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Re: Sorry for the downtime

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:55 am
by WhiteNoise
We hope Vids will be out of the dark soon. Who knows what causes this crap to happen
My Mama didn't make no tech geek so's I'm no help.

But Dave's Mama did :D Shout Out to Dave! :P

Re: Sorry for the downtime

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:02 am
by maddiedog
Gah! A nightly backup job clobbered the configuration. So I clobbered the backup job into submission then reclobbered the setting.

Sorry for being an absentee admin, I was out of town a week and then had me and my wife's 6th anniversary, so I've been busy as usual! :)

WN, thanks for PM'ing me!