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Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 5:06 pm
by big bear
another cold day here around 50 degrees put 20 miles on the zuma had all my winter gear on

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 8:55 pm
by big bear
took the zuma out for a 10 miler also put about 12 miles on the x max

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:38 pm
by Old Grinner
Got my Zuma out today for only about 5 miles. . .just a quick jaunt after supper. Have been seeing several deer in my neighborhood lately so I'm limiting my night riding for a while.

Very busy doing chores recently so trying to make the best of it until the warmth and regular sunny weather reemerges from the gloom and doom. :roll:

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:29 pm
by big bear
rode 15 miles this morning on the zuma took some dirt roads which i cant take on the pcx or the x max theres deer everywhere i ride so i try to keep the speed down unless im next to open fields im on vacation this week so ill be riding more tommorow

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 9:42 am
by GeorgeSK
Have you guys thought about mounting deer whistles? I have a cousin up in wilds of New Hampshire who swears by them.

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 2:10 pm
by big bear
cant hurt ill give them a try

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 4:04 pm
by Old Grinner
Have you guys thought about mounting deer whistles? I have a cousin up in wilds of New Hampshire who swears by them.
Good advice.

Would rather have them than not have them. I think if they were totally useless they would have stopped selling them a long time ago.

I installed a couple on my Zuma last Autumn of 2018 . . . just above the headlight right and left.

It's too bad people have to paint crap on the scenery way out in the woods but it happens.
About a month ago I put new ones on my XMax too.
Got them on the motorcycles as well. They stick pretty good. Only had to replace a new set on the KLR once. But then again it's over 30 years old too. :D

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 8:01 pm
by big bear
where can you buy them

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 12:56 am
by Old Grinner
where can you buy them
I got the ones for my Zuma and XMax at O'Reilly's Auto Parts Store. They happened to have one in my town.

They have some stores scattered through PA as well . . ..

Here's a link to the product page . . . they list for $6.99 a pair. You can get them in black or chrome colored. ... deer&pos=1

For you to find a store in PA it will be easiest for you just to go directly to their website and search starting from scratch.

However if you decide to use my link then hopefully the instructions below will help.

Go to the search box to find stores near you. Click on the box where it says "Selected Store" which in this case is mine. The Old Saybrook store on the Boston Post Road is listed. You may have to click on "Back to Search Results" near the bottom of the box when it comes up. Then the search window will come up again. You can then choose another store location. The prices are based on the area you live but in all probability it's likely they will be the same price in PA. :geek:

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:56 pm
by big bear
rainy wet day zuma weather put 20 miles on the zuma today

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun May 12, 2019 8:29 pm
by big bear
more rain today took the zuma for a 15 mile ride

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 7:15 am
by Old Grinner
It poured all day yesterday here and I didn't get to ride . . ..

This morning it was in the 40's F. as far as the temperature goes and more rain due this afternoon and evening. Unbelievable! :roll:

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 11:57 pm
by big bear
yes its bad i took a few shorts trips yesterday on the x max and got caught in a downpour on my last trip

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 9:18 pm
by big bear
25 mile ride on the zuma. Put another 15 on the pcx

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:00 pm
by Old Grinner
25 mile ride on the zuma. Put another 15 on the pcx
I had a lot of chores today but was able to get a nice evening ride in on the Zuma. Saw one deer by the side of the road on a country lane and another one later on in a field. Dusk seems to be when they like to emerge from hiding. :lol:

Earlier today I saw another 2019 XMax passing through town. It was good to know there's at least one other that's been sold in my area.

That said I am starting to see more scooters around in general though since the weather has been warming up and more people are on vacation. 8)

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:37 pm
by big bear
i took the x max for a short 8 mile ride. Went to the allegheny national forest with the honda rancher put 39 miles on up there it has a DCT transmission like a few of the honda motorcycles

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:45 am
by fish
Old Grinner wrote:
Have you guys thought about mounting deer whistles? I have a cousin up in wilds of New Hampshire who swears by them.
Good advice.

Would rather have them than not have them. I think if they were totally useless they would have stopped selling them a long time ago.

I installed a couple on my Zuma last Autumn of 2018 . . . just above the headlight right and left.

It's too bad people have to paint crap on the scenery way out in the woods but it happens.
About a month ago I put new ones on my XMax too.
Got them on the motorcycles as well. They stick pretty good. Only had to replace a new set on the KLR once. But then again it's over 30 years old too. :D
I regularly visited the county garage for 30 yrs - where all the Sheriff Deputy cars get serviced. They patrol the rural roads all night. A couple times each month one is brought in following a deer strike.
Every one of those wrecked cruisers has a pair of "deer whistles" on them (which is what the mechanics call the devices :D ) - one of the county commissioners ordered the Sheriff to put them on all the vehicles.
Yeah, they work great - otherwise they wouldn't still be selling them.

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:11 pm
by Old Grinner
I regularly visited the county garage for 30 yrs - where all the Sheriff Deputy cars get serviced. They patrol the rural roads all night. A couple times each month one is brought in following a deer strike.
Every one of those wrecked cruisers has a pair of "deer whistles" on them (which is what the mechanics call the devices :D ) - one of the county commissioners ordered the Sheriff to put them on all the vehicles.
Yeah, they work great - otherwise they wouldn't still be selling them.
When I see wildlife strewn across the highways and roads I travel that were victims of vehicular traffic it does sadden me. Somehow when we graduated from the horse and buggy days and progressed into the era of the automobile the "powers to be" never set a limit on just how fast vehicles should be allowed to travel. There didn't seem to be any consideration for safety of humans or wildlife. It was all about getting somewhere quicker and further and in greater style and comfort. Maybe 30 MPH would have been a good place to stop for maximum legal speed (about what a bicycle is capable of). At least at that speed a critter on foot may have more time to "get out of the way" or a driver/rider would have time to slowdown or stop.

But like anything else somehow "might is right" seems to come into play and between world events, politics, economics and strife nobody remembers who finishes 2nd. :roll:

The deer whistles are supposed to be effective within certain speed ranges. Some manufacturers claim the whistles work at speeds exceeding 35 MPH.

If you are traveling at 65 MPH the chances are a running deer isn't going to have enough time to adjust and adapt his course to accommodate your progress if he/she is already moving along . . . sometimes at 30 MPH. During the mating season the male deer tend to have their mind set on increasing the population and aren't really too concerned about vehicular traffic.

So there will be times when it's just going to be hard luck for both a rider/driver and a deer to cross paths and suffer an ugly outcome.

Here's an example of one product and it's claims . . ..

And here is a link to a page that provides other links for research results. ... stresearch

That said, at moderate speeds the whistles can offer an edge of safety and give the deer (and some other species) a chance to sense the direction you are coming from and either do nothing/remain in place, or move off (hopefully not in front of you).

I've been slammed twice by deer. Once in a car and once in a truck. Since I've started using deer whistles all I can say is that I've never had another deer strike in at least 30 years.

Most of the time I pass deer, or deer herds, they generally look up at me and remain in place. Just recently I was coming along a road near some water sources and a line of deer were just emerging from a path leading out of the woods directly into my path. The first 2 deer speeded up to cross more quickly, the 3rd stumbled and turned around to basically signal the other deer behind it to reverse (I guess) and then it quickly followed the first 2. All this happened at dusk and I leaned on the brakes very hard and all turned out OK. The ABS brakes on the XMax worked great. The sad thing was I didn't have any deer whistles on it at that time. But I do now! :lol:

One thing I have noticed however is that the deer populations seem to be popping up in places where I've never seen them before . . . at least not when I was a lot younger. I think invasion of habitat through development and increasing human populations have displaced wildlife to a point where it's almost like "If you can't beat them then join them". Coyote, bear, bobcat, and turkeys all seem to be moving into suburbia and in some cases the metropolitan areas. I digress . . ..

Bottom line for me is that for less than $10 per vehicle I'll continue to use them and drive with respect for the ever changing nuances of the road and take deer crossing signs seriously. Also, wearing protective gear is a wise decision either way. 8)

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 8:45 pm
by big bear
put 20 miles on the pcx and another 10 on the zuma tommorow im hoping to take the x max out

Re: zuma 125

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:27 pm
by big bear
rainy day today put another 20 miles on the zuma just turned 400 miles on the odemeter