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Re: Singapore trip - AD200

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 2:58 am
by fullmetalscooter
Came across this posting about Roofs scooters. Japan has them for almost any make or model of scooter. Helix , Reflex etc. For what ever reason Japan has them. Guess it has to do with rain and also with the speed they ride at. I spend a while over the last 3 or so years looking at them. If you live where your ride is your only transport then it kind of make sences . In Japan to have a car you have to have a parking spot for it. From my understanding that is mega cash if your house doens't have one. 10 to 50 grand depending on where you are . I could be wrong but thats my be the reason at least in Japan there is a whole industry making these for scooters.