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Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:23 pm
by Mel46
I seem to recall seeing some cars that race on ice when I was up in Canada many years ago. I wonder what knd of tires they used. Maybe there are scooter tires like them??

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:28 pm
by WhiteNoise did. Then it froze. Temps were below freezing. My truck doors seized. Winds were 40mph.
Yesterday, Mon. sun. Doors opened. YES! Temp 9 degrees. Hot spell.
Today, Tues. temp up-28 degrees. Hats off. T-shirt on. Slight wind.
Tomorrow, temps in mid 40's but Weds rain returns. All afternoon and throughout Thurs.

What can I say? Same 'ol same 'ol wintery precip

Wanna Ride?
"Go without me fish!" :lol:

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:38 pm
by WhiteNoise
Mel46 wrote:I seem to recall seeing some cars that race on ice when I was up in Canada many years ago. I wonder what kind of tires they used. Maybe there are scooter tires like them??
You can make'em Mel! You can calls them, Mel's Grip (without the "e" at the end ;)
Just funnin'....I couldn't resist!

You'd not see me racin' on ice. Not taday, tamale or any dey in my Future.
On Snow? Been there done that. Late teens, Crazy Days. I live to tell o_O

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:10 am
by big bear
ice storm last night i cant stand this i want to ride

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 12:32 pm
by WhiteNoise
Rain here Bear, but come tues/weds we may see some Snow. PA too I bet.

This winter has been treacherous and life threatning throughout the United States. Was it yesterday that a 40 car pile up happened in Wisconsin due to an Unexpected Whiteout storm and Ice? What an alarming chain reaction that created. Frightening.

I'm Not Moon-Walking
Be mindful, walk carefully. I'm like a 100 yrs old lately. Shoveling and cleaning off the truck is a challenge. Black Ice loves my pitched asphalt driveway :o I haven't fallen, but my neighbors have (some more than once). I'm using that fake salt on it ;) It works.

Bring on Spring!

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 3:41 pm
by you you
WhiteNoise wrote:Rain here Bear, but come tues/weds we may see some Snow. PA too I bet.

This winter has been treacherous and life threatning throughout the United States. Was it yesterday that a 40 car pile up happened in Wisconsin due to an Unexpected Whiteout storm and Ice? What an alarming chain reaction that created. Frightening.

I'm Not Moon-Walking
Be mindful, walk carefully. I'm like a 100 yrs old lately. Shoveling and cleaning off the truck is a challenge. Black Ice loves my pitched asphalt driveway :o I haven't fallen, but my neighbors have (some more than once). I'm using that fake salt on it ;) It works.

Bring on Spring!

Fake salt?

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:28 pm
by Mel46
Only use fake salt on fake driveways. :-)

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:17 am
by WhiteNoise
:lol: Good answer Mel!
Might as well call it fake! Mine's cracking and crumbling apart. There are old rotted tree roots underneath making the asphalt sink while the weather is making the driveway heave. Looking Like a roller coaster and....our community plow pushes snow over the apron, breaking that too. "Oh the Humanity!" Attached Neighbor and I plan on getting estimates for replacement in Spring (said with good intentions :D )

2yous, fake salt. I dont know what the heck they calls it! Wait while I chat with me pal, Alexa ;)
It's "Ice Melt." Blends of sodium chloride, calcium chloride or magnesium chloride. It really works.
How I apply: Complete Shoveling. Take Ice Melt to furthest point of driveway and disperse while carefully walking backwards to your entrance. I avoid walking on it. Keep that mess "outside!"

Update: Snow and rain approaching. Weds into Thurs.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:00 am
by Juliatom543
just wait until rain stops

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:58 pm
by WhiteNoise
@Juliatom, I see you're a new member. Please go back to your profile and add your location. See my directions below my post to complete yours asap.

Ya know It could be raining by You, but from where I come from I got this now...
It's snowing.

Shovels Out

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:10 pm
by Mel46
We are SOOO fortunate here. Right now it is not snowing...just raining, flooding, thundering hard enough to shake the ground, and lightning like...Right on top of us. But no snow.

Oh, and there is some idiot out walking in it with has 3 year old on his shoulders and no umbrella. Walking slowly and talking to the child like it was a normal day out there. Yep, we have idiots here.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 5:47 am
by you you
Sunny here. Spring is a coming...

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 10:55 am
by Old Grinner
For me, the first week in March on the extended forecast looks more like February. . .snow showers, rain, freezing rain and the like. We've had way more precipitation the last year or so than we've had in a long time. And just a few years ago it was like a drought. . .reservoirs were drying up and leaving exposed shores and the "masses" were being instructed to conserve water. Extreme to extreme.

Another thing is that it seems to be windy much more often. . .almost every day. . ..

Global Warming is a real thing. It effects the ocean temperatures which effects the currents which effects our weather.

Food production can be adversely effected and the world's population is only getting larger.

When I ride scooters or motorcycles among the big gas guzzling SUV's (usually with just a driver and no passengers) it makes me feel good knowing in some small way I'm helping the cause to reduce the human's carbon footprint. :D

Time for another coffee! :? :o o_O

Re: Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:00 am
by Mel46
I read somewhere that another cup of coffee solves a lot of problems, so I am having a pot of it. :lol: o_O

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:42 am
by WhiteNoise
Rain? Lots and lots starting Sat night and all day Sunday. Winds 45-50mph expected.
Guess where I'll be? :D

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:16 am
by NADman
Sunny-No chance of rain. Ha.

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:26 am
by fish
Not rains but high winds caused a RTB.

Took this scooter out yesterday to the reservoir to blow the cob webs off of me.....


......but decided to return to base. Tree branches were flying about and I think that big top case did not help my tracking.

First time I've ever given up on a ride due to the winds.

*photo is from happier days...No pix today - winds would have blown over my scooter!

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:07 am
by big bear
electric service out all night a tree fell across the road right below my house its back now 25 degrees and windy its kinda hard to believe in global warming when your freezing

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:15 am
by WhiteNoise
It's Still Windy this Monday evening at 11:58pm and it will continue overnight into Tues. with gusts up to 45 mph.

I'm Back tracking now...I was awake most of Sun night into Mon morning due to the wind. The house was snap crackle and popping everywhere. I imagined roof joists were breaking and shingles were flying. Then at some point within the mix of noise I heard a thud. A very deep sounding thud. I got out of bed looked out the window and saw nothing but garbage cans blown over and crap from them blowing everywhere. Don't cha just love that? :x Back in bed I went to rock 'n roll. Very little sleep was had. So beit.
Skipping you past the morning and now onto this afternoon. Our landscapers showed up. They were cleaning, blowing, collecting debri and even mowing w/bagger. The winds blowing, their blowing - kinda dumb I thought. What a mess!
So I got in my truck and took a spin around the community. Everything okay I wondered? No, it was not! Down the road around the block and to my left I see a parked car squashed by a fallen pine tree. I park. I get out, camera in hand and walk towards it. Talk about wind? This is the block behind my townhome. I bet this was that "thud!"

Re: It's Raining......

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:26 am
by WhiteNoise
And with the sun setting, here's the scene later in the day. Scary site heh?
I guess someone's getting a new car