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Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 1:26 pm
by homie
Church was good today WN... funny thing, it was all about patience :D

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 3:17 pm
by WhiteNoise
Good to read. I was there myself, but that was yesterday. A family Communion. The children were adorable. Ceremony beautiful. Regained patience and then some.
I'm set for the week and ready for all ye hooligan's and yer shenanigan's :lol:
(I have the patience of a saint (so I've been told). Hmmm.....(taps chin)

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 12:17 pm
by WhiteNoise
Update: on Monday, 5/7 - I received a phone message from the same gent at Shad.
He tells me he spoke to his warehouse and Yes I will be receiving an exchange for the proper bag and an email with a new tracking number. I will also receive an email attaching a Free return label. If I have any questions call, and have a nice day.

Oooo-kay. Today is Weds 5/10, no emails received, no exchange bag received. Am I surprised? No.
Once again, I will sign into my Shad account to see if they posted anything there. Nothing has been shown there up until now. One never knows what delay they'll be claiming next.

It's Amazing they stay in business treating customer's this way :roll: Bizarre

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 3:25 pm
by homie
If they keep this up they will never sell another product via this website.... you might have to post a sticky about the worst customer service on the planet... SHAD-Y

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:14 am
by WhiteNoise
Yeah Shad-y. Better
A sticky thread? Hmm. We'll see. Tis a shame that they're playing me this way. I emailed Shad yesterday early afternoon (same dude), Up to now I've had no response. I told him I have Not received the 2 promised emails or the exchanged (correct) tunnel bag. I added that I looked online at my account at Shad and saw No adjustments or anything written pertaining to this exchange. I asked that he place some updated info there so I can be abreast of things.
Nothing placed yet.

Waiting :roll: I hate games like this! Plays out long, like monopoly. I'm still on spot: "Chance" but ready to roll the dice (again)

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:31 am
by homie
Link us to their email and your customer order number and I'm sure many forum members like myself will make colorful reviews and email complaints. That 60 bucks will end up costing them a 100k in sales if we start a movement on ebay, amazon and anywhere else they advertise. Reviews can be beautiful or a very, very ugly thing to any business over night.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:51 pm
by WhiteNoise
Thanks for the great input homie, I will keep that on the back burner, my holding card.

Update: the big brown truck pulled up yesterday 5/11 @ 7pm and I meet him at the door. He's gone in a flash and....I'm left holding the bag :lol:
It's a bag alright! I quickly open it. It looked right, but then I saw the attached tag o_O
Oh no, Really? not again!

Flashback: Remember I ordered a SC20 and received a SB22. So I've been waiting for(ever) for the SC20 to arrive. Shad now sends their "SC25" bag.
IS IT ME?? Hel-lo? Have you ever wanted to pick up and move to Mars or where-ever because others JUST DON'T GET IT!? They're not going to move, soooo

Here's the newest addition to my growing collection of New Shad bags:

At 10pm last night I put my fullface Shoei lid inside the SC25 and headed for the garage. Woke WN up by sitting the bag on her tunnel. Hmm...that fits pretty nice. Then I spun it around the other way and that seemed to be the perfect fit. Looked mighty cool too even in the bad lighting. I will re-think this bag.
I may keep it. God knows both bags I received cost more than the SC20 I ordered on 4/16.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:33 pm
by homie
:lol: :lol: :lol: So you have two Shad bags and neither one is the one you ordered. Heck start selling them to get your money back.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 6:44 pm
by ScottDR
That SC20 deal is still on their website but I'm scared to try it out now! Especially with the added cost of shipping it up here.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:47 am
by WhiteNoise
Idea Scott:
Look for a used one on craigslist or eBay
or search google: SHAD SC20 tunnel bag and see what pops up (used/new) locally (within your comfort zone - say 50, 100 or whatever miles away)?

I'm guessing the SC20 to be a really nice bag as I now own 2 of their other model bags.
I've no idea what they've got against sending me the one I ordered - the SC20. So so Weird.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 12:20 pm
by ScottDR
Good point WN! I will have to try that. :)

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:40 pm
by WhiteNoise
Got online today
Now I see this:
20170517_114304-1-695x460.jpg (50.74 KiB) Viewed 2028 times
(That's the bag I ordered in April). Read right under the price:
"Item on Backorder - Available Mid July 2017"
That's big news to me! Never told that by Shad rep.

So, I emailed him and pressed him for answers. Is the SC20 truly on backorder as site states, or has this model been discontinued? (Fellow readers, I did read somewhere online while doing a Google search, that it had been discontinued in Canada).

Aw crap! To be cont. My Cell battery dying. Sorry

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:10 am
by markcap
I ordered one too. I was sent an email a few days later telling me it was indeed on back order till mid-July. Shad quality and a $40 price and only $10 shipping, seems like a good price. I just hope it seats in the tunnel properly and stays put while under way.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 3:45 pm
by WhiteNoise
Okay Mark, so we wait till mid July and like you said, hope that it fits. I have no idea if they're re-shaping it or re-sizing it up or down or keeping it the same. We'll know when they arrive.

I got an email four days ago from the same rep at Shad telling me that "it is indeed on backorder." He asked if I'd like to wait for it, I replied yes, I've waited this long haven't I (since mid April). However, I will not return either of the two bags sent to me in error "Till" I receive the SC20 Tunnel Bag.
I told him of our forum and mentioned that others are interested in this same bag. He wanted to know how many of us were, enough I said. However I won't promote this bag if it doesn't come into fruition. He understood.

So, We.....Wait! Scott, did you get on Shad's list? :roll:

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:05 pm
by ScottDR
No sir I have not. A little scared to do so... But I guess I will now :)

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:49 am
by WhiteNoise
Alrighty then, we musketeers (3) will wait it out.
The SC20 best arrive mid July or else Shad will have us to contend with! :D BOO!!
By the way, do you two have stock seats or aftermarket?

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:05 pm
by ScottDR
Stock, de-humped and seat cover by Cheeky Seats.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:28 am
by WhiteNoise
Cool Scott, then I think you'll be fine fitting the bag in front of your stock seat. Btw, I think those cheeky seat covers are great! I've been tossing that cover idea around for years.
Right now I have an aftermarket seat installed that I think is larger all around and front to back, thus consuming a bit more of my "tunnel" area.
image.jpeg (51.22 KiB) Viewed 1868 times
So I'm hoping it won't need to be crammed into position. I have my stock seat too, so no biggie. If I revert to the stock seat that will give me an excuse to recover it with a "Cheeky" ;)

Always a method to my Madness! (Hold those comments boyz :lol: )

See what I'm talking about? WhiteNoise with Aftermarket Saddle
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Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:09 pm
by ScottDR
Ah yes, that may be a little tight.

Re: Shad Tunnel Bag on Sale

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:45 pm
by ScottDR
Update. I finally got around to ordering mine on the weekend. I just got this reply:

"Thank you for your recent SHAD Order.

Unfortunately our SC20 Scooter Bags are currently out of stock, we do not expect them to come back in until late July."

Crap, now late July. But they didn't state what year! Heh, we'll see how it goes.