pissed off Mother Nature but she sure let loose yesterday in the Southern part of the United States! Yesterday we were setting up our basement in case a tornado came through during the night. Luckily they missed us, but some states were not so fortunate. I heard that the Louisiana and Mississippi areas were raked with tornadoes. Forget about riding for a little while. The roads will need to be cleared. I think most of our immediate area is OK. I just hope the house we are in the process of buying is.

Be safe out there. If the virus doesn't get you bad weather may!

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:01 pm
by big bear
alot of rain here i did manage to get in about 12 miles on the zuma right before it got bad.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:55 pm
by Old Grinner
Mid-afternoon now and the wind is significantly getting more gusty.

The trees are angry.

During a break in the rain I went out and sorted some fallen branches . . ..

I'm just waiting for the power to go out.

I'll be OK though . . . I've still got plenty of chocolate chip cookies! :lol:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:07 am
by Old Grinner
Holy cow, I don't know who pissed off Mother Nature but she sure let loose yesterday in the Southern part of the United States! Yesterday we were setting up our basement in case a tornado came through during the night. Luckily they missed us, but some states were not so fortunate. I heard that the Louisiana and Mississippi areas were raked with tornadoes. Forget about riding for a little while. The roads will need to be cleared. I think most of our immediate area is OK. I just hope the house we are in the process of buying is.

Be safe out there. If the virus doesn't get you bad weather may!
Glad that's over! :D

Wow . . . not the worst storm but definitely significant. Not like down south. No tornadoes this time.

Thousands of power outages although I lucked out with just a brief burp in the power.

Tons of sticks to pick up today.

Gusts were indeed well over 50 MPH . . ..

I had to do a minor repair on the fascia (house trim near roof line) as the wind peeled back some sheet metal and a nail popped out. I tucked the facing surface back under the drip edge and it's OK now. Added an extra nail for good measure. The roof was still wet but at least the rain had stopped. I cleared off any loose twigs and debris while I was up there.

On and off precip scheduled over the next 8 days but no wind like we had yesterday.

I felt sorry for the power company workers having to deal with the storm conditions plus the COVID 19 precautions.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:05 am
by Yorkie150
I think Mother Nature is really pissed now......

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:39 am
by you you
Yorkie150 wrote:I think Mother Nature is really pissed now......

It’s surprisingly sunny in Yorkshire

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:47 am
by Yorkie150
Yeah but it’s freezing :). And thank goodness we aren’t experiencing tornadoes like our chums across the sea

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 12:10 pm
by WhiteNoise
That Lady! OldG I saw her. She just blew broad daylight! Riding a bicycle, black gear....Big nose, Fugly 'n nasty laugh. What's that all about? She's on a mission so....heads up maties!

Last night pouring rain. Temps dropped. Burr. Plants covered. Sooo weird for May 8-9.
Today, sun's bright (hel-lo, nice to See you) - winds are relentless - taking things sideways.
Those winds making it cold(er).
Tonight again in the mid 30's.

Wait!.....I think I hear Santa o_O

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 11:02 am
by big bear
rain and snow 40 degrees went for a 15 mile ride on the zuma may 11th and have all my winter gear on even heated gloves

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:30 pm
by Old Grinner

Oh yeah . . . it's raining . . . and no scoot ride today. Winds will be picking up as well. Folks in the northeast will hunker down today.

We have to remember though what goes around comes around. Just ask these folks. :lol:

And then there's those who have it good and are generous . . ..

Again, what goes around comes around. :roll: :lol: 8)

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 8:50 pm
by big bear
first rainy day in a while put 30 miles on the 2015 zuma. Went for 3 rainy rides

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 12:11 pm
by WhiteNoise
Plenty of Rain coming Now up the USA east coast. Enter Tropical Storm "Isaias"
Get your rides in now

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:29 pm
by honkerman
WhiteNoise wrote:Plenty of Rain coming Now up the USA east coast. Enter Tropical Storm "Isaias"
Get your rides in now
Roads were a little wet first thing, but all the rain's been staying in the clouds since early morning here.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:35 pm
by you you
Missed the rain this weekend. Or dodged.

Out on the scooters with the wife on Saturday and then a couple of hours on the bike today by myself.
